Lanturn Festival

Steven looked over the yukata selection with a small frown. He hadn't worn one before since it was more of a Kanto and Johto thing than a Hoenn one. Of course, he probably had as a baby or toddler since his mother had been from Johto. That was one of the few things he knew about his mother, she had died when he was just four years old and his father pretty much shut down when it came to discussing her. A bitter taste settled on his tongue as he thought about it. He jumped a bit when a hand settled on his shoulder and looked to the side into a pair of concerned green eyes, "You okay, Steven? You're burning a hole in that yukata. Granted lime green with pink flowers is definitely not a good combination for anyone, but it doesn't deserve to be glared at like that."

"It's not the yukata," Steven put it back, "I just thought about something,"

"A bad thing from what I can see," Vali eyed him for a few moments before she began rooting through the yukata, "Anything you want to talk about?"

Steven contemplated her question as she picked up a dark blue yukata for a few moments before putting it back with a tsking sound. It wasn't something that really effected him much since he didn't really remember his mother outside of some rather fuzzy memories or when he asked Metagross to dig some up. Thinking about it carefully, he said, "Yukata are more of a Kanto and Johto thing than a Hoenn one. I haven't worn these since I was a toddler back when my mother was still alive."

Vali paused for a moment before placing down the dark red yukata she'd picked up, "I'm sensing that there's more to the story."

"My father shuts down when it comes to discussing my mother. From what I can remember, she died during a kidnapping and robbery gone wrong," Steven barely remembered the blur of memories that came from the days after they found out, "My father loved her a lot and it hurts him so much to talk about her. He never really recovered from losing her,"

Steven understood that even if it didn't take away the bitterness that burned inside of him. He pushed those feelings down as Vali spoke in a soft voice, "I don't have any right to weigh in on this, but I'm guessing that you feel a bit angry about it."

"More bitterness than anger," Steven replied with a frown.

"I'm sorry about your mother, Steven, but at the very least, you have your dad," Vali picked up a dark gray yukata with little navy blue waves on it, "Maybe one day he'll be able to talk about her,"

A part of Steven wanted to snap at Vali, but she understood his pain to a point. Unlike him, she'd lost both her parents and didn't have the ability to draw on memories of them like he did save for a single horrible moment of watching her mother die. Taking a deep breath, he smiled, "True enough."

"Since we're going to participate in the lantern festival, you can make one for your mother," Vali held out the yukata she'd been looking over, "Try this one on, I think you'll look good in it,"

Steven took it from her feeling a bit surprised by the almost silky texture, "Did you find yours already?"

"Yeah, I can't wait to wear it," Vali grinned a bit, "Now go try that one on, I'll find another one if this one doesn't work out,"

"Thank you, Vali," Steven told her as he moved towards the dressing rooms.

"No problem," Vali offered him a warm grin.

Steven headed to the dressing room with a slight smile on his lips. He felt a bit better after telling Vali and a bit less bitter. He thought about the lanterns and decided to try it. It's not like he had anything to lose especially since it's not like he'll be able to go back to Hoenn in time to visit his mother's grave on the anniversary this year.

Steven ended up choosing Vali's second option which was a black yukata with steel blue wave designs. The first had been a bit too small for him to wear which was unfortunate since he had liked it quite a bit. It brought back a memory of wearing something similar while walking through a shrine with his mother. Now, he was waiting for Vali to finish getting dressed so they could join the other festival goers. Looking up as he heard a door open, he watched Vali exit her room in the pokemon center with Balto at her side. Her other pokemon were a bit too big to be wandering around freely outside of Idril and Terra, they were a bit too rare for the fire-type master-in-training to risk letting them walk around during an event like this.

Vali was wearing a black flame patterned dark red yukata. To his surprise, she had actually done something with her hair rather than keep it down. Portions of her hair were braided together into a chain that kept the rest of her hair in a rather messy looking bun. A set of flower pins kept it in place alongside a dark red ribbon that was woven through the braided chain. She wore a pair of what looked like black ballet flats. To finish off the outfit, she had a pair of ruby studs in her ears. She looked around before catching sight of him, "Sorry if I made you wait long, I had a little trouble getting my hair like this. It never wants to stay in position even if I'm using magic on it."

"It's fine. You look wonderful," Steven replied waving off the apology.

Vali smiled at him, "You definitely look really good too," Wartortle made a small sound and she giggled, "You're look good too, Wartortle. Are you looking forward to having some fun?"

Wartortle made a sound of agreement and grinned at her. Vali patted his head and they headed downstairs. Before they left the pokemon center, Vali had Nurse Joy take a picture of them much the pink haired nurses' amusement.

The lantern festival was boasted multiple games, foods, and other activities besides making lanterns. Vali ended up participating in a few events that catered to traveling trainers. She pulled Steven into them as well ensuring that both of them had fun. As it was a festival, she allowed her pokemon to act like the gluttons they were and eat as much as they wanted since the food was relatively cheap. She ended up buying a few interesting trinkets she'd be sending home including a paper lantern ornament that she knew Delia would absolutely love. She bought a small trinket for Steven, a glass Aggron that looked like it was made of origami. She planned on giving it to him tomorrow when the festival was over with. Of all the Lantern festivals she'd participated in, she liked this one the best.

Vali sat down next to Steven at one of the lantern making stations and painted a rather crude looking lion on her lantern. She painted a deer and a lily as well though only the lily turned out nice. She looked over at Steven's and giggled a bit, "Having a little trouble?"

"A bit," Steven's cheeks flushed a little.

"What are you trying to paint? I'm not very good, but mine don't look like formless blobs," Vali showed him hers.

"I'm trying to paint some wisteria vines," Steven's voice turned a bit soft, "My mother loved them a lot and Father keeps a garden of them,"

Vali's amusement died down into understanding and she changed out Steven's paint covered lantern for a clean one. She painted some wisteria vines as she said, "According to Siri, my mom wanted to name me Wisteria. My dad vetoed it since he thought I'd get teased a lot. I'm still not clear on why they named me Valkyrie or Rosebud since Wisteria would probably be a nice name," She glanced at him, "My mom loved them too. I barely remember it, but my mom used to wear some kind of perfume with wisteria in it."

Steven let out a small chuckle, "That's an interesting coincidence."

Vali hummed softly as she finished painting the wisteria vines, "They might not be the best, but they're still something."

The wisteria vines were a bit crude, but you could still make out what they were supposed to be.

Vali's letter to her parents was a short one that mostly summarized her journey so far, her dreams for the future, and her fears. She placed it within her lantern as Steven did the same with his and they followed everyone to the edge of a river that fed into the ocean. The lanterns were lit by the Gym Trainers that were participating in the festival then sent down the river. The scene created by the floating lanterns was beautiful and Vali took as many pictures as she could of the action. After all the lanterns had been sent off, everyone returned to their homes or places of rest.

Vali looked through the pictures she'd taken that night with a smile as she walked beside Steven, "These are awesome, I can't wait to see how they look when they're developed."

Vali held out her camera to Steven and he began going through the pictures as well, "These are amazing, Vali. I'm sure Delia will love them."

"Do you want to send some home as well?" Vali asked as Steven paused at a photo of him and Metagross receiving a rather large stuffed Pikachu doll.

Steven contemplated her offer before nodding, "I think that would be a nice idea."

"Delia would probably have some good ideas about which photos to send," Vali took her camera back when Steven held it out to her, "By the way, what are you going to do with that really big Pikachu doll?"

"Do you want it?" Steven asked as they reached the pokemon center.

Vali shook her head, "Thanks for the offer, but no. I don't have the room in my bag for it and doll's aren't my kind of thing. Ash on the other hand will likely appreciate it. He loves anything to do with pokemon."

"Then I'll send it to Delia and have her hold onto it until Christmas as a present for Ash," Steven decided as they headed for the stairs.

Vali hugged Steven once they reached the doors to their rooms, "Thanks for doing this with me, Steven."

"It's no problem. I had a lot of fun," Steven hugged her back.

Letting go, Vali yawned softly, "I'm off to bed. See you in the morning."

"See you in the morning," Steven replied and she headed to her room.

After changing into her night clothes and letting her hair down, Vali folded the yukata up and set it to the side alongside the pins she'd borrowed. She would return them tomorrow once she got some rest. Releasing everyone while feeling thankful that her room in the pokemon center was big enough to fit everyone, she brushed her teeth before joining them on the bed. Everyone curled up as close as they could with Eevee deciding to curl up against her neck. Tonight had been a really good night.