Eevee's recovery chronicles

On the day Eevee finally woke up, Vali had been visiting for most of the morning though she would have to leave soon for lunch and training with Steven. Vali didn't notice Eevee was awake at first due to Pikachu getting into a fight with Smaug that was quickly getting out of control. She grabbed Smaug as Balto pounced on Pikachu, "Both of you, you're going to wake up Eevee with your noise. You heard Nurse Joy, he needs to rest," Both looked a bit sheepish though Smaug was looking away from her, "I know both of you are going a bit stir crazy, but have some patience please."

Pidgey let out a trill prompting Vali to look at her. Pidgey pointed her wing at the bed and Vali looked down to see Eevee's eyes open. She smiled warmly at the Eevee though she didn't get close to him, "Hello, Eevee. I'm happy to see that you've woken up. You gave my partners and I quite the scare," Eevee glared at her and hissed, "I know you probably don't want to see another human after what happened, but I kept my promise to you. You're in a pokemon center and your former scumbag of a trainer and his cronies is being put behind bars. I..." Vali took a deep breath, "I got you to Nurse Joy and you're going to make it. I don't know what to say to you other than the fact I'm so happy that I managed to get you here in time," Balto nuzzled her lightly as he got off of Pikachu, "You're going to be taken to Professor Oak's in a day or two now that you've woken up."

The door opened and Nurse Joy entered, "Vali, you're time is up."

"Eevee woke up," Vali told the nurse gaining a relieved smile.

"Say your goodbyes for today," Nurse Joy told her before leaving the room.

More than likely, she would be gathering some equipment to do a deeper check on Eevee now that he was awake. Vali turned to Eevee as she slowly stood up, "You heard Nurse Joy, it looks like my partners and I have to leave. I'll be back tomorrow to see how you're doing and tell you about Professor Oak. You'll probably enjoy the corral a lot once you're healed up," Vali reached out only to pause when Eevee growled and dropped her hand making the growling stop, "I won't push you Eevee. I just want you to know that I hope you'll get better. I'm not allowed to release you right now otherwise I would because that's clearly what you want. I hope that you eventually see that not all humans are bad, but that's going to take a lot of time. Trust me, I know the feeling," Vali put down Smaug and headed for the door, "See you tomorrow, Eevee."

Vali held the door open for her pokemon and walked out behind them before closing it. She paused and stared through the glass observation window at Eevee. He glared at her through the glass. She smiled at him and waved before heading down the corridor towards the lobby.

Vali walked into the room and found Eevee staring out of the window. With twitching ears, he turned and immediately began growling at her. Instead of coming in close like before, Vali took a seat in the far visitors chair by the door. She spoke as Eevee glared at her, "Hello, Eevee. I hope you're doing better today. I heard from Nurse Joy that a lot of your minor injuries are healing quickly which is really good since it means you'll probably be healed sooner rather than later. At least, physically speaking you're healing."

Vali continued talking along that vein for awhile before she began speaking of Professor Oak and his corral. She tried to paint the most vivid picture of it possible with Balto adding in his own thoughts and feelings about the place he'd grown up in. Eevee stopped growling after awhile and turned away from them though his twitching ears told her that he was listening. Eventually, Nurse Joy came in and told her it was time to leave. Reaching into her bag, she took out the Flareon plushy that Delia had gifted her back during those first few weeks in this world and placed it on the edge of the bed. She spoke as Eevee continued to ignore her, "I know you'll probably destroy this since it came from a human, but I'm still giving it to you. Delia, someone that's like a mother to me, gave it to me no long after I arrived in this world. It's comforted me when I was being over whelmed by how many adults were coming around me. I was like you, but it's only since I came to this world that I'm healing. I'm not going to ask that you don't destroy it since that's asking too much of you. I only hope that if you don't it will bring you comfort when you need it," Vali turned and began leaving the room only to pause when she heard the thump of something soft hitting the ground, "I'll see you tomorrow, Eevee."

She opened the door for her pokemon and walked out once they'd left. She paused at the glass observation window and saw Eevee looking out of the window. The Flareon plush was on the floor. Instead of getting mad, she shook her head and headed towards the lobby.

Vali saw the Flareon plush on the ground as she walked in. The scene from the day before occurred again with Eevee glaring and growling at her while she sat down in the far visitors chair. She resumed talking about the same things as yesterday while mentioning that tomorrow would be the day he'd be taken to Professor Oak. She did pick of the Flareon plush and brushed off the dirt while feeling glad that it had been made to withstand the damage of relatively weak attacks. She could feel teeth imprints as she worked to get rid of the dirty. She didn't get mad at Eevee like he probably expected her to. She didn't even bother mentioning the plush even when she set it on the bed and left him for the day, "I'll see you tomorrow, Eevee. I'll miss you while you're with Professor Oak."