Rescued Pokemon and Decisions on the Future

Vali hugged Balto to her chest wondering just why people like those teenagers existed. She jolted as a cup was held out to her and looked up to see Steven. He smiled weakly at her, "I figured you could use this."

"When did you get here?" Vali asked taking the mug and sniffing it only to be met by the rich smell of coffee.

"Thirty minutes ago," Steven answered earning a surprised look, "Nurse Joy told me about what happened and I can honestly say I'm proud of how you acted. You did save a pokemon's life after all,"

"We won't know that until Nurse Joy's finished," Vali's stomach rolled at the thought of the pokemon she had rescued dying.

"Still you gave it a chance," Steven sat down next to her causing Pikachu to sniff at him before deciding to follow Smaug's example and ignore the other trainer, "What are you going to do if it survives?"

"Officer Jenny told me that she'd be taking it as evidence and would probably send it to Professor Oak to be rehabilitated," Vali answered hugging Balto a bit tighter causing the Growlithe to whine and lick her chin, "Why do people like those teenagers have to exist?"

"I don't know," Steven sighed softly, "I honestly don't know," Vali noticed the grimace on his face and wondered if he'd dealt with people like that before, "Have you called home yet?"

"No. I probably should," Vali didn't get up and Steven seemed to understand.

He reached out to pat unoccupied shoulder, "I'm going to call the Professor and then call home. Do you want me to tell him?" Vali nodded knowing that she would have a hard time getting the words out, "Then I will. I'll be back after I'm done."

Vali ended up staying up all night waiting for news about the pokemon before Nurse Joy finished. The Nurse walked over to Vali as the witch put down Balto and stood up causing her pokemon to all wake up, "Nurse Joy, how is it?"

"Eevee will recover, but it will take a few months for him to physically recover," Nurse Joy answered making Vali feel relieved if a bit shocked to hear that the teenagers had been abusing an Eevee, "Mentally, I'm not sure. Would you like to go in and check on him?"

"Please," Vali said earning a smile.

Nurse Joy showed her to where the bandage covered Eevee was sleeping. The nurse set a hand on Vali's shoulder, "I'll be back in thirty minutes to come get you."

"Of course," Vali smiled at the nurse and went over to the bed with her pokemon following.

"You did a good thing, Miss Potter," Nurse Joy said before disappearing through the door and closing it behind her with a soft click.

Vali sat down in the provided chair and looked at the heavily bandaged Eevee feeling anger run through her. Every member of her team looked at the Eevee with uncertain and sad eyes. Vali spoke as she carefully reached out to stroke the uncovered ear of the Eevee as gently as possible, "I know that some of you probably knows this already, but some humans are the worst. The ones that hurt Eevee are among them. I've dealt with them almost all my life before I came to this world. Three of them were my own blood kin, but I don't consider them kin anymore," The hot sting of tears welling up in her eyes was ignored as she focused on Eevee, "I never want any of you to deal with people like that. We have to get strong enough so that way we can keep people like them from hurting us. We can't let pokemon like Eevee suffer when we can stop it," Her pokemon were silent, but Vali could tell they were thinking about her words, "Eevee, I doubt that you even care if you're listening, but I promise the people that did this to you won't get a chance to do it again. Not all humans are like them," Vali began feeling sleepy, "I'm so sorry that you were hurt by them even if my apologies don't do much."

Steven followed Nurse Joy into the room that she'd left Vali and paused feeling his lips quirk into a smile. Vali was fast asleep with her head pillowed on her arms and her face facing the injured Eevee. Scattered around Vali and the Eevee were Vali's pokemon team, they seemed to be holding a vigil and guarding the two that were sleeping. Steven walked over to Vali and carefully picked up the younger trainer. She let out a soft murmur, "Eevee..."

Steven looked at her pokemon and they made their way over to him though Pikachu was looking at him with unease. Steven made his way out of the room and Nurse Joy told him, "Make sure Miss Potter knows that Eevee will be held within the center until Officer Jenny has finished booking those boys and investigating them."

"I will," Steven told her before heading up to Vali's room.

He carefully let himself in using her key before opening the door and moving over to the barely slept in bed. Balto pulled the back the covers earning a smile from him before he placed Vali onto the bed. She immediately curled up on her side and Steven covered her with the blanket. He turned to leave only for Vali to grab the sleeve of his suit. He looked back at her to see hazy emerald green eyes staring at him, "Eevee?"

"He'll be fine, Vali," Steven told her, "I'll watch over him,"

"M'kay," Vali released his sleeve and her pokemon began curling up around her though Smaug ended up laying on top of a fire-proof blanket.

Steven left her and shut the door after him as Metagross spoke through their link, "Master Steven, why did you not ask us to assist you?"

'Sometimes it's better to do things by myself,' He replied as he walked back downstairs and got food for himself, 'I can't have you do everything for me,'

"Friend Vali is an odd one," Metagross commented as Steven grabbed his food and moved to a table to eat.

'But she's also a good person,' Steven replied earning the equivalent of a shrug, 'Can you monitor Eevee? I want to keep my promise to Vali,'

"Of course, do you also want me to inform you when Friend Vali awakens?" Metagross asked earning a mental equivalent of a nod from him, "Then I shall,"

When Vali woke up, she was confused to find herself within her room at the pokemon center. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep watching over Eevee. She pushed herself into a sitting position feeling exhausted. A soft bark sounded from next to her and she looked to the side to find Balto staring at her. The rest of her pokemon made themselves known and she asked, "How did we all get here?"

"Master Steven brought you back to your room four hours ago," An unfamiliar voice sounded causing her to jerk slightly in alarm, "Do not be alarmed, we are the Metagross on Master Steven's team,"

'Oh, sorry,' Vali wasn't used to any psychics save for Professor Oak's Alakazam contacting her via telepathy, 'Where is he?'

"He is currently battling a trainer with the blue turtle," Metagross answered as Vali slowly got up and began to stretch, "The injured fox, Eevee we believe he's called, is currently unconscious though his brain waves show he will regain it within the next few hours. Master Steven wishes for us to inform you that Eevee will be staying within the center until Officer Jenny is finished booking the teenagers,"

Vali thanked them before focusing on her team who all looked at her with concern, "I was just talking with Metagross. I'm going to go take a shower and then we can head downstairs to get something to eat."

After her shower, she got ready for the day and finally checked the time which said it was almost one. Heading downstairs with her pokemon, she walked over to Nurse Joy. Nurse Joy looked up from her computer screen and smiled at her, "Good afternoon, Miss Potter. What can I do for you?"

"Hi, Nurse Joy," Vali greeted her, "How is Eevee?"

"He's still unconscious, but he's stable and will survive so long as he doesn't have a relapse," Nurse Joy answered making Vali sigh in relief, "Officer Jenny won't be sending him anywhere for at least two more days,"

"Did she say where he would be going?" Vali asked with a frown.

Nurse Joy looked down at her computer and typed on it, "At the current moment, Professor Oak is being gifted custody of Eevee until he heals. There are a few things up in the air especially when it comes to Eevee," Nurse Joy looked up at Vali, "It has been decided that Eevee will remain on your trainer ID and it's likely that you'll be given custody of Eevee once his physical wounds are healed. Many pokemon react better to those that saved them in situations like this,"

Vali's eyes widen, "Really?"

"Yes though it depends on Eevee's recovery if that happens," Nurse Joy told her earning a nod before the woman frowned, "Of course, even if you gain custody of Eevee, he might not recover from his ordeal. Some pokemon can't,"

Vali already knew that, "I know, Nurse Joy...Trust me, I know."

She was still recovering from the abuse she'd suffered after all. Nurse Joy looked surprised by her words, but didn't verbalize whatever questions she had. Instead, the pink haired woman said, "Go get something to eat, I will inform you when Eevee wakes up,"

Vali nodded and headed to the cafeteria. After she got food for her and her pokemon, they moved to sit down and eat. Steven came in not long after that and got himself some food. When he got to her table, she asked, "How did your battle with Squirtle go?"

"He managed to win," Steven said as he sat down, "I've found a lot of things we're going to have to work on in order for him to reach the strength of even the weakest of my older pokemon, but I already knew that," He looked at her curiously, "How are you feeling?"

"Fairly tired," She answered after eating a bite of pizza, "Eevee's going to be sent to Professor Oak in a few days. Thank you for taking me up to my room,"

"No problem," Steven replied with a light smile, "What are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to call home since I did promise I would call at least once per town," Vali glanced down as Pikachu curled up in her lap, "I want to introduce Pidgey and Pikachu to my family as well as check to see if Sirius has left yet,"

Steven blinked and looked up at her, "He's a ranger, isn't he?"

Vali nodded after taking a bite of her pizza, "Yeah. He works for the Kanto sect of the Ranger Union. He didn't want to be a pokemon trainer, but still wanted to work alongside them. He's only took time off to spend time with me on my birthday and see me off if I became a trainer."

"That actually makes me curious," Steven told her, "How come you decided to become a trainer? With your background, I was sure you'd decide to become a ranger,"

Vali didn't answer until after she'd eaten her last slice of pizza and was finishing her drink, "It wasn't until a few months ago that I really decided that I wanted to be a trainer. One of the older trainers that Professor Oak sponsored stopped by the lab when I was there to get his pokemon fully checked over and to see all of his pokemon at once. I got curious when I noticed him walking beside a three legged Ninetales since I've never seen a three legged pokemon before. According to him, they'd gotten stuck in a blizzard after fighting against a wild Tyranitar. Most of his pokemon save for Ninetales were unconscious at that point though she wasn't that far off since her leg had gotten mangled, he had attempted to return her, but she'd refused," Vali's mind went back to the day she'd met the beautiful Ninetales, "She wouldn't let him return her even when they'd found a cave to stay in for the night. He'd done everything to return her after trying to take care of her leg. Even when she'd passed out, she wouldn't let herself be returned. If she hadn't have refused, he would've died in that storm. By the time the storm stopped and he managed to get to a pokemon center, Ninetales' leg had been severely infected and had to be amputated," Vali put down her cup and looked at her team as they stared back at her, "Even after most trainers would've abandoned their pokemon, he never did. I realized right then and there that I wanted to be a pokemon trainer. I saw just what I would get out of becoming a trainer. The bonds you can create with your pokemon, your family..." She smiled warmly at them, "That's what I wanted," She looked back at Steven as a blush coated her cheeks, "Sorry if I rambled."

"It's fine," Steven smiled warmly at her, "It lets me know more about you,"

Vali finished her drink and stood up, "I better go call my family. Do you want to train together after that?"

"Sure," Steven nodded to her.

Vali typed in the Ketchum/Black/Potter residence number and waited for someone to answer it. Pikachu and Pidgey looked at the electronic device in confusion prompting her to tell them, "This is a video phone, it lets me see my family even if we're thousands of miles away. I'm going to be introducing you two to my family or at least, most of them if my god-father isn't there."

The screen blinked and Ash's face appeared, "Hell-VALI!"

"Hey, Ash," Vali greeted him with a grin, "Are Delia and Sirius there?"

"Yeah," Ash turned his head and shouted, "MOM! SIRIUS! Vali's on the phone,"

There was a crash followed by a stream of curse words and barking that could only mean Sirius was home. Vali giggled as she listened to the cause before she shook her head lightly, "I'm surprised Sirius hasn't left yet."

"He's going to be leaving tomorrow," Ash answered earning a nod from Vali, "Did you catch anythin-Is that a Pikachu?"

"Pikachu, Pidgey," Vali gestured to the screen, "This is my adoptive little brother, Ash. Ash, this is Pikachu and Pidgey. I caught Pidgey the day I left and Pikachu a few days back,"

"Pup!" Sirius shouted loudly, "Has Stev-"

"No, Sirius," Vali cut him off before he could get started, "Steven' been nothing but nice to meet. Anyway, I want you to meet Pidgey and Pikachu," The two stared at Sirius with slightly wide eyes, "Don't worry, he isn't usually quite so deranged. He just misses me,"

"Pup, I'm not deranged," He whined at her earning an eye roll.

"I wouldn't say she isn't wrong," Delia said with a laugh as she appeared, "Hello, Vali. Hello to you too Pikachu and Pidgey. How is everyone?"

"We're doing great. I haven't had much of a chance to see what Pikachu can do yet, but I will soon enough since Steven and I are going to be training together once he's finished eating," Vali answered while reaching up to scratch behind Pikachu's ears earning a coo of pleasure, "Pidgey's not quite as strong as either Smaug or Balto just yet. She'll get there. Smaug, Balto, and Pidgey have all battled at least once. Smaug helped me catch Pidgey which was my first ever battle while Balto helped me catch Pikachu. I used Pidgey in my first trainer battle yesterday..."

She trailed off though Delia and Sirius seemed to understand why. Delia turned to Ash, "Why don't you go upstairs and grab that drawing you wanted to show Vali?"

"Oh right!" Ash shot away, "Don't hang up before I call back!"

"How is Eevee?" Delia asked earning a sigh.

"According to Nurse Joy, he'll heal," Vali continued scratching behind Pikachu's ears finding comfort in the action, "He's being sent to Professor Oak in a few days. He'll stay there until he's physically healed,"

"What's going to happen to him after?" Sirius asked her curiously.

Thinking back to her conversation with Nurse Joy, Vali answered, "Nurse Joy said that depending on Eevee's recovery, Professor Oak will send him to me so that I can help him recover mentally. He's staying on my trainer ID," Vali frowned slightly, "While I'm happy that I'll get the chance to help him heal, I'm not sure that I am the best person to do it. I'm still recovering from my messed up childhood not to mention the stuff that happened during school. How can I help him when I'm still broken?"

"Because you're healing," Delia answered looking at her sternly, "Vali, you're probably the best person that can help Eevee. You saved him from those boys and you'll probably be the first person he sees when he wakes up. In my honest belief, you'll help each other heal. Don't doubt yourself, Vali,"

"I just...How am I even supposed to start?" Vali asked with a sigh.

Delia let out a soft laugh, "I recall having a similar conversation with Professor Oak about a certain little girl," Vali flushed lightly, "Do you want to hear the advice he gave me?" She nodded, "Be patient and kind. Don't push him and eventually you'll get through."

Vali felt a bit more at ease and smiled at her, "Thanks, Delia."

"No problem, Vali," She replied before asking, "So what are Steven and you planning to do?"

"We're going to stay in Viridian for five more days since we rented our rooms for a week," Vali answered earning a nod, "We're going to stock up on potions, antidotes, and stuff like that on the last day before heading into the Viridian forest. While we're probably going to be facing mostly Bug Catchers, it'll be useful getting battle experience not to mention I'll be able to save up money to buy TMs and other things. We'll head to Pewter and I'll challenge the gym leader,"

"Flint Stone's the gym leader, isn't he?" Sirius asked earning a nod from Vali, "He's a rock type trainer. How are you planning on beating him?"

"At first, I planned on getting a Poliwag alongside teach Smaug and Balto whatever steel type moves they could learn," Vali answered earning a nod, "But seeing as I have two newly caught pokemon not to mention that Smaug's still fairly new, I thought it would be best to not catch another pokemon for now. I'm going to seriously study Flint and see what kind of plans I can create. I know even with a disadvantage that I can win so long as we train as hard as possible,"

"Good," Sirius smiled proudly at her, "Never give up,"

Vali flushed lightly as she remembered a talk that Steven and her had, "I also figured out a goal I might try for."

"You're going to try and become a Fire-type master?" Delia asked much to Vali's shock.

How did she-Vali shook her head. Of course she knew, everyone probably guessed she'd do that since she had an unexplained bond with any fire type pokemon she'd come across while at the Corral, "Yeah. Steven reminded me that even if I become a Fire-type master, I can train other pokemon. I mean even Agatha has non-ghost type pokemon even if she mostly trains ghost types," Vali dropped her hands, "If I do try to become one, it means I'll have to travel a lot in order to meet a whole bunch of fire types which means I won't be home as often."

"That's fine, Vali," Delia told her as Sirius nodded, "If that's what you want to do, we'll support you not to mention we kind of knew this would always happen," Vali flushed lightly, "It will be hard on all of us, but we believe in you,"

"So do whatever you want to do, Pup," Sirius told her, "No matter what, we'll be proud of you,"

"Just don't forget that you promised to travel with Ash when he's old enough to go on his own journey," Delia told her earning a nod.

"I won't ever forget, but..." Vali flushed lightly, "Just encase, could you write it down and remind me of it from time to time? I really don't want to forget it on the off chance I become too distracted,"

"Already done," Delia told her earning a thankful look.

Ash rushed back up and proudly presented a picture of a few blobs and stick figures, "I drew this during art at Pre-school today. It isn't very good..."

Vali settled down to listen to Ash with a soft smile on her lips. She had around six years before he was going to become a trainer. That sounded like a lot of time, but she knew it really wasn't.