Journey into Johto

Blaine called Vali into his office two weeks after she'd been cleared. She joined him and found a scowl on his face, "They're calling for me to join you?"

"Yeah, Brat," Blaine held out a packet of papers, "The information you need to know and what needs to be packed," Vali took it and began to read over the information, "It's another supposed milk-run, but this time we're going to the Johto boarder right by Blackthorn. We'll be meeting up with the current Blackthorn Gym Leader Ulric Blackthorn. Seeing as the spot is basically nestled within Mount Silver, you best be on your guard and ready to fight powerful territorial pokemon,"

Vali inwardly swore at that though supposed it would be interesting to see how they faired against powerful wild pokemon. She wondered if they would find any new pack members while out there, but pushed that thought away. With a small frown as she read the list of items, the fire-type master-in-training commented, "I might have to do some digging to find some of this gear. Though I know for a fact that my winter coat is about ready to be changed out, I might need to get a new one before the end of this,"

"We'll see about doing so before we get to out meet up point," Blaine told her, "We'll check over your winter and climbing gear once you've gotten everything gathered. We're not expected to be right at the meeting spot for another two weeks. You and I will be traveling together before then. During this time, we'll fix up your gear,"

Vali nodded while looking at him curiously, "Are we going somewhere special during that time?"

"We'll be traveling to the meeting spot without teleportation until the last day or so," Blaine answered as he looked back at his paperwork, "Rather than stick around here for the next two weeks waiting for the meeting time to hit us, I decided to spend the time wisely. I get to observe you as we travel, you're able to train, and we're not stuck on Cinnabar simple waiting around like the League planned on,"

"What about the gym?" Vali asked him in a soft tone.

"Jackson can easily run the gym in my absence and has since he became the head gym trainer," Blaine replied as he typed something on his computer, "He'll be fine for up to two month after which I'd need to return for a couple minor and cosmetic reasons,"

That explained a lot, Jackson was someone everyone in the gym trusted and looked up to by everyone there. It made a lot of sense. Vali closed her eyes for a brief moment as she absorbed the knowledge that she'd be traveling with Blaine, "Will we be going through Kanto, Johto, or both?"

"Johto," Blaine answered earning a surprised look, "It holds the easiest path towards our destination and you'd do well to experience it now while you're able to," He waved her away, "Now get packing, we're leaving tomorrow morning,"

"Right," Vali grimaced at the short time frame though it was far better than the one she'd had to deal with before, "I'll get started on that,"

Vali left the room quickly and quietly headed to her bedroom. Elrond spoke as he floated beside her shoulder, "This is not going to be good."

"No, but we can only pray our preparations have been enough to ensure we'll be able to survive," Vali replied in a low tone, "Survival and getting stronger, Elrond," Elrond nodded his head with a slight sigh, "Let's enjoy the travels ahead though, Johto is a new region. It'll be exciting to see it for all that some parts are somewhat familiar according to Lance. It's a somewhat colder region than Kanto,"

"Great," Elrond groaned softly, "Just what I wanted to deal with right now,"

Vali giggled softly and patted his shoulder, "It'll be fine, Elrond. You'll enjoy it once you're used to the temperature. If you want, you're welcome to spend any time out of your pokeball cuddled up to me."

The almost musky smell of sap was thick and heavy among the Johto maple trees outside of New Bark town. The crisp air held the scent aloft and mixed it heavily with that of the nearby sea. It lead for an interesting mix of scents as Vali followed Blaine down the path outside of New Bark town in the early hours of the morning. The old man spoke as they moved further away for the town, "We'll be stopping briefly at Cherrygrove city to grab your winter gear as well as stock up on some supplies that we haven't before backtracking to the entrance of Route 46. We'll head down that path and see how far we get down it and into 45. If we manage to reach Blackthorn by the end of two weeks which we might, I'll consider you ready to try your hand at earning the right to raising a Magby."

"Don't you mean catching one?" Vali asked with a raised eye brown as she released Balto and Smaug who immediately began stretching themselves before the Charizard took off into the air while Balto began to race around them at a soft trot.

"No, Brat," Blaine smirked at her, "You have to earn the right to raise a Magby. Catch one at your own risk and have a colony of Magmar on your ass, you need to prove yourself capable of raising one. Thankfully for you, you have a teacher able to help find a colony that's usually willing to part with some of their Magby. It's the one I tend to get my Magmar from when my current lower badge ones get too strong,"

Vali found that she was surprised by that even though she should've been, "How did you manage that?"

"My own Magmar came from this Colony and breeds with them every season. They tend to have a large population boom every couple of years," Blaine looked amused, "He might be old, but his children are certainly strong bastards. You might end up with one depending on how things go,"

Vali didn't know what to say about that. Magby were cute pokemon and Magmar certainly powerful especially when trained right. Was she strong enough to handle one right now though? Vali wasn't sure, but Blaine certainly seemed to think she was getting to that point.

Wandering through the wildest route of Johto that only the eight badge trainers usually dared to tread, it was surprisingly soothing even if Vali was traveling with Blaine. She found herself feeling a sense of calm settling over herself the longer they traveled even as a few trainers challenged her to a battle. Despite the powerful pokemon they used, she managed to win with limited injuries to her pokemon. Blaine took any problems he saw with her strategies and helped mold them into something far more potent. Any time Vali had a chance, she took a ride on one of her pokemon's backs whether it was Celina, Smaug, or Balto much to their enjoyment. After one such ride, Elrond spoke to her as the group began to settle for the night, "Empress was watching you fly on Smaug's back. She was feeling jealous, longing, and sadness."

"It's not surprising considering the fact she's a Shelgon that will one day become a Salamence," Vali replied with a slight shrug as she took the harness off of Smaug prompting him to shake his body, "But I'll go speak with her for a bit. If only to see if I can provide some comfort,"

After petting Smaug a bit and hugging him, Vali headed over to where Empress had settled herself. She sat down beside the almost round form of her dragon-type pokemon. Empress shifted a bit to look at her and Vali place a hand on her shielded head. She felt Elrond connect them and sent a mental smile to her Alolan Raichu, "Hey, Empress. How are you doing tonight?"

"I'm fine," Was the almost curt response.

Vali shook her head lightly, "Now we both know that's a lie, Elrond told me what you were feeling earlier," A slight discoloration appeared on Empress' face earning a soft giggle from Vali, "It's okay, Empress. No need to feel embarrassed about it, it's only natural to feel like that. You want to fly badly, but given your body is still changing right now, you're not able to. Give it time, Dear heart. You will one day fly among the clouds and if you're willing, I will be with you just as with Smaug and Celina,"

Empress nodded as the discoloration faded slightly and she leaned into Vali slightly, "Promise?"

"Promise," Vali rubbed a hand against the smooth white bone mixed with scale.

Empress purred lowly in her throat, "Alright then, I can wait a while longer I suppose, Vali-Sister."