Sirius talks, a call from across the Ocean, and Pallet Town

Professor Oak took the boys away with Delia after talking to Vali for a few moments leaving Sirius behind in the room. Sirius' cheerful grin fell away the moment Ash and Gary were away from the glass observation window and she inwardly winced at the serious look that appeared. Sirius spoke as he walked over to one of the visitor chairs and took a seat in it, "Potter luck huh, Pup?"

"Yeah," Vali looked at Sirius feeling guilty despite not needing to be, "Siri, I..."

"I'm not going to scold or scream at you, Pup," Sirius told her his eyes stern, "Despite looking like a child, you've got the mind of an adult and I've got to treat you like one despite the urge to coddle you. I'm not going to lie when I say that every inch of me wants you to cancel this Apprenticeship with Blaine and go back to Pallet Town right this second while damning the consequences. If you'd been anyone else, you might've done it," A look of pride entered his gaze, "But it would go against everything you are as a person and what you've been taught to demand that of you, you're also too damn stubborn to do such a thing,"

"Damn right," Vali half-hardheartedly grinned at him, "This won't stop us from going forward, it'll just slow us for a bit,"

"Figures you'd say that, you're so much like Lily," Sirius muttered making Vali's heart half stop at the words since it'd always been James' that she'd been compared to never her mother, "Hard headed and always moving forward, you might have your father's looks save for the eyes, but you're almost all Lily," He frowned slightly before shaking his head, "No, you're yourself. Not just them, Pup,"

"Siri," Vali murmured softly.

"Pup," He gazed at her just a bit sad, "We almost lost you. I probably won't ever find out all the details of how and why. I hate knowing that my daughter was almost killed because the League deemed her ready before she truly was, but I realize that I can't stop things like this from happening now that you've started this path of yours," He reached out and gently took her hand in his, "I know what you told those boys, Pup. I need you to promise me the same thing. Not just for me, I mean for Delia as well. You're our daughter, Pup. We need you to come home especially if and when a younger sibling eventually comes along,"

Vali's eyes widen at his words before she nodded, "I promise, Siri. I'll come home no matter what."

"Good," Sirius smiled and squeezed her hand a bit, "So how was Delco 2 that you're able to tell me?"

Vali's pokenav was ringing not long after she had begun looking through her scattered notes and she gladly left them for the distraction. She found Steven on the other end and greeted him with a slight smile, "Hey, Steven."

"Vali," Steven looked at her with curiosity and a bit of tiredness, "How are you? I'm sorry for not responding sooner. I was exploring Granite Cave, a deeper portion than before, and only left it just now,"

Vali hesitated for a moment before deciding not to put it off, "I am a bit tired and airy, Steven. I'm currently in the hospital. Vermilion's," She saw his eyes widen at the words and gave the official explanation, "I'm not allowed any visitors while in the hospital, but once I leave, I'll be in Pallet for a couple days before heading back to Cinnabar where I'll be working on my physical therapy."

"Vali," Steven looked horrified at the thought of everything that had happened to her, "You-how-I..."

"Don't worry, Steven," She offered him a gentle smile, "I'll be fine. With the therapy and determination, I'll be able to get my flexibility nearly back to where it was,"

Steven shook his head slightly, "How in the world could this have happened to you?"

"My luck, Steven," Vali replied with a soft tone, "I did tell you went both ways,"

"I know, but for this to happen," Steven looked at her with disbelief, "And you're okay with it?"

"Not really, but I have to accept it since it'll be my reality now," Vali replied with an eye-roll, "Steven, I've survived worse or need I remind you of the basilisk?" He winced a bit, "Granted, I've never had to deal with a needing to regain flexibility, but it's something that has to be done. I've got to accept it,"

Steven sighed deeply, "I suppose that you're right," He let out a slight laugh which surprised her, "I suppose saying that I'd wished it'd never happened would be annoying since everyone else has no doubt done the same."

"You'd be correct," Vali smiled at him, "So how's Granite Cave been?"

Steven perked up and launched into an explanation of the things he'd found while within the cave. Settling back against her pillow, Vali felt content as she listened to her friend speak even if it wasn't in person.

inally the day came when Vali and all her pokemon had been released from the hospital, they were glad to be allowed outside into the sun without needing to return back into the building. Surge let out a booming laugh as Vali took a deep breath of the fresh air, "C'mon, Kid. It's not like they didn't let you go outside during the last few days."

"Only for a couple of minutes and in a wheelchair," Vali gave into her urge to pout at him, "Let me enjoy the fresh air for a few more minutes,"

"Let's start walking, you shouldn't be standing for too long remember," Surge reminded her earning a grimace, "We're going to get some lunch and head to the gym for an hour then I'll take you to Pallet Town,"

"Okay," Vali said as Surge started walking and she made her way beside him.

Aragorn walked beside her with Elrond floating above him holding Eevee on his tail. It was a compromise that they'd come up with since the doctors had denied Eevee's usual position of being on her shoulder. Surge spoke as they walked past the pokemon center, "Blaine said it might take a week to get things into order. You okay with that, Vali?"

"It'll be nice to spend time with the boys," Vali said as she watched some kids run around in a nearby park, "They're not angry or avoiding me anymore. I've missed it. And I can work with my team even if it's only directing them from a safe distance, I'm itching to see where they're at. Having other people train my pokemon, it's unpleasant even if you guys meant well by it,"

"I get it," Surge offered her a look of acknowledgement, "But thanks to our training, you'll be better off now,"

"I know," Vali spotted the harbor in the distance.

Surge carefully patted her shoulder, "You'll feel better about it sooner or later, Kid. It might leave a bad taste in your mouth now, but eventually you'll figure out it was for the better."

Pallet Town hadn't changed since Vali had left and she easily slipped back into her old routine though with the added care of her injuries. Delia helped care for them in the beginning though Vali was quick to have Elrond take over. During the week that she was home, Ash and Gary did go to Summer camp leaving her with time alone. She often spent time doing various activities with her pokemon or working on the research paper. Lance arrived on her second day home in Pallet town when she was laying against Balto on the grass. When he spoke, she barely managed to keep from jumping out of her skin even with Elrond and Balto's warnings, "You look comfy, Vali. Won't it be hard to get up with your side?"

"Elrond and Balto will help me up," Vali answered as she opened her eyes to find Lance peering down at her, "Smaug's flying nearby and would be able to help as well. So would some of my other pack members too,"

Lance gained a look of curiosity and consideration on his face, "Huh, that's an interesting idea. So been out for two days now?"

"A day and a half," Vali corrected as she gestured to the area next to Balto, "You're a bit late,"

"Had to dodge around my cousin," Lance rolled his eyes, "She's adamant on meeting you. She'll probably figure out where I am at some point, but for now I'll happily ignore it. Delia is okay with me staying, right?"

"Mhmm," Vali hummed lightly earning a grin, "Honestly, you boys have black holes in your stomachs,"

"Hey, you do too when it comes to her pancakes," Lance pointed out earning a snort.

"Pancakes are amazing," Vali grinned at Lance, "But you should try her stew, it's to die for," She felt her grin falter at Lance's expression, "Poor choice of words, right. Sorry,"

Lance shook his head, "It's fine," He eyed her as Dragonite settled down behind him and curled up with a soft coo, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm not going to lie," Vali told him with a serious look, "It sucks when the pain meds wear off. It hurts like hell especially my side since there's like a creeping cold ache there,"

"That would definitely be the ice-typing," Lance gave her a sympathetic look.

Vali grimaced deeply at that, "And the worst part of it all, the pain meds seem to be weakening each time I use them. The effects wear off faster and sooner. I haven't told Delia, but I'm pretty sure she's starting to suspect."

"Damn," Lance gave her a sympathetic look.

"From what I can tell, my magic's probably the whole reason for it. That and the basilisk venom, they're the only reason the meds are starting to become non-effective," Vali closed her eyes as she laid her hand on Balto's side, "However, it seems that spending time in sunlight helps to negate some of the creeping cold ache in my side though not enough to completely rid me of it,"

Lance nodded with a slight frown, "That's good, I think you should tell Delia about the medication."

Vali shook her head, "I'd prefer not to. The pain meds won't do me any good in the long-run and its best not to use them for long anyway. I'd rather not get addicted."

Lance looked like he wanted to argue, but slowly shook his head as he seemingly decided against. He instead asked, "Do you want to hear about my time in Johto so far?"