First Gym Battle/ Vali

The next day dawned earlier for Vali and her team. They were all nervous even Pikachu and Pidgey despite the fact they weren't going to be participating in the battles today. They weren't angry about that fact though it was a little disappointing. They understood why it was happening this way even if it wasn't something they liked. Smaug was a bit more aggressive than normal while Balto had become quiet and still. The two seemed to understand the gravity of the battle that was ahead of them and wouldn't let her down no matter what. Because of this, Vali knew that win or lose, she would be proud of them.

Even if her nervousness was making it hard, she ate her breakfast while going over the strategies that she had. Steven watched her with a slight smile though he did take her pokedex away when her fork missed her mouth. With a flush, she worked on eating her breakfast before taking her pokedex back. An hour before her gym battle, she took Balto and Smaug to the training field behind the Pokemon Center, "Okay you two," They looked at her with determination in their eyes, "This is our first official Gym battle, we've been preparing for this our whole time in Pewter and even before then. I don't think I need to tell you how important this battle is," Smaug spat out an ember as Balto let out a soft bark, "We've worked so hard and I know we can do this despite our disadvantages. I want both of you to stay calm and do your best no matter what. Smaug, I'm likely going to be sending you out first mostly because we're likely facing either Geodude or Ryhorn. I don't think I need to explain why," Smaug nodded, "Balto, you're likely going to be facing an Onix," Balto looked a little unsure, "I know the idea is a bit scary, but you can do it. I'm trust you," Balto nodded with a low growl, "Now, I want to say one last thing," They looked at her curiously and she pulled them into a light hug, "Win or lose today, I will be proud of you two. This is the first real chapter in our story together."

Pulling away, shew knew by the looking their eyes that defeat was not an option which only made her heart warm. They would win this!

Flint was waiting in the same place he'd stood the day before. He grinned at Vali, "Welcome back Miss Vali, I'm looking forward to our battle."

"I am as well," Vali replied with a light smile.

Steven patted her on the shoulder, "I'll be watching in the stands. Good luck, Vali."

"Thanks, Steven," Vali murmured in reply as he headed towards the stands.

Vali turned back to Flint as the referee appeared, "This is a gym battle between Pewter Cities Gym Leader Flint Slate and Valkyrie Potter of Pallet Town. The battle will be a two on two with only the challenger being allowed to switch."

Vali took a deep breath as butterflies erupted in her stomach at the fact she was actually going to participate in her first gym battle ever. Vali took out Smaug's pokeball and released Smaug, "Come out and battle with me, my friend!"

Smaug appeared with a cute roar and spat out a burst of flames as Flint said, "You do realize this is a rock-type gym, right?"

"I'm aware, but I know we can win this," Vali replied as Smaug growled at Flint for dismissing him.

Flint shook his head and took out a pokeball, "Your funeral, I suppose."

He released a Ryhorn and Vali mentally winced having hoped that they would be facing a Geodude. She supposed that it wasn't exactly a bad match-up since the Ryhorn immediately began pawing at the ground and jumping around a bit when it caught sight of Smaug. Clearly, it was a somewhat recent capture which kind of pissed her off. While they couldn't face his real team just yet, he still should've pulled out a pokemon that had more than a few weeks of training on top of being a bit young. Smaug spat out an ember as she asked, "A recent capture?"

"I caught this one a few months ago," Flint replied causing Vali's hands to curl into a fist, "The Rhyhorn I usually use for these battles evolved during a training battle with this one last night,"

So it wasn't because he underestimated her, but rather because he didn't have another choice. She nodded as she let her hands unclench, "I suppose me watching the gym battle yesterday meant you wouldn't let me face a Geodude?"

Flint inclined his head, "Yes. After all, you have no idea what pokemon you'll end up facing every single time. There is also the fact that you've likely come up with a few battle strategies."

Vali didn't offer a reply to him as she called out to Smaug, "We can't play around, Smaug. Despite that Rhyhorn being fairly new, it's still a gym leaders pokemon," Smaug grunted in understanding and glared at Rhyhorn causing the spikes pokemon to snort angerly, "Let's start off with a mild Ember. We need to know what we're dealing with. Dodge when it comes close. If you can, you know what to do."

Smaug nodded and began spitting out Embers at the Rhyhorn. While the flaming coal-like projectiles weren't as powerful as Flame Thrower, they still had range which had increased the longer Smaug used it. The power had increased as well though it wouldn't be until Smaug evolved into a Charmeleon that he would be able to transform that attack into Flame Thrower. Rhyhorn let out an irritated roar when it got hit by the projectiles and moved out the way without showing much pain. Flint shook his head and called out, "Rhyhorn use Bulldoze!"

Rhyhorn snorted and stamped its foreleg onto the ground before rushing forward as an sandy orange aura covered its body. Smaug quickly dodged to the side though the attack still managed to hit him due to the 100% accuracy, but he managed to slash at the Rhyhorn using a quickly charged Metal Claw along with another Ember attack before quickly getting away. Rhyhorn let out a sharp cry of pain as Smaug's claws raked its side as it slid to a stop and slammed into one of the small boulders sitting on the battlefield. Smaug kept up his Ember attack as Rhyhorn pulled itself lose and turned its body around slowly with a low grunt of annoyance. It glared at Smaug as Vali called out, "Keep it up, Smaug."

Smaug nodding though he stopped spitting Embers. Rhyhorn let out a grunt of annoyance and rushed towards Smaug with its horn glowing bluish white meaning it was using Fury Attack. Unfortunately for Rhyhorn, Smaug had tons of experience with that move due to how much the bug catchers with Beedrill and the wild Beedrill loved using that move. Smaug dodged it with a grunt of annoyance and used any chance he could to hit the rock-type with Metal Claw. He also revealed that he'd been practicing to use the Steel-type move with both his hands. Flint frowned, "That's a fast Charmander you have there."

"Smaug's used to dodging Fury Attack. The Bug Catchers and wild Beedrill love that move," Vali replied as Smaug kept scoring hits on the Rhyhorn that didn't seem to understand that it wasn't going to be able to hit the fire-type like it clearly wanted.

Flint shook his head, "I see. Rhyhorn, use Smack Down!"

Vali cursed as Rhyhorn released an orb of ground type energy and spat it at Smaug. Due to the moves 100% accuracy, it hit Smaug sending him flying back. Smaug slammed into the ground with a cry of pain. Smaug slowly pushed himself up as Vali called out, "Smaug!"

He growled, but managed to push himself to his feet. He glared at Rhyhorn panting softly and looking bruised from where the move had hit him. Rhyhorn let out a roar and darted towards Smaug with its horn lit up with Fury Attack. Smaug dodged though Vali knew that the hit from the Smack Down had worn him down quite a bit. However, he wouldn't be giving up and continued to hit Rhyhorn with Metal Claw. Rhyhorn began stumbling a bit showing that the steel-type move was wearing him down. Flint frowned as he called out, "Use Bulldoze again!"

Rhyhorn stomped onto the ground and rushed towards Smaug coated in the sandy orange aura of Bulldoze. Smaug barely managed to avoid a majority of the hit, but worked through the pain to hit Rhyhorn with his dual Metal Claw attack. Ryhorn stumbled again and Vali remembered one of the things Professor Oak had said about Rhyhorn during a lecture a year ago. The underbelly of the Rhyhorn wasn't as strong as the top of its body due especially towards the back due to a majority of the tough plating being focused at its front. With that in mind, Vali called out, "Aim for its underside, Smaug! It's a softer than the top of its body!"

Smaug nodded with a low growl. When Rhyhorn rushed towards him with another Fury Attack, Smaug used the jumping action Rhyhorn used to power up its attacks and slammed two metal claws into the rock and ground-types gut causing Rhyhorn to cry out in pain. Smaug got out from under Ryhorn and scored another hit under the rock and ground-types chin. Eventually the onslaught proved too much and Rhyhorn went down, Smaug stumbled away from the rock and ground-type panting heavily. He looked a little worse for wear, but proud as he turned to Vali. She beamed at him as Flint recalled his Rhyhorn, "That was unexpected."

The Referee called out, "Winner Valkyrie. Gym Leader Flint release your next pokemon."

"Good job, Smaug," She told the Charmander, "Do you want to continue or do you want to return?" Smaug shook his head and turned back towards the battlefield, "Alright, but I'll recall you if it seems to be too much,"

Smaug grunted and Vali realized he was planning to do as much damage as he could before Balto was sent out. Vali's heart warmed at the thought and she mentally promised to give him as many Cheri berries as she could. She also mentally hit herself for forgetting about using Smokescreen during the battle and promised herself to use it in the next one. Flint released his Onix which turned out to be a diffrent one from yesterday. It wasn't as young or as newly caught as Rhyhorn. It was as big as Aggron and about the length of two box trucks. Its boulder body was a concrete grey and it had a few scars though none of them matched the ones that Flint's elder Onix. She was glad that he wasn't using that beast of a Onix if only because they didn't have a chance in hell to beat it at their current level. Maybe in a few months, but not right now. Smaug stepped back a bit before swallowing and letting a growl which caused Onix to roar in reply. Flint chuckled, "That's a brave Charmander you have there."

"That he is," Vali looked at her starter, "Smaug, try to avoid getting close. Use the cover plan we've been going over and do your best,"

Smaug nodded and turned to Onix with resolution in his eyes and a burning determination to do his best. He wouldn't give up even if it meant going unconscious. Balto would need all the help he could get and Smaug was willing to help his Alpha out. Smaug knew from his talks with the Growlithe that Balto was the alpha of their pack and he, Smaug, would be the enforcer even when they were fully evolved. After all, Balto had known their trainer far longer and thus, was the only one truly able to be called alpha. Smaug clenched his fists and glared at the giant in front of him. He could do this.

Flint started off the battle, "Onix, use Rock Polish and Rock Throw."

Onix groaned and began to glow a bluish white before using Rock Throw. Smaug released a few clouds of Smokescreen as Vali bit her bottom lip holding Smaug's pokeball in her hand ready to recall him. She watched Onix carefully as Smaug released another few clouds making the cloud cover denser especially around Onix. Onix paused and began looking around as she murmured, "C'mon Smaug."

"Smokescreen, huh," Flint frowned at the smoke, "I'm surprised you didn't use it during our battle,"

"Let's just say you surprised me a bit with that Rhyhorn," Vali was still beating herself up about that since lowering Rhyhorn's accuracy could have saved them a bit of damage with those 100% accuracy attack it had.

Onix let out a roar of pain and began to wither around showing that Smaug had started his attack. He wouldn't be able to keep it up for long, but at the very least, Balto wouldn't be at such a disadvantage. Flint's frown deepened and he called out, "Onix, when it attacks you again, capture it with Bind!"

Onix roared in pain again and seemed to be swishing around his tail. Smaug managed to dodge and release more clouds of Smokescreen prompting Vali to cover her mouth using her shirt. She mentally vowed to get a scarf for moments like these as well as some goggles which would be useful for when Pidgey evolved into her final evolution. Finally, Onix managed to catch her starter and began to use bind on him. Smaug cried out in pain though he did manage to score a few more hits with Metal Claw and Ember before he fell unconscious. Onix released Smaug onto the ground in one of the few clear spaces as the Referee called out, "Winner Gym Leader Flint. Challenger, please call out your next pokemon."

Vali returned Smaug whispering to the pokeball, "You did good. Balto and I will take care of the rest. Rest now, Smaug."

The ball warmed in her hands and shook a bit before stilling as the metal grew cool showing that he'd heard her. Vali placed his ball in its spot before pulling out Balto's pokeball. She released him, "Come out and battle with me, my friend!" Balto appeared in a burst of red light and barked wagging his tail for a few moments before pausing as he took in the sight before him, "Balto," He stepped back a bit at the sight of Onix before looking at her, "Smaug managed to take out Rhyhorn and dealt some damage to Onix before being knocked out. We can't let his efforts be in vain."

Balto barked and stilled tensing as Flint called out, "Another fire-type and a Growlithe at that...Trying to become a fire-type master, are you?"

"Something like that," Vali looked down at Balto as she murmured softly knowing he would be able to hear her, "Avoid that tail as best you can. Onix are slow creatures though this one managed to use Rock-Polish. Hide in the Smokescreen as long as possible while allowing your ears to be your guide if your nose can't find Onix," Balto's ears twitched towards her, "Attack using Ember or Iron tail whenever you can, but do your best to avoid getting hit. Use Leer too, I know we don't use it as much as our offensive attacks, but it will only help us in this case,"

Balto nodded and took off into the smoke as Flint commented, "Well I suppose that explains a lot though it won't help you at all in this case. Onix find that pup and hit it with Rock Throw!"

Onix looked around the smoke which was starting to dissipate now that there wasn't anything producing it. The movements it made would allow Balto to find it through the smoke if his nose wasn't able to sniff it out. She made a mental note to train Balto to be able to smell things through smoke. As a fire type, his lungs were made to deal with smoke even if too much wasn't healthy for anyone outside of those that created it or were from the Magby line. Vali shook those thoughts from her mind as Onix let out a cry of pain as Balto suddenly appeared and slammed his glowing tail into the rocky body of the rock and ground-type. He disappeared back into the smoke before reappearing again from another direction to inflict more damage with that attack plus an Ember attack. Vali murmured softly hoping that Balto heard, "Aim for the base of its head where its body's connected. That's its weak point."

Whether he heard her or not, Balto managed to dart up Onix's body and slam his glowing tail into the crevice between the Onix's head boulder and the next one. Onix let out a louder roar of pain and began to wither as Balto did his best to hit that spot as many times as he could. Onix managed to throw him off, but the damage was done and the giant was beginning to tire out though it wasn't close to passing out. Flint was frowning, "We need to clear away that smoke. Onix, use Dragon Breath and burn away the smoke and try to hit that Growlithe."

"Balto, you need to get out of there or hide behind a rock. Avoid that attack," Vali called out not really wanting to know what would happen if that attack managed to hit him.

Onix reared back and released a stream of green flames that burnt away the smoke. When it was over, Vali couldn't see Balto anywhere making her wonder where he was. Flint had begun to smile only to frown when Balto was no where to be seen, "Where is that pup?"

They got their answer when Balto burst out of the ground with an Iron Tail aimed at Onix's weak point and managed to put enough power behind the attack to send Onix's head to the ground. Balto quickly spat an Ember attack at Onix before darting away. He panted softly as Onix slowly rose up and glared at the Growlithe. Vali smiled lightly, "You learned Dig from Pikachu, didn't you?"

Pikachu had learned the ground-type move back during their trip through Viridian forest though she still wasn't sure where he'd learned it. Vali was grateful since it allowed Balto to avoid taking damage from the dragon-type move. Balto let out a soft yip and wagged his tail before stilling as he growled at Onix. Flint shook his head, "Those pokemon of yours are something else, Onix," The Onix groaned, "Catch that pup with Bind. Use Rock Polish too as you're not fast enough to catch it."

"Balto keep up the on-slot!" Vali called out earning a bark from Balto, "We're almost there!"

Balto began working double time to avoid the now faster Onix and hit it with Iron Tail while avoiding its powerful tail. Even if his body wasn't as fragile as his teammates, Balto wouldn't be able to stand up to bind for long. Balto managed to avoid the tail and score a few good hits before he tripped on one of the stones from Onix's earlier Rock Throw leading to him being caught. Vali's heart beat quickened and her breath caught only for Balto to manage to break out of Bind with a well aimed Ember toward Onix's eyes which was one of the few vulnerable points on the rock snakes' body. Balto used the Onix's released grip to jump into the air before slamming down on Onix's weak spot with Iron tail which finally managed to knock the beast out. Balto let out a bark as the Referee called out, "W-Winner Challenger Valkyrie Potter."

"Balto," Balto raced towards Vali and she bent down to hug her pup though she made sure not to hug him too hard since he had just been captured in Onix's bind, "You did it. We won!"

Balto began licking her face earning a soft squeal from her and she immediately pulled away to avoid being covered in Growlithe drool. She scratched behind his ears and he leaned into her touch as Steven walked over, "Looks like you guys managed to win, it was a good battle."

"That it was," Flint agreed as he walked over after returning Onix, "You're the most interesting Rookie I've had so far this year. The others from Pallet were either too weak to beat me or barely managed it,"

"Thank you though it was all Balto and Smaug," Vali stood up while returning Balto knowing the pup could use the rest, "I even forgot about using our Smokescreen plan,"

"That happens sometimes," Flint handed the Boulder badge to her, "Here is the Boulder badge. Like I said to Mr. Stone, I hope you come back after your badge run and battle me again,"

"I might take you up on that offer," Vali took the badge feeling her heart race as relief ran through her.

Flint sent them out and Vali stared at the badge in her hand as she left the gym. Steven touched her arm and she looked at him, "How does it feel to have earned your first gym badge?"

"Amazing," She clenched it in her hand and surprised both of them by hugging Steven, "Thank you. If it weren't for your help, I doubt my team and I would've been able to do half as well if we even managed to win. Thank you, Steven,"

Steven relaxed and hugged her back, "It's no problem, but I seriously doubt you would've failed to get the badge even without my help."

Vali flushed and pulled away rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly, "Sorry, I'm just so happy."

"I understand," He smiled warmly at her, "Now let's head back to the pokemon center, you do have two pokemon that could really use Nurse Joy's help,"

"Right," Vali said and they started heading to the center.

She looked down at the badge in her hands and everything felt clear to her. She could do this whole journey thing and become a fire-type master. So long as she had her team by her side, they could do it especially if Steven helped them out.