
On the days her pokemon were given to rest, they spent the day exploring Celadon. Celina ended up picking out a piece of white ribbon with tiger lilies printed on it when Vali took her to pick out something that would mark her as Vali's pokemon. She took the time to choose some permanent flame stickers as well as ones with her initials on them. After putting them on the bottom of her pokeballs which she hadn't seen anyone else doing, she took her pokemon to the pokemon food area in the mall. It was there she was able to let all of them out since it was encouraged to let the pokemon choose their food from the samples of each. Needless to say, they enjoyed being spoiled even if they would only be able to eat the food they like on rare occasions until she learned how to make it properly without decimating their supplies.

They visited areas where the musicians in the city practiced their new songs. They visited the local botanical gardens were they got to see plants that weren't usually grown in Kanto. Vali actually got some berries and seeds that weren't grown in Kanto. After checking with Professor Oak, she sent them home to Delia in hopes the woman would be able to grow more of them since some were especially good like the Mago and Salac berries. They visited the local play hall where pokemon of all sizes and types could enjoy a play alongside their trainers. They also watched some of the contests that happened. Needless to say, some of her pokemon enjoyed the show that was put on.

Balto, Celina, and Terra loved the performances even if some of them weren't particularly good. Vali told them that they could try putting together a performance. It would help them refine their control which was something Terra would need for when she eventually evolved. While she loved battling, she could see the appeal in Contests and the Pokemon Showcases that were popular in Kalos. They looked like a lot of fun and she appreciated that a majority of the higher level participants were skilled enough to turn powerful attacks into something beautiful rather than destructive. The power the pokemon had was understated rather than forced to the front thus allowing them to be underestimated by any opponents their trainer may come across. To be quite honest, it greatly appealed to her inner Slytherin which wasn't something she'd mention to Sirius until the old dog annoyed her enough.

When Zaria battled Erika, Steven and Vali tagged along to support her while also gathering intel. The battle was rather quick paced and a bit brutal though no where close to the almost complete beat down Zaria suffered at the hands of Lt. Surge. Erika used a Bellossom as her last pokemon which nearly managed to take out Zaria's pokemon mostly because they were unfamiliar with the species. They still pulled through and won the battle. Before Erika left after giving Zaria the badge, Vali called out to the older girl, "Gym Leader Erika?"

"Yes?" Erika looked at Vali curiously.

"My names Vali. I was hoping you could tell me more about Tangela since you have one," Vali told her as Zaria and Steven looked at her in surprise, "Professor Oak doesn't have much information on them and I'm trying to help him out by sending anything new I find out. I've been curious about them for awhile since they're an odd pokemon," She paused for a moment before saying, "Of course, I won't be put off if you're too busy at the moment. As the newest Gym Leader and someone that's trying to create a school, you're probably a bit too busy,"

Erika looked a bit shocked by her words before smiling at Vali, "I don't mind though it'll have to wait a few days."

Vali grinned at her, "That's perfectly alright, I honestly didn't think I'd get a chance to ask."

"Come by the gym at noon in three days and we'll talk over lunch, alright?" Erika asked earning an eager nod, "Good. I need to get going, but it was a pleasure meeting all of you,"

"See you in three days, Gym Leader Erika!" Vali couldn't wait to talk to her.

After they left the gym to get Zaria's pokemon checked out, Zaria asked, "What was that about?" Vali looked at her in confusion, "You seemed really energetic."

"Oh that," Vali offered her a sheepish smile, "I love watching good battles since they get me excited and your battle was a really good one. I've also been wanting to talk to Erika about her Tangela since I found out about it,"

"You like grass-types?" Zaria asked with a raised eyebrow.

Vali nodded as they reached the pokemon center, "I like all kinds of pokemon though my heart lays with fire-types. Each type and individual pokemon has something special about it. Grass-types might be weak against fire-types, but they're able to acclimate to whatever climate they live in no matter what unless it's on an ice float without any soil. Grass-types are steadfast pokemon that have more patience than any others save perhaps for certain fighting and psychic-types. I admire them greatly even if I prefer fire-types."

Zaria didn't reply if only because there really wasn't something she could say about it. In order to be a good pokemon master, you had to respect the power of any pokemon you came across even if it was a type that you didn't exactly like.

Erika led the way to one of the smaller restaurants, "I've been coming here since I was a little girl. They have some really good food that's not bad on the wallet."

"Do they allow pokemon?" Vali asked as they reached the door.

"Yes, but it's limited to one pokemon per person and it can't be bigger than a medium sized one," Erika pushed open the door, "Basically nothing over the size of a Milktank, so Balto is fine,"

Good, it meant that she wouldn't have to pay a rather large sum of money for all of her pokemon to eat. After getting seated and ordering some food after Erika let out her rather cheerful Tangela, they began to talk as Tangela began to touch Balto with some of it's vines. Erika smiled at the sight of Balto allowing the touches, "Balto is a rather well behaved pokemon even for a Growlithe."

"He's about five years old," Vali informed her as Balto sniffed at Tangela, "He actually helped me get used to being in Kanto after my godfather and I arrived a few years ago," She looked at Tangela, "How long have you had your Tangela?"

"Only for a couple of months, the Tangela I usually used during battles evolved and he wasn't exactly something I could use on beginner trainers once he finally got used to his new body," Erika explained as Tangela reached out to her, "So what are you questions?"

Vali took out the notebook she'd brought with her and opened it as she took out a pencil, "Where did you get your Tangela?"

"My first Tangela was given to me by my grandfather who was the gym leader until this season when I took over," Erika answered as Vali wrote that down, "My second one, the one that evolved a month before I got this one, I caught during a trip to the Orange Islands though I can't remember which one exactly. I ended up hatching this one,"

The drinks arrived with both the girls getting tea while Tangela was given water and Balto was given moo moo milk. Vali wrote down Erika's answers before asking, "How long did it take for her to hatch and when did you get the egg?"

"I got the egg in late February and she hatched in late July," That would mean it takes four months for Tangela eggs to hatch, "She was one of two eggs with me giving the other to my younger brother. My first Tangela gave me the eggs,"

"Did your first Tangela act off or anything before giving you the eggs?" Vali asked her curiously as she wrote down what Erika had said.

Erika thought about it before nodding, "From mid-November to mid-February, she was off balance though it wasn't until closer to mid-February that it got really bad. She wouldn't go outside at all and stayed in the warmest areas of the green house. She wasn't aggressive at all which is the only reason I didn't think she was pregnant. She'd been eating an increasing amount of pokemon food which is abnormal since she rarely eats pokemon food unless she isn't getting enough sun. She had a habit of cuddling the younger grass-types and submerging the bottom of her body in the ground," Erika paused for a few moments, "I think she also drank more water, but can't quite remember."

Vali nodded as she wrote the information while making a rough estimation of Tangrowth gestation that Professor Oak would probably be able to make more sense of, "Are there any pokemon she was really close to before she started acting off?"

Erika nodded with a concentrated look, "My oldest Victreebel and my male Maganium until she got into a fight with my female Maganium."

So it was likely the Tangela currently gurgling happily as she petted Balto had a Victreebel for a father, it wasn't the weirdest combination she could think off.

Erika proved to be a well of knowledge when it came to Tangela and Vali had quite a bit of information to give Professor Oak. She even managed to convince Erika to send Professor Oak a Tangela egg when she had a chance if only to give the old man a better understanding of the species. She gained a lot of respect for Erika both for being the youngest Gym Leader at the moment and because she loved her pokemon as much as Vali. Erika didn't exactly see them as family, but they were dear friends that she would do anything for. As a result, she told the gym leader what she knew about the grass-type eeveelution, Leafeon.

Erika invited Vali to have tea with her a few times during the rest of her time in Celadon City. She accepted the offer both to talk with Erika and to enjoy a cup of quality tea which she hadn't be able to do since she started her journey. While she may not act like it very often, she was a born Brit and a good cup of tea was always appreciated.