The mission Pt. 1

"Alright you two," Vali looked up from where she was gently rubbing the scales under Smaug's chin, "We've got things set up. Let's get going,"

Vali patted Smaug's head after a final scratch before standing up earning a low grumble. Ulric let out a low whistle, "Damn, he's a nice yearling. Based on what I can see and without a blood test, he definitely has had a dragon in his blood-line. At least one parent back, I'd say. I can't say how far or which dragon ended up being in parentage."

Vali looked at him in surprise, "You can tell that just by a look?"

Ulric nodded with a grin, "When I'm not acting as gym leader, I'm a breeder more often than not. Most of the starter pokemon in the clan come from the pokemon I breed, I've gotten pretty good at picking out a pokemon parentage thanks to some accidental breeding batches occurring."

Smaug eyed Ulric for a moment before snorting in dismissal when Vali placed a hand on his scaled shoulder. Ulric looked a little surprised by the action. Vali spoke as she looked at Blaine, "So where are we headed?"

"Towards the mountains, we'll be traveling to a specific pathway," Blaine answered as he grinned slightly, "Odd reports have been surfacing warranting attention from a Gym Leader, the position of it is straddling the regions border which is why we," He jerked a finger between Ulric and himself, "Are both here. Let's keep things fairly quick, huh?"

Nods were given by the three standing there, They began getting ready to take off. Vali got on Smaug's back. Soon enough they were in the air, Vali found herself flying next to Ulric. He spoke over the wind, "I wasn't expecting your partner to act that way."

"Smaug's the Beta in my pack," Vali answered as she leaned into Smaug, "Balto is the Alpha. Seeing as its been this way since the beginning of our journey, Smaug hasn't decided to change things even back when Balto was a Growlithe. Especially when you consider his general attitude, a lot of people would think he'd be the leader simply because he would never wish to bow down, but he defied those expectations without giving up his spirit,"

Smaug let out a growl of agreement and Vali snickered as sparks dusted the air around them. It was by chance that they passed by her head and hair. Ulric looked a bit shocked, "How in the world can an Arcanine lead a team with a Charizard on it?"

"Meet my pack and you'll see," Vali grinned at him.

Rather than stop right at the route, Blaine and Ulric had them touch down not far away in a semi-clear area. They set up camp with them all releasing some of their pokemon as protection. As soon as they were settled, Ulric started explaining what the Johto side of the League had heard as they all gathered around a campfire, "Most of the reports have been a higher number of trainer related injures/deaths. Granted this can happen some times, it usually happens in the spring though when eggs are hatching or late fall. It's still too early,"

"We've been getting the same reports with a couple missing trainers mixed in," Blaine replied earning a nod from Ulric.

Vali looked between from her place leaning against Balto's warm side, "So that means something set off the pokemon? Maybe some kind of unexpected evolutions might be the cause? It has been known to be the cause in the past."

"Very true especially considering the area," Ulric nodded in approval towards Vali.

"But that wouldn't have two gym leaders sent this way," Lance pointed out.

Ulric and Blaine shared a long look before the elder began speaking. Blaine's expression was stern and wary, "Within certain areas of the regions, the Leagues keep track of pokemon released by trainers of various levels. Within the Silver Mountains, a few of the pokemon have made their home among them is a specific one that many would do anything to get their hands on," Vali looked at him in surprise, "Craggy, the Garchomp of former Champion Rolland Hunchans, made his nest here."

"Shit," Lance breathed out with a shocked looked on his face.

A powerful Garchomp like that nesting in the Silver mountains? Vali inwardly shook her head at that, "If it's nesting here and all this activity is happening, does that mean something might've pissed it off?"

"Maybe," Blaine inclined his head, "Which is why we're here to check rather than the Rangers or Aces,"

"So where do we start then?" Vali asked with a curious look.

A map was unrolled and Ulric pointed to a few dots marked on it, "We'll begin there."

Smaug let out a joy filled roar that was slightly sadistic as he beat back yet another Rhydon that decided to challenge their travels. Vali smiled softly with a low chuckle while rubbing Empress' smooth shell. Empress watched the fight transfixed while Elrond kept up a psychic barrier around them. She heard approaching footsteps and looked to find Lance with Diaval, "Smaug is living it up out here."

"Your team is getting much stronger," Lance commented as he watched the Rhydon finally decide it was better to fall back and lick its wounds, "Seeing them now, it's a clear difference from the conference,"

"Yeah," Vali nodded as Smaug returned to her side with barely any scratches, "Nicely done, Smaug,"

Smaug let out a light purr of pride while Empress moved towards him and butted against his side. He snorted softly and patted her shell. Lance spoke after watching the sweet moment, "I finished up with my end of the area. Have you found anything?"

"Nothing yet, we keep encountering Rhydon, a few Donphan, and Dodrio," Vali shook reached up to scratch behind Eevee's ear, "I did find some signs of Onix and Steelix. Around the higher areas, I've seen a couple signs of that rare Skarmory that you sometimes hear about. That's pretty much it, I can't find anything else,"

"Pretty much what I've found," Lance frowned slightly, "I wonder what we're supposed to find here,"

Vali shrugged, "No idea, I'm just hoping that we're not going to run into Craggy. A territorial Garchomp is not something I want to run into especially when it's champion level."

Lance grinned a bit, "I don't know about that. Seems like a fun challenge to me, I've always planned on going up against it one day. If I can beat it to at least a standstill, I'll have managed to become a proper champion, ya known."

Vali shook her head, "You're crazy," A small smile played on her lips, "I guess when that day comes you better tell me. I need to be there if only to ensure you're and your pokemon aren't killed."

Lance nodded with a laugh, "Sure thing, it'll help to prove I've won too."