After dinner talk's

Everyone mimicked the man's words as Vali began returning everyone save for Aragorn and Elrond though Zavian offered, "Why don't I walk you to your room? I'm done eating and the gym is probably still a bit confusing to you."

Vali looked at him in surprise at the offer, but nodded lightly, "Uh, sure. While I think we'd be able to make our way to our just fine, it'd probably be a good idea."

Zavian returned his own pokemon revealing that he had a Houndoom, Incineroar, Salandit, Umbreon, Vulpix, and a Talonflame. They left the cafeteria and began heading for Vali's room with Zavian not quite leading. Zavian spoke up after a few moments, "Sorry if the girls ended up putting you off tonight, Vali. It's normally not like this. We're a lot more friendly and open then. It's just not often that we get new people, so having you come along is something we're not used to at all."

"I get it," Vali shrugged lightly, "Pallet Town is the same way. I was the odd one out when I arrived. I just hope it doesn't turn out the same way as my school days," She noticed his curious look, "I was the outcast. Too mature acting or too studious, I didn't really know if pokemon training was for me until the winter before I set off for my pokemon journey. As a result, I spent more time with the adults or in the library then with other children. I also spent a lot of time at the local pokemon lab,"

"Sounds rough," Zavian shook his head, "But probably better prepared you for your journey. I didn't see anyone from Pallet Town past the first round of the Conference save for you,"

"I didn't have much contact with anyone save for a couple times during my journey," Vali didn't really enjoy remembering said times due to what happened during them, "So an Umbreon?"

"Diana was my starter," Zavian explained with a light smile, "And I originally was a dark-type focused trainer like my mother. But then as my journey progressed, I began to discover my affinity for fire-types that I couldn't ignore. After my second Conference ended with me coming fourth, I decided to come back to Cinnabar and beg Blaine to take me on as a Gym Trainer. He agreed and I've been here since,"

"I can't imagine ever switching to a diffrent type of pokemon," Vali shook her head lightly at the thought.

Zavian's smile turned strained, "It was difficult and some of my original team ended up paying the price. Either dying or begging to be released due to resenting me, the rest of them I'm still able to train and make stronger," They stopped and Vali realized that they'd reached her door, "Vali, you lucked out on realizing which type of pokemon suited you strait out of the gate. Some of us don't and our pokemon pay the ultimate price. But sometimes even when we're training them right, we still make stupid decisions," He gave her a serious look which she hadn't been expecting and it looked strangely wrong on teenager, "The return feature exists for a reason, Vali. Don't hesitate for a second to return one of your pack if the battle looks like it's taking a turn towards the lethal sign, you should take it from someone who's paid that price in full more than once. Every second counts."

Vali nodded as she swallowed heavily against the lump in her throat, "I will, Zavian."

"Good," The haunted look in Zavian's eyes faded leaving pain and Vali knew that he would likely be thinking about whatever had brought that haunted look to his eyes, "Good night, Vali. Welcome to Cinnabar, I'll see you in the morning,"

"Night, Zavian," Vali replied in a soft voice.

Zavian left her and Vali headed into her room. She didn't immediately release anyone into the room that could barely fit everyone. Instead she headed over to the bed and sat down, Elrond settled onto the soft blanket with Aragorn hopping up beside her. Elrond spoke feeling her turmoil, "We will ensure that the worst will not happen. The training Blaine is putting us through is ensuring this."

"I know, but there's still a chance," Vali reached out and pulled Aragorn to her feeling comfort in his warmth, "I just don't want to lose any of you. The thought of it..."

A shudder ran through Vali that shook her to the very core at the thought of it. It caused her magic and inner flame to bristle and coil dangerously. Elrond sparked in slight alarm and she forced herself to calm down noting the flames beginning to dance along her skin. Elrond spoke in a gentle voice as he moved closer, "We will protect one another, Vali. We are pack"

Vali nodded as she took a deep breath, "We're pack," A sense of determination ran through her as she decided something, "Elrond, can you ensure everyone hears what I'm about to say?"

Elrond nodded while looking at her curiously, "Of course, Dear One."

With Aragorn peering up at her curiously, Vali spoke knowing that all of her pokemon were listening, "Everyone, I don't think we're going to be fighting at a higher level now and that'll lead to more dangers than before. We're going to be facing life and death situations whenever Blaine deems us ready to leave Cinnabar with him. Even when we're not leaving Cinnabar, but dealing with various emergencies, it's going to be dangerous," She was amazed her voice didn't shake, "I don't want to lose any of you, so we're going to train harder than before. We need to get every single team member that comes to us up to a level where they'll be able to survive. We're going to teach them about being part of our pack," She closed her eyes, "That being part of the pack means one pokemon's strengths is everyone's strength. One pokemon's weakness is everyone's weakness. So long as we keep that in mind and get stronger, we shouldn't lose anyone."

Elrond spoke as Aragon nuzzled into her, "Everyone is giving their agreement."