Mission start

Vali and Blaine once again shared a room though thankfully it was big enough for them to let out their pokemon. She practically passed out after releasing her pokemon and finding a bed. It was only once she'd had a proper rest and the something to eat that she took in North Pastel. The town was rugged and definitely more militaristic compared to most. The walls were made of harsh looking jagged stone and watch towers sat at key points. The streets were uniform and lacking many colors outside of the pokemon that inhabited the area. While it wasn't an unpleasant place to live, the difference from everywhere else she'd visited was startling.

Blaine took her towards one of the larger office buildings where they were led into a meeting room. A female Ranger with a Ninetales smile warmly at Blaine, "Gym Leader Blaine, It's good to see you again. I suppose this is Valkyrie Potter-Black. The young Fire-type Master-in-training, right?"

"I am," Vali replied with a light nod as Thorin peered at the woman with suspicion, "And you are?"

"Ricky, Sargent Ricky Gold," The woman answered with a grin as purple eyes flashed slightly in amusement, "Nice to meet you, Kid. I look forward to working with you on this mission. You know what it's about or has the old man not said anything?"

"I haven't been told anything," Vali told the Ranger as she tried to remember if Sirius had mentioned a Sargent Gold before, "So what is going on?"

"Take a seat," Sargent Gold told her as Blaine moved to sit down, "To put it bluntly, you pretty much kicked open an ant hill, Kid. We have no idea how deep everything goes just yet since that brat we nabbed at the Conference doesn't have all the information. What we do have is some locations and the ability to raid them, you're going to be helping us,"

"Uh," Vali looked between the two as she sat down, "What exactly is happening?"

"The pokemon that brat had were on the verge of shadowing/darking," Sargent Gold answered earning a blank look, "Most of them were shadowing, they were in danger of losing themselves to the dark emotions in their hearts and becoming filled with rage to the point of becoming a Shadow Pokemon. Darkening is rarer though far more sought after. Unlike the shadow pokemon who lose control, they become blank and bloodthirsty seeking out only to destroy whatever caused their heart to disappear,"

Vali felt her heart ache at the thought, "Someone did that to those pokemon?"

"Is doing that to others," Sargent Gold corrected, "It can be healed...Well, the shadow pokemon can be healed. The Darkened Pokemon are lost and cannot be healed," She clenched her fist, "If we can get to them soon enough to heal the pokemon and save them before the process is far enough, we might just be able to stop anymore pokemon from Darkening,"

Vali nodded as she closed her eyes, "So what is the plan for us?"

"Once the other gym leader joins us, we'll introduce you three to our forces here," Sargent Gold replied as Thorin rubbed his head into Vali's knee and she began to pet him, "You, Vali, will be working with a team on reconnaissance and hopefully we can find the target of our operation soon,"

"Got it," Vali didn't mind that too much.

The door opened as soon as she said that and Vali soon found her lap occupied by a rather happy Raichu. Letting out a laugh, she hugged the Raichu gently, "Raichu! I missed you. I guess that means, Surge is here."

"You'd be right, Brat," Surge boomed from the room's entrance, "Happy birthday even if its a day late,"

"Thank you," Vali ignored Thorin's grumbling at Raichu, "Yesterday was fun, I got a Smeargle from Steven. While she won't be battling, it's going to be nice to have backup for my hobby,"

"Good to hear, Brat," Surge grinned as he walked further into the room and Raichu let go of her, "So ready to get this mission started?"

Vali nodded Raichu jumped off her lap and ran over to Surge, "Yeah. I've been ready to get it over with since the moment I went home filled with guilt over having to stay quiet. It was bad having to leave in the middle of the night."

"Sorry, Brat, but secrecy was needed," Surge told her.

"Interesting as this conversation is," Sargent Gold spoke up, "We should go get the introductions over with,"

Following after Sargent Gold following the somewhat quick introduction, Vali felt a bit of nervousness run through her at the thought of meeting what would be the team she'd be with during this time. Sargent Gold spoke as they walked towards where the squad was, "Virgo Squad is lead by Team Captain Serval Tear of Ace. Serval's squad has two other Aces and three rangers. They're somewhat dysfunctional, but they're good at what they do."

"That sounds like my pack," Vali told her as Thorin rumbled in agreement beside her, "It'll be interesting to work with them,"

"Glad to hear it," Sargent Gold smiled slightly as they stopped in front of a rather large door with a Furret painted on the door, "Here we are,"

Sargent Gold opened the door revealing a rather spacious office with Virgo Squad scattered among it. There was classical music coming from one desk with another playing rock music, a Ranger was throwing paper airplanes around with his Espeon. At the back of the office, an Ace was sitting at the desk in the back looking over in a report. The Ace looked up, "Hello, Sargent. How can I help you this morning?"

Sargent Gold spoke, "As we spoke before yesterday, Valkyrie will be joining your team for the duration of this open. She's been one a mission at this level once before at the beginning of her apprenticeship and it didn't end quite as well, so do ensure that things end better. Vali, ensure that you listen to Serval. If you all will excuse me, I've got work to do."

Vali nodded as the rangers and Ace's saluted as Sargent Gold left the room. Serval spoke after Sargent Gold left the room, "Potter-Black, welcome to Virgo Squad's office. My name is Serval Chase. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Pleasure to meet you as well though please call me Vali, I prefer," Vali told him earning a small nod, "This is one of my partners, Thorin. I have him and my Alolan Raichu out usually,"

"I saw your Raichu in the tournament last year. Very effective use of his skills, I assume you've expanded on them since then?" Serval asked earning a nod, "Good to hear though I expect nothing less of a Gym Leaders apprentice," He leaned back in his chair, "Now, I've got a couple rules for while your with us. My main rule is that your flying-type pokemon don't leave their feathers around the place. Any canine pokemon eat neatly same with any other pokemon. Only two pokemon allowed out at one though more are allowed out in the field, we tend to play with it in the wilds. Other than that, you need to listen to my orders,"

"I can do that," Vali didn't think those were too hard to follow.

"Then welcome to Virgo Squad, Valkyrie Potter-Black," Serval smirked at her.

Vali was sitting on Balto's back with her Smeargle taking pictures of the rather pretty scenery. She glanced away from the photo of a rather beautiful looking group of Bellossom dancing to the female Ranger not far from her, Kelly Stray, spoke up, "So this is enjoyable to you?"

"Yes," Vali turned back to her photos, "It's soothing and the photos are beautiful. I also have a secondary income that lets me support my pack,"

"Huh," Kelly hummed softly, "So our next place to go is in the westward direction as ordered by Serval,"

Vali nodded as she took one last photo, "Sounds good, I've got enough photos of this area. Smeargle, you good?"

Smeargle nodded and handed Vali her camera which was placed in a specific pouch. Kelly led the way on her Zebstrika. Kelly spoke as they made their way west, "So it's been about four days, how do you like it with us?"

"It's not bad," Vali smiled lightly at Kelly, "Being around you guys reminds me of human versions of my pack with some differences, I've enjoyed it. It really makes me think that if I need to go into the Aces for a bit, it wouldn't be too bad if only because I'd have a chance to be around humans like you guys,"

"Don't like humans too much, huh?" Kelly asked with a curious look.

Vali shook her head, "It's not that I don't like them, Kelly. I just understand pokemon a lot better."

"Well with the Ace and Ranger Corps, you'll find pretty much everyone agreeing with that statement," Kelly grinned at Vali, "Humans can suck and pokemon are so much better,"

Vali grinned at her in reply.