Bill took them around Silph Corp to places that weren't on the normal tour, but he wanted to show them anyway. Despite his lack of interest in non-pokemon related subjects, Bill was quite knowledgeable about the building and the various areas he showed them. Eventually, he ended the tour on the top of the building above the observation deck allowing them to avoid the crush of visitors inhabiting it. Vali stared at the city that stretched out below them and the landscape that she could see just beyond the city all around them. She took out her non-expensive camera and began taking photos when the urge hit her rather strongly. When she finished, Steven called her over to the railing where he and Bill were standing. Bill grinned when she said, "Despite not liking cities, I have to say they're interesting to see from above."
"This is the only view you'll get of Saffron like this since flying-types aren't allowed to fly in this air-space," Bill told her earning a slightly nod, "This is my favorite place in the city,"
"I can definitely understand," Vali loved being up so high though she had to ask since something bothered her about this experience, "What's keeping the wind and cold from being too much?"
"Psychic-types," Bill explained as he reached out and caused a thin blue tinted barrier to appear, "Dad has a few from back during his trainer days that don't mind doing things like this,"
"It's definitely enjoyable to not freeze despite being so high up during winter," Vali sent a mental thanks to the psychic-types and felt a small sense of gratitude come back at her, "So Bill, have any more trouble with the Ekans?"
"Not at all," Bill flushed a bit, "Thanks to you, I managed to make it so the lab portion of my cottage won't give out any vibrations that would disturb them," He cleared his throat, "Anyway, I brought you two up here for another reason,"
"What do you mean?" Steven asked as he shared a look with Vali.
"It isn't anything serious at the moment, but I felt that both of you deserved to know," Bill looked between them with a slightly hesitant expression on his face, "Normally, I wouldn't say anything given the fact we aren't actually friends and this is supposed to be a secret, I am doing so to repay the favor I owe you for helping me with the Ekans,"
Vali quickly figured out why he was hesitant, "This is something the League doesn't want just anyone to know, isn't it? It's going to be one the secrets that could cause an unneeded mass panic if it gets out."
Bill only looked slightly surprised, "Professor Oak was right. You're a quick thinker, Vali," He lost any trace of a smile on his face, "You might not realize it, but recently crime has increased. Not just human related crimes, I mean the ones involving pokemon," Vali stiffened and felt her face pale as Steven gained a severe look on his face, "The League isn't sure why exactly, but it thinks that we might be having a new Team appearing."
Steven took one of her hands and squeezed which helped Vali calm down, "Why would you say that?"
"I don't know, but my Dad was warned to start improving our security just in case," Bill looked a little worried at Vali's pale face, "Vali, what's wrong?"
"I almost got mugged in Vermilion by someone with a gun not even a few blocks from the gym," Vali answered making Bill pale rapidly, "The guy was going to try and take my pokemon. Thankfully, Steven managed to step in and I got away,"
Bill swallowed heavily, "I'm sorry to hear that, Vali. Did you..."
"I got grazed by the bullet," Vali tightened her grip on Steven's hand feeling a bit of panic well up.
Steven spoke up as Bill went green, "Bill, I assume the warning you wish to give us mostly involves being more careful."
Bill nodded as he tore his eyes away from Vali, "Especially in cities. Make sure you keep a close eye on Vulpix and your shiny Sandshrew, Vali."
"I can do that easily especially since Idril is back with Professor Oak," Vali calmed down at the mention of her pokemon, "Thanks for the warning, Bill,"
"No problem," Bill shook himself slightly, "How about we head back down?"
A Team hadn't been seen in Kanto for around fifteen years after the old Team Rocket under the rule of Madam Rocket had been disbanded by Champion Red and Professor Oak's son Blue back when the two men had been sixteen. They alongside those that many referred the Dex Holders who each carried the first fully functional pokedex in each Region had taken down all the evil teams that had been around back then. Sure there had been attempts to create more, but none had been successful thanks to the continued efforts of those that had taken them down. The only one that had come close was Team Cross, but they'd been taken down rather brutally by Agatha. Considering just how many had died as a result of the woman's ghost-type pokemon not to mention the ones belonging to Team Cross agents who'd never gained a proper hold on the ghosts, it wasn't surprising how reluctant people were when it came to forming a new Team. Vali was snapped out of her musing's at Sabrina's call of her name, "Vali."
"Sorry, Sabrina," Vali offered a tired smile towards the gym leader.
Sabrina frowned at her, "What bothers you, Vali? You normally have no trouble meditating."
"I didn't sleep well last night," Vali's nightmares of the mugger had come back with a vengeance leaving her quite tired and shaky.
Sabrina's frown deepened, "May I ask why?"
Vali hesitated a moment before asking in return, "Do you know of an event that happened in Vermilion City near the gym?" Sabrina's eyes narrowed for a moment before widening as the Gym Leader gave her a look of realization, "Someone mentioned something that brought it back to the forefront leaving my sleep troubled."
"I see," Sabrina stood up from the mat she'd been sitting on, "Follow me,"
Vali stood up from her sitting position and followed the gym leader out of the meditation garden she had set up, "May I ask where we're going?"
"I find that when myself troubled due to bad memories and meditation becomes too difficult that drinking tea helps," Sabrina answered as they reached a small kitchen, "It might not be as calming to you, but it might help,"
Vali nodded as she moved to sit down on one of the chairs while Sabrina got the tea ready, "I haven't had a good cup of tea in awhile."
"It's truly difficult to get one while traveling especially before they managed to create those storage containers," Sabrina set a kettle on the stove after filling it with water before beginning to rummage around in the cupboards, "It was one of the more distasteful parts of my journey,"
"You went on a journey?" Vali looked at Sabrina in surprise for the information.
Sabrina nodded with a small smile as she pulled out a jar filled with tea leaves while some ceramic tea cups floated out of another cupboard, "Yes. It was during the two years before my father and the League finally deemed me ready to take over as a Gym Leader. It is a time that I remember quite fondly," Sabrina set the cups down on the table and placed the jar of tea leaves down beside them, "It's also when I managed to catch Espeon back when he was an Eevee."
"I can understand it. Despite everything that's happened so far, I've really enjoyed my journey especially since it brought me my pokemon family," Vali had no doubt she'd look back on her first year with fondness when she was older.
Sabrina got out everything else to prepare their tea with and soon enough they were able to enjoy the tea that she'd chosen. Vali did admit to feeling just a bit calmer though talking to Sabrina about the Gym Leader's own journey helped the most. Sabrina let out a soft laugh as she finished explaining a rather embarrassing incident involving honey and a rather persistent Heracross, "Tomoe absolutely refuses to go back to Johto and will hide himself if he has to."
"I don't blame him," Vali giggled feeling a bit sorry for the Alakazam.
Sabrina shook her head lightly before asking, "May I ask what brought up your bad memory, Vali?"
Vali didn't want to get Bill into trouble, but she also wanted to confirm the information, "Bill mentioned that there might be a new Team forming."
Sabrina's eyes flashed in irritation, "I will need to speak with him about keeping secrets or ask his father to. I do not blame him for informing you though given what happened," The Gym Leader sighed deeply, "The investigation is within it's early stages, but there is a good chance that a Team is forming within the shadows."
Vali felt dread run through her at that, "Is there anyway to stop it?"
"Until we can get evidence that it is occurring, no," Sabrina reached out and placed a hand on Vali's, "The Team will be stopped if it is true even if it means bringing in Red and Blue once more,"
Vali was thankful for the attempt to comfort her though it did nothing to assuage her worries. Deciding to change the subject, she asked, "How are my mental defenses coming along?"
Sabrina didn't comment on the subject change much to Vali's relief, "You're doing rather well for a non-Psychic. I believe that within the next two weeks you shouldn't have much trouble keeping most Psychics out especially if Elrond is able to bolster you. In a week, we'll do a test to see where you stand than work on having Elrond assist with your shields."
"That's a relief," Vali would be happy when no Psychic would have an easy time getting into her mind.
"I have found the one who bothered you and punished them," Sabrina offered as Vali finished her second cup of tea, "They will be apologizing soon enough. She's one of my newer Gym Trainers who've only just discovered their potential as a Psychic,"
Vali felt her irritation at the reminder lessen at that. Newly discovered Psychics have the worst control and the girl probably didn't realize that she was being rude. More than likely, the girl had been interested in the unique feel to her mind. Magic offered a unique feel to ones mind that Psychics of both the human and pokemon variety found almost as interesting as others like them. She set down her cup, "I see. How new of a Psychic is she?"
"Barely a week since her Munna unlocked that side," Sabrina answered with a faint smile, "The Munna hatched a few days before it happened and didn't realize what it had done. Thankfully nothing catastrophic occurred,"
Vali nodded in agreement before jolting when her pokenav rang. She offered Sabrina an apologetic look earning a small shrug as the Gym Leader began cleaning up their little tea break, "Hello?"
"Vali," Professor Oak greeted her, "Do you have a moment?"
Vali looked at Sabrina who waved her off, "Sure thing, Professor. Is something wrong?"
"Not at all, I just wanted to tell you that I've managed to get into contact with Lorelei about Vulpix," Professor Oak explained earning a small nod from Vali as she took out her pokedex and got it ready to take notes.
"What did she say?" Vali asked him curiously.
"Lorelei obtained her Dewgong as an egg which was the runt of it's litter," Professor Oak explained earning a raised eyebrow from Vali.
"Wouldn't that mean there might be a correlation between runts and the king gene?" Vali asked well aware that Sabrina was listening in on the conversation.
Professor Oak nodded with an excited smile, "Indeed and I'll be talking with Professor Elm about this subject once I managed to get into contact with him again."
"Professor, I am going to authorize you to give Professor Elm the information I'm going to be gathering about Vulpix's development as a king," Vali told the man earning a wide eyed look, "It will give Vulpix more protection in the long-run not to mention benefit me a bit when it comes to gaining my Mastery,"
Vali might need to write a few research papers eventually, but she didn't actually need to personally write them. So long as she took part in gaining the information for it, she would be good even if it would mean taking a bit longer to gain her mastery. Professor Oak let out a soft chuckle and moved to type something into a nearby computer, "I'll make sure to tell him that. It's likely he'll have you come to Johto at some point in order to study Vulpix."
"I don't mind," Vali would probably take that chance to see if she could get a Cyndaquil as well as visit Charicific Valley.
"Anyway, Lorelei mentioned that while as a Seel it's appetite was twice what one normally ate and three times as much after an intense battle/training session," Professor Oak said prompting Vali to write it down, "Meaning that you'll probably need to give Vulpix around the same amount of food as Balto after intensive training/battling when he reaches all six tails,"
"Noted," Vali would need to win a few tournaments in order to keep up with Vulpix's appetite especially if she didn't want it to dig too much into her nest egg, "I'm guessing it doubled after evolving into a Dewgong?"
"Yes," Professor Oak offered her a sympathetic smile likely knowing the feeling since his Dragonite ate quite a bit, "Thankfully, she managed to find a good alternative,"
"What kind of alternative?" Vali asked as she mentally despaired over her wallet's future.
"Food pills created by the League that are created with the pokemon eating them in mind," Professor Oak explained earning a dubious look, "The pills contain enough food to be qualified as a full meal by the pokemon. While they might not taste very good according to Lorelei's Dewgong, they're good enough especially if you supplement them with a few berries,"
"Let me guess that alternative hinges on me becoming an Ace or League affiliated trainer?" Vali asked earning a nod, "Well if I wasn't motivated before, I am now,"
"If you don't become one, the food pills cost quite a lot of money," Professor Oak told her making the fire-type master-in-training inwardly groan, "Thankfully, you are technically a League affiliated trainer thanks to being one of my Data Collectors meaning that when the time comes the price will be lessened. It won't be as much as becoming an Ace or an Elite of course. It'll still be enough to make a difference,"
Vali sighed in relief, "Thanks for the information, Professor. I was just a bit worried."
"No problem, Vali," Professor Oak smiled lightly, "Where are you exactly?"
"Saffron City gym," Vali answered as she turned her pokenav towards Sabrina.
"Greetings Professor Oak," Sabrina greeted the professor with a light smile, "It has been awhile since we last spoke,"
"Not since the negotiations for exchanging pokemon between gyms," Professor Oak smiled in return, "It is good to see you again. Have the pokemon you received caused any trouble?"
"None save for needing to get used to being in Kanto," Sabrina replied as she moved closer, "Has there been any difficulties with the psychic-types at your ranch?"
"Nothing Alakazam can't handle," Professor Oak turned his head as a ringing sound came through the phone, "That must be Professor Elm, I should go," He looked back at the screen, "I will speak to you soon, Vali. Sabrina, it was wonderful to see you again,"
"You as well, Professor," Sabrina replied with a slight tilt of her head.
"See you then, Professor," Vali told the man before ending the call.