The opponent

"So who do you think will be your opponent Vali?" Ash asked from Lance's shoulder's while Gary was being carried on Steven's.

"No idea, but either way, I'll battle whoever it is with all my strength," Vali told them, "After all, you've got to when it comes to pokemon battles," They were almost to the area they'd be finding their opponents in, "My pack and I will grow strong that way,"

"Win or lose?" Ash asked curiously.

"Win or lose," Vali told him as they reached the area.

It was a large lounge-like place fit for pokemon and people alike. The fourth trainer in the group, a girl from Kalos, looked up from her book and scowled, "What are those children doing here?"

"They're my adoptive little brothers and I'm watching them," Vali told them girl, "They're with me for the moment while my adoptive mom is doing something,"

"They're not allowed in here," The girl said.

"I don't see any rules saying that they aren't and the boys aren't arguing against it," Vali replied as she walked further into the room.

Before much else could be said, the announcer from her previous matches walked in with a grin on his face, "Hello everyone! I'm glad to see you all and happy that you've all made it through your rough battles. You've made it into the top four which is an accomplishment especially for you, Miss Potter-Black."

"I'm only this far because of my pokemon," Vali replied as the announcer nodded.

Before the announcer could speak again, the girl said, "Those kids shouldn't be here!"

"Ah, oh," The announcer blinked a bit and seemed to notice the two boys, "Ah who are those two boys?"

"My two adoptive brothers," Vali explained with a light grin, "I'm watching them for Ash's mother, Delia Ketchum, who's busy at the moment. Steven and Lance don't have a problem with them being here as they've been helping me since Delia dropped them off,"

The announcer nodded while paling a bit at Delia's name, "If the two boys agree to behave, I see no reason not to let them in here for the time being as we won't be long," Ash and Gary nodded, "Now please do sit down all of you, we should get started."

"Right," Vali said as she moved to sit down.

Ash and Gary settled down on either side of her. Lance settled beside Ash with Steven sitting on Gary's side. Aragorn settled on her lap allowing the two boys to pet him and keep themselves occupied. The announcer spoke once they'd gotten settled, "Now that we're all settled, the final three matches are held in the Colosseum which I'm sure at least two of you have dreamed of since you've heard of pokemon battling. So here's the match up, Aimee Bisset against Lance Blackthorn. Steven Stone against Valkyrie Potter-Black. I look forward to seeing your battles."

Vali's heart clenched, dropped like a lead weight into her stomach, and beat faster all at once at that moment. She'd be facing Steven in the next match and somehow that felt all the more fitting for how this portion of her journey would end.

"It's fitting, isn't it?" Vali said hearing the footsteps heading towards her on wooden deck stop, "You being the one to face me rather than Lance?"

The steps resumed as Steven spoke, "I suppose. How did you know it was me?"

"More of a guess," Vali looked at him as he came to stand next to her on the back deck, "So in two days time we'll face one another, My pack and I will give it our all in front of everyone only to lose,"

"You still think that?" Steven asked as he sat down next to her.

Vali snorted softly, "Do you honestly think even with all the training and help we could've gotten in we'd win?" Steven was silent earning a soft sigh and she shook her head, "Steven, it isn't that I don't want to win and I know that everyone wants to see if we could triumph against the odds. But look at my team, you know as well as I do how hard it would be. Even if Smaug, Balto, Elrond, and Celina were to push through it all, I don't have anyone else to really back them up right now even with the others doing their best to catch up. I know that I've got to work with everyone on getting stronger and working harder on reaching their highest potentials."

"It's difficult for you what with having to look after two baby pokemon," Steven offered earning a huff.

"Don't blame Houndour and Aragorn," Vali shook her head, "It's on me and I know it,"

Steven sighed deeply, "Vali, you're an amazing trainer and the fact you've brought out so much in Smaug, Balto, Elrond, and Celina shows that. You've done the same with the others as well even with the smaller attack pools."

"We'll do our best, Steven, even if it means failing," Vali smiled softly, "Besides, I made it to the top four. Not many 1st year trainers can say that and I'm proud of myself,"

"True," Steven smiled in return, "You've done amazingly well for yourself, Vali. I'm glad we've traveled together and I've been able to see it so far,"

"I am too," Vali replied as she wondered how far they could've gotten without Steven watching over them.

It was something that left a semi-bitter taste in Vali's mouth that she didn't like and helped push her towards the path of taking Blaine's apprenticeship if he offered it. How far could she get outside of Steven's shadow? She pushed away those thoughts as the backdoor opened and Delia's voice sounded, "Vali, Steven! Come get some cake!"

"Coming!" Vali called out with a low sigh as she slowly began to stand up.

"Hey, Vali," Steven spoke up as he stood up.

"Yeah?" Vali looked at him as they began making their way inside.

"You don't need to accept my offer you know," Steven told her, "Even if Blaine doesn't offer you the apprenticeship," She looked at him in surprise, "I know its stressing you a lot more then you need and to be honest I've been kicking myself. It's still on the table, but we can always set a meeting point up when you want to join me in Hoenn so we'll be able to travel together. While you might not get the full experience, you'll still get some of it,"

Vali was surprised and touched by that. She immediately felt bad for her former thoughts. She hugged Steven and said, "Thank you, Steven. It's still a lot to think about, but much easier now."

Steven hugged her back tightly, "You're my friend, Vali. I'm going to look out for you even if I won't be right there beside you."

"Now let's go get some cake before those boys and Lance take it all," Vali told him as they let go of each other.

They headed inside with Vali lighter in someways, but still heavy in others.