Calls home

Professor Oak nodded as Vali finished explaining her plans for the gym battle and why she needed Celina to be on her inactive team, "I can do that. I take it she's agreed to it?"

"Of course, I wouldn't have voiced it otherwise," Celina had actually be happy to not battle.

With the days growing colder, Celina had become somewhat sluggish and more than a little nippy when someone bothered her. It was actually a common trait observed in the Pidgey-line. Despite their bigger bodies and somewhat thick feathers, the Pidgey-line were a little more vulnerable to the cold than most flying-types and it took them quite awhile to build up the resistance needed to be able to fly during winter. Because of this, they migrated more than most flying-types and often disappeared off into warmer areas of the regions they lived in to get away from the worst of the cold. It took years for a Pidgeot, even a trained one, to build up the endurance needed to be able to withstand the colder areas of the atmosphere. Of course, the Spearow-line were the exact opposite as they've evolved to withstand the colder areas of the regions most likely out of spite and the need to be better than the Pidgey-line.

It was also around this time of year that Celina would normally be bulking up as much as possible since mating season would kick in right when the Spring Thaw began. She would also be searching for a territory to call her own which would be visited by males during mating season in hopes of becoming her mate. Thanks to how well Vali had taken care of her friend, the Pidgeot would likely have quite a few males attempting to win her favor come mating season if she was old enough for it which would be a question she'd have to ask Professor Oak when she actually went home for Christmas.

Professor Oak nodded with a smile as he began typing on a nearby computer, "It'll take an hour for the process to be completed. Would you like to send her to the lab before you leave Fuchsia?"

"Actually, Professor..." Vali began explaining her plan and Professor Oak began laughing once she finished.

When the laughter died down, Professor Oak said, "You truly are a devious person, Vali. I'll definitely send Alakazam to pick you and Steven up once you're done in Fuchsia."

"Thank you, Professor. Make sure you don't breath a word about it to anyone since it does need to be a surprise," Vali winked at him earning a chuckle.

"Of course," Professor Oak shook his head, "Now, the stones you found,"

Vali sat up full, "Was I right?"

Professor Oak nodded as he shuffled around some papers, "Yes, but Sirius has mentioned that it is more difficult for the magic to flow in ways that he's used to."

"So it's likely we'll have to recreate the spells we know," Vali mused earning a nod from the Professor, "That's definitely something we can do though it will probably be a bit more difficult on me if it draws on my inner fire, we'll need to test it at some point during my time home along with whatever tests you plan on doing with my inner fire,"

"I'll try to limit them in some way so you can enjoy your time home," Professor Oak grinned slightly, "I have news that Gary is definitely going to enjoy though I've been asked to keep quiet about it,"

"Daisy's finally coming home?" Vali asked as she reached up to scratch behind Pikachu's ears.

"Yes and she'll definitely be apologizing to Gary when she sees him," Professor Oak looked very pleased, "I'm very thankful that Ash brought this to your attention and you brought it to mine,"

"I'm always glad to help, Professor," Vali replied as Pikachu nuzzled into her cheek, "After all, I do owe you a lot for taking Sirius and I in among other things,"

Professor Oak shook his head though didn't say anything since they'd had this conversation before and he'd had it with Sirius as well. Professor Oak changed the subject, "I'm surprised Balto isn't with you."

"He's been practicing Double Team for a while, so I'm having Nurse Joy look him over," Vali replied as Pikachu dropped into her lap, "He's really getting strong, Professor. I'm actually hoping that when we come home that you might be able to check him over and see how close he is to reaching the limit of what he can do as a Growlithe,"

"I don't see why not. Do you want me to do the same with Pikachu?" Professor Oak asked making Pikachu jolt and look at the Professor in shock.

Vali nodded as she smiled down at Pikachu, "Yes, I'm actually hoping to evolve him soon especially if he does well during the gym battle."

Pikachu looked at her in shock before grinning and letting out a happy cry. Vali giggled as she hugged the excited mouse pokemon and Professor Oak chuckled at the sight. Professor Oak said, "I see that he approves of it. I'll definitely check both of them over. I do hope you won't mind Arcanine battling Balto before you evolve him. He'd want to see how powerful one of his children have become."

"I think Balto would enjoy it especially if we gave them their heads for the battle," Vali knew that it would give her a good idea of just how good Balto was as a Growlithe compared to how he would be as an Arcanine.

"I'll speak to Arcanine later. Do you want to see how your pokemon do against mine, Vali?" Professor Oak offered earning a wide eyed look, "While my pokemon might not be quite in their prime anymore, they've still got it,"

"I'd love to Professor," Vali was surprised by how calm she sounded.

Excitement filled her as Vali barely held herself back from squealing. Battling a champions team, a former champion with one of the shortest terms in current existence or not, was a dream come true especially when you considered the fact their trainer is Professor Oak. The man not only managed to train a Charizard, but a Dragonite as well on top of other pokemon. He was one of the first people outside of the Blackthorn dragon tamer clan to raise a Dratini into a powerful Dragonite that's still loyal to him even now that he isn't actively battling. Even if they're considered one of the friendliest dragon-types in existence, Dragonite are some of the most powerful creatures on the planet and deserved respect.

Professor Oak snickered at the likely awestruck expression on her face, "I think Gary and Ash would enjoy watching those battles, don't you?"

Vali coughed as she forced herself to calm down, "I do. They'd probably enjoy it."

"Though you might want to be careful bringing Smaug around," Professor Oak warned her.

Vali nodded in understanding, "I will though it might prove to be a good idea to have your Charizard battle mine. Might motivate Smaug a bit more and knock down some of his arrogance."

Smaug was a Charizard which could be pretty arrogant if not knocked down a few pegs especially if they were males. Professor Oak nodded as he gained a concentrated look on his face, "I'll fix up a battlefield for them to use. How is the Vulpix egg?"

"Healthy. I have been tempted to try meditating with it in my lap, but I don't want to accidentally harm the unborn pokemon," Vali would hate herself if she did that.

"I can understand especially since we don't know exactly what your inner flame can do," Professor Oak sighed deeply, "I really wish we could find those answers,"

"They lay with whoever is giving me those visions and dreams," Vali's good mood disappeared at the reminder of her visions.

Professor Oak offered her an apologetic smile, "We'll figure things out, Vali. I promise."

Vali nodded, "If you'll excuse me, I need to go talk to Delia."

"Of course," Professor Oak replied, "I will hopefully see you soon,"

The call cut and Vali ran a hand through her hair feeling a bit of irritation. Pikachu nuzzled into her with a worried expression. She offered the mouse pokemon a tired smile, "I'll be fine, Pikachu. I'm just a bit frustrated right now with the whole visions and stuff."

Vali's dreams had been filled with the shattered pieces of the vision that she'd seen that first night after the safari zone alongside the dreams she'd had before. While they didn't completely dominate her dreams, they often caused her to wake up in the middle of the night. Part of the reason she was so eager to return home was because of Regulus and the other dark-type pokemon at the ranch, they would hopefully give her a reprieve from the visions. She rubbed underneath Pikachu's electrical sacks earning a coo of delight from the mouse pokemon as the worried expression vanished. Pushing her troubled thoughts away, she dialed her home number and smiled at Delia when the woman answered, "Vali! This is a surprise, I didn't think you'd be calling for another few days since you do have training to do."

"We're taking a small break while my pokemon learning Double Team get checked over by Nurse Joy," Vali explained earning a look of understanding, "Anyway, I talked with Steven about returning home for Christmas and some much needed R&R since we've been pretty much going non-stop since leaving Pallet Town. Steven's dad doesn't really expect him back for Christmas and isn't really home for it anyway. We were kind of hoping you wouldn't mind him coming to stay with us for the month off we're taking,"

Delia beamed at her, "I don't mind at all though did you tell him about the chances of us staying with the Oak's?"

"Of course, I didn't want to throw him off the deep end," Vali felt the tension she'd been feeling ease up, "Is Ash there?"

Delia shook her head, "No, He's with Sirius and Gary at the corral. Why?"

Vali offered the woman an impish grin, "Well, you see..."

Delia giggled with a grin, "Oh that sounds wonderful, I can't wait to see their faces."