First Indigo Battle Pt. 2 and an Evolution

Thickly corded muscles flexed and shifted with each movement the newly released feline made, the Persian peered at Empress almost dismissively earning a loud growl of anger. Empress still needed to work on not showing any outward signs of being bothered by her opponents when they acted like Persian, but that would come later. It was likely that Empress didn't even know that it was an act anyway, but Vali had been traveling too long to be fooled by such an act, she called out, "Empress, be on your guard. This one isn't like the other one, it's stronger," Empress froze a little before eyeing the Persian in a new light, "Empress, be careful. Please."

Empress growled softly before firing off a Dragon Pulse to start the battle once more after the Referee gave his call. Allen's Persian dodged the attack with fluid grace and sent a Dark Pulse back at Empress who barely managed to dodge the attack. Persian backed it up with a Shadow Ball and kept attacking in this manner barely allowing Empress a moment to breath let alone attack back. Empress managed a Dragon Pulse or Ember occasionally though mostly ended up hiding behind some of the boulders scattered around the field. Allen Spoke as Persian sent Empress flying Iron Tail and Feint Attack combo, "You should recall the baby dragon, it isn't going to be able to do much more. Persian was a gift to me from my Brother before I left on my journey. He'll keep going until it's knocked out or dead."

Vali's lips pulled into a slight frown and she looked at Empress who'd landed not far from her box. She looked into Empress' dark bluish grey eyes as her fingers curled around the Bagon's pokeball. Despite the long scratches coating the little dragons sky blue scales and dripping crimson onto the slate grey ground, a fire burned within the dragon's eyes. It was this desire that stilled her hand and pulled her lips into a soft smile. Nodding to Empress and giving into the little dragon's desire to prove herself, she said, "We're with you, Empress. Every single one of us."

Empress stared into Vali's, her treasure's, eyes as those words were spoken and felt the energy that had been building within her over the course of the last couple of months finally begin to surge. Pushing herself up, she turned back to the feline and bared her teeth with a roar as the energy burst forth alongside an onslaught of memories, strength, and pain.

Empress had been born second among four other hatchlings under a Salamence Dame and a Dragonite Sire though she rarely saw her mother after she'd hatched seeing as the Bagon-line tended to be more paternal. Sire had cared for her and ensured she'd been taken care of even taking her to the Dragonair Colony once the winter had gone two seasons after her birth. There she'd lived with her cousins under the care of those annoying humans avoiding capture and feasting whenever possible, Sire rarely visited after awhile though that was due to the matriarch not wishing for a male Dragonite to be around outside of mating season. When she had become strong enough, she planned on traveling alongside him and perhaps finding her dame one day.

The Dragonair Colony did not like her very much. Most species disliked their non-same species kin, it was a well-known fact, but the Dragonair Colony had ensured she'd been able to survive however grudgingly that they'd done so. But pride could be a terrible thing especially when it comes to a dragon-type, she had spat on the grudging support of her sire's clan and struck out on her own once barely managing to survive. Death had been the fate that awaited her until she met Vali, the only human worth becoming her treasure. Trusting humans had never been something she'd been big on, they'd been an annoyance that had only ever been good for a quick meal or healing if she'd gotten hurt. Even Sire had rarely ever had something good to say about humans despite growing up within the Safari Zone where his clan had chosen their nesting grounds, it had become ingrained in her to dislike humans to the point of openly treating them with suspicion. Had she not been on the verge of collapsing with hunger, she wasn't sure if that would've changed.

While there were times Empress had trouble understanding what exactly went on in Vali's head or why the human acted as she did, she didn't regret ever forcing her way into becoming one of the human's pokemon. The other pokemon, even clumsy Pippin, were becoming dear enough to her that she wanted to protect them as well if only because of Vali. They were Vali's after all. Though she hadn't realized any of this until Vali had saved her that day on the boat, the human had risked everything to save her even when she'd been misbehaving so much and she'd gotten hurt doing it too. She regretted ever causing her treasure harm no matter how recently that realization had come to pass.

When it all faded away, Empress shook herself slowly as instinctive knowledge filled her mind. She looked at the feline across from herself and stepped forward only to pause. A calm realization struck her as she felt the heaviness of her body. She knew that she'd no longer be able to reach the speeds been able to before knowing that she wouldn't be able to move as quickly as before. Even if the damage from before had mostly healed and she'd be able to take a lot more damage, she was unsure if she'd be able to actually hit the feline especially without having a full grasp on her power now that she'd become something else. Rather than take that chance, she slowly turned towards her treasure and let out a soft warbling cry. Vali's eyes were filled with tears and a soft warmth , "Done for now, Empress?" Empress cooed in agreement, "Alright," She raised the pokeball, "Congratulations, my friend."

"Valkyrie Potter-Black has forfeited her newly evolved Shelgon," The announcer shouted.

Vali pressed her lips to Empress' pokeball murmuring a few more congratulations. They'd have to work hard to get Empress used to her new body. Placing Empress' pokeball in its' slot, she pulled out Pele's pokeball and released her, "Come out and battle with me, my friend!" Pele appeared with a soft coo, "Empress evolved, Pele. We'll be congratulating her later on once Nurse Joy releases her," Pele nodded with a pleased look, "For now, we need to focus on winning this battle against that Persian. You know what to do. Earth Defense!"

Allen looked confused as Pele created her patented box in the middle of the field, "You just trapped your own pokemon."

"Trapped isn't what I'd call it," Vali replied as Persian began prowling around the edges of Pele's defensive wall looking for a way inside other than the obvious.

Many watching the battle were in much the same position, they would soon realize the truth. Allen frowned at her words before shaking his head, "Persian, dig into their defense and knock that Numel out."

Vali smiled lightly as Persian burrowed into Pele's defensive wall. She called out, "Hot Pot!"

Hot Pot had become more refined in the month since her gym battle against Giovanni, Pele had learned how to restrain the pokemon she trapped within and could even control some of the intensity of the heat being used within it. Still needed some work, they were going to be working on it forever just like any good trainer. Persian's thick fur would work against it in the intense heat. Pele dropped the walls revealing a shivering and swaying Persian coated in sweat. A single Mud-Slap later saw the large cat collapsing earning a roar from the crowd. Allen stared at his unconscious pokemon in shock before looking up at Vali, "What was that?"

"An original technique," Vali replied with a shrug, "Good job, Pele! Our hard work has definitely paid off,"

Pele cooed raising her head proudly as the referee called out, "Mister Warner, you have ten seconds to recall and release your next pokemon. Or you'll forfeit the next match."