First Indigo battle Pt. 1

Vali walked through the tunnel towards the field for her first match. She had decided to register Empress, Pele, and Elrond for the first match. The first was mostly to see how Empress did in a setting like this. Pele because she could definitely handle anything that came at her. Elrond could back them up on the off chance the first two got knocked out. As chancy as this was, Empress had really grown during their training especially underneath Professor Oak's Dragonite even if her move-pool was still a bit smaller than she'd prefer. The Bagon was ready to try her paw at a setting like this and they were in the first round which meant she'd be able to make up for it if Empress didn't do well.

Exiting into the sunlight, Vali was a little surprised to find just how rocky it was, but supposed that made sense given it was a rock field though she did kind of wish she'd chosen Terra as one of her pokemon if only to given the Larvitar an advantage. With a mental shrug, she looked at the other end of the field where her opponent was standing. The male across from her had a shock of bright white hair that fell to his shoulders in a mess of spikes save for a single streak of black that hung down by his right ear. He wore a pair of black head phone around his neck and a sleeveless black vest over a white long-sleeve. He wore a pair a tan cargo shorts and a pair of black combat boots. He looked at her curiously with pale silver eyes. The announcer began, "And now the start of the second battle on the rock field! On the green side of the field, one of the two new comers Allen Warner from Pastel Valley. On the red side of the field, our second new-comer Valkyrie Potter-Black of Pallet Town!" The audience cheered politely as she eyed the boy across from her carefully, "Each trainer is allowed only three pokemon. Now let the battle begin!"

Allen began the battle with a grin, "Let's show them our strength, Raticate!"

Vali eyed the Raticate carefully for a moment before inwardly nodding and taking out Empress' pokeball. Empress could handle that Raticate as far as she could tell and if not, she'd be able to withdraw the Bagon, "Come out and battle with me, my friend!"

Empress appeared with a loud cry earning shouts of surprise. Allen and Raticate both gave Vali an incredulous look as Empress looked around upon her release with the trainer asking, "Did you seriously just release a baby pokemon onto the field?"

"My Empress maybe small, but she is no baby," Vali retorted with a light grin, "Empress, you know what to do right?" Empress growled in agreement and happiness at finally getting to show off, "Then go for it, I believe in you,"

"Raticate, just finish that baby off quickly with a Hyper Fang," Allen looked at Vali with some disgust.

Vali rolled her eyes at him, but said nothing as she focused on Empress. Empress started off with the one attack her species was well known for, Headbutt, managing to disrupt Raticate's Hyper Fang while the over-side mouse was charging it up causing a miniature explosion. Empress kept going forward due to her heavy weight while Raticate was sent skidding backwards from the explosion and used the momentum to create a modified Dragon Rush as they'd practiced during their training. This basically made Empress into a modified missile as Raticate was finding out, the attack propelled the over-sized rat into a large boulder and even through it before Empress stopped powering it. Empress quickly backed off and shot off Ember towards Raticate to help create distance between them. This 'Dragon Missile' attack did some recoil damage which made the high natural defense of Empress' species such a wonderful thing, the Bagon still needed to get some breathing room after using it though since they were still working out some kinks.

Vali spoke as Raticate pulled itself slowly from the small indent it'd made in the second boulder Empress had sent it into, "Empress is no baby. She may look like one, but like many first evolution dragons, it doesn't mean anything. Empress," Empress growled softly not taking her eyes off of Raticate, "Keep it up, you're doing wonderfully."

Allen twitched a bit, "Raticate! Hyper Fang! Sucker Punch. Knock it out," He eyed her, "What was that move?"

Vali merely smiled as Raticate shook its head slowly to get rid of the cob webs before taking off towards Empress, "An original one. I'm sure you've got your own just as anyone would at this stage if they merely tried hard enough."

Empress had managed to increase her ability to charge up her Dragon Pulse, but it was no where near the second it took Professor Oak's Dragonite. That would likely only come when she was a Salamence and had mastered the attack, it was still quick enough that Vali could okay it for battle use. Empress used a mixture of Dragon Pulse and Ember to keep Raticate away while Headbutt/Dragon Missile was used to push the normal-type to the brink. Raticate didn't let the little dragon walk all over it though managing to score a few shallow bites and a single deeper one towards the end of the match that left her inwardly wincing. Not to mention using Shock Wave, she had to wonder why Allen hadn't had the mouse use it before the end though supposed it hadn't really occurred to him he'd need it until just then. In the end, the evolved pokemon fell to the unevolved dragon though it was a close one.

The referee raised his flag towards Vali, "Victory for red!"

The announcer spoke as Allen recalled his downed Raticate with a frown, "Now Allen Warner is down one pokemon. What pokemon will he use to battle Vali's Bagon?"

Allen eyed Empress who was panting softly as Vali refrained from recalling her just yet. Empress wasn't in any true danger just yet though she'd need to see Nurse Joy once the battle was over no matter what. Using Dragon Missile multiple times so close together was taxing on the body even if said body was build to stand up against a lot of damage, she made a mental note to talk to the Nurse about contact Professor Oak about what he'd noticed when treating Empress since they'd begun training the move. Allen released his next pokemon, "You may have won against Raticate, but my Persian won't be so easily swept aside!"