Home for Christmas

Once all their pokemon were released back to them from Nurse Joy's care, they gathered what supplies they would need which mostly consisted of pokemon food and other pokemon care items that they needed. They didn't want their pokemon to eat Delia out of house and home. Vali also picked up the extra things Nurse Joy recommended for taking care of her baby Vulpix when he hatched. Once everything was packed away and they checked out of the pokemon center, she made the call to Professor Oak, "Hello, Vali. I take it that its time?"

"Yup!" Vali grinned at him, "I can't wait to be back in Pallet town for a little while,"

"She'll be waiting outside for you and Steven," Professor Oak told her.

"Thank you for this, Professor," Vali told him.

"It's no trouble," Professor Oak replied, "You've done a lot to help with my research so far and even helped me start some new projects. Now hurry up, Alakazam doesn't like to be kept waiting,"

Vali nodded and ended the call. Steven handed over her bag when she reached him, "Ready?"

"Yup, Alakazam should be waiting for us outside," Vali shouldered her bag, "So let's get going,"

They waved goodbye to Nurse Joy and left the pokemon center. Alakazam was waiting just like Professor Oak had said, "Vali."

"Hey, Alakazam," Vali grinned at the psychic-type, "You're looking well,"

"As are you, you're stronger now," Alakazam replied with a pleased tone, "Let us go, I do not like being out of my meditation room for long,"

Vali and Steven quickly approached Alakazam. The psychic-type placed a hand on their shoulders and teleported them to Pallet Town. Alakazam released them when they landed in front of the Ketchum-Black-Potter residence. She hugged the psychic-type gently, "Thank you, Alakazam."

Alakazam patted her head, "Go on, Miss Delia is very excited to see you."

Vali released Alakazam and the psychic-type teleported away. Steven smiled as she moved to open the door, "Happy to be home?"

"Definitely," Vali opened the door and stepped inside, "Delia, we're home!"

"Vali!" Delia beamed at Vali as she walked out of the kitchen, "Welcome home,"

Vali hugged the brunette haired woman tightly, "I'm glad to be back."

Delia released her before smiling at Steven, "Welcome back, Steven."

"Thank you, Miss Delia," Steven told her.

"Now," Delia clapped her hands, "I know you two have things to do, so why don't you get your bags settled in your rooms. Vali, your room is through that hallway," Delia pointed to the hallway that Vali hadn't noticed before, "The guest room where Steven will be staying with us is on the left and your room is on the right,"

"You got the house renovated?" Vali asked as Delia led them down the hallway.

Delia nodded with a soft laugh, "We figured it would be for the best since you do have a family of pokemon with you."

Vali pushed open the door to her room and whistled at how big it was. It would definitely hold everyone at the current moment, "How didn't I notice this before?"

"A misdirection ward, we wanted it to be a surprise," Delia told her as Vali walked over to the big bed that would definitely be able to hold more than just her even when she got older, "Do you like it?"

Vali nodded as she put down her bag, "Definitely," She noticed the padded crib near the center of the room, "Did you get that for me?"

"Professor Oak thought it would be a good idea since you decided to come home for Christmas," Delia said as Vali looked around the room with a soft smile, "Your evolutionary items are right over here," Delia walked over to one of the cupboards set up and opened it to pull out a glass case, "The present you sent is in there as well,"

"Thank you, Delia," Vali hugged the woman after she put the case back, "For everything,"

"It's no trouble, Vali. You are my daughter after all," Delia hugged her back and only smiled while Vali tightened her hold.

After a few more moments, Vali and Steven left her home. They headed to the school in Pallet Town which catered to children of all ages. It was a wide-spread building with multiple levels and varying designs. Walking past the gate and the children running around the playgrounds on either side, Steven could tell they were getting a lot of attention from both the adults and students. He looked at Vali as they entered the building, "Professor Oak and Miss Delia told them about us coming, right?"

"Mhmm," Vali hummed sounding a bit distracted as they walked to what looked like the main office.

Vali pulled open the door which revealed a rather homey looking entrance room. A woman with graying brown hair and pale teal colored eyes looked up from the computer she was working on. She beamed at Vali, "If it isn't little Valkyrie Potter-Black, back in town for Christmas?"

"Of course, it would suck if I couldn't eat some of Delia's famous Christmas cookies," Vali replied earning a bark of laughter from the woman, "How have you been, Mary? My little brothers not causing too much chaos?"

"Nothing we can't handle," Mary replied before catching sight of him, "Who is this fine young man?"

"Steven Stone," Steven walked forward to shake the woman's hand, "I'm her traveling partner,"

"It's wonderful to meet you," Mary replied before looking at Vali, "Let me go inform Principle Hue that you two have arrived,"

Vali waved her off and Mary stood up to go to the Principles office. Steven looked at Vali as she observed the office with a light smile on her face, "Happy memories, Vali?"

"Yeah," Vali shook herself lightly and offered him a sheepish smile, "Sorry if I seem a bit distracted, I really did like this school outside of my fellow students,"

"You always did get along better with us adults, Vali," A warm voice said from nearby.

"Hard not to when most of the others were immature brats," Vali replied with an eye-roll, "You're looking well, Principle Hue,"

"You are as well. You're not quite as short as you were," Principle Hue replied with a chuckle as Vali rolled her eyes again, "I'm Principle Michel Hue,"

"Steven Stone," Steven replied as he shook the rather imposing man's hand.

The man was taller than Lt. Surge and just as built as the Vermilion City Gym Leader. He had a bright shock of violet hair and deep brown eyes that glittered with amusement. Instead of wearing a suit, he wore blue jeans, a t-shirt, and boots. He smiled warmly at Steven, "It's nice to meet you. Now, we should get going if we're going to have time before school lets out."

Principle Hue led the way out of the office and Vali asked, "How are Ash and Gary doing?"

"Not bad, Ash is actually doing a lot better than he had been back in the beginning," Principle Hue answered with a soft chuckle, "He's also a lot more patient since he got that Pidgey of his,"

"That's good," Vali smiled lightly, "They don't know about this, do they?"

"No, we kept it a secret from the students just as you asked," Principle Hue grinned, "The kids are going to love it," The man pushed open a pair of double doors, "Here you are, I'm going to go get the kids and bring them here,"

With that, Principle Hue left them in an empty gym and Vali moved to the center of the room with a light grin. Steven followed after her at a sedated place.