Steven's thoughts and Vali's return home

Steven looked at her with wide eyes as she grinned at him, "You managed to beat Blaine?"

Vali nodded radiating pleasure and pride even through the pokenav. Steven couldn't believe how strong she'd grown since their battle at the Conference. Vali leaned back against her seat, "Yup, he only used six pokemon. The Elites."

"Elites?" Steven's estimations of her increase in strength went up, "That's amazing, Vali! You've reached a level of strength most only do after years of training within a year and a half,"

Vali shook her head, "We've still got awhile to go especially if we're going to become Elites ourselves. We're getting there as that fight proved," Steven heard the sounds of a pokemon center in the background, "Especially since only Balto and Thorin were still up when Magmar fell,"

"Wow," Steven had to shake his head at the prospect, "How is everyone?"

"They're rough though Nurse Joy says only Smaug is in really bad condition what with the knock out drag out that he'd done with Magmar," Vali replied with a wry smile, "He's lucky that she's able to heal his jaw and that his teeth can grow back,"

"That bad?" Steven asked with a curious look.

Vali rolled her eyes, "Let's just say he's got a brand new scar for his pride, you'll see it next time we meet up."

Steven had to chuckle a little, "Sounds like him, I take it they'll all be in the pokemon center for a bit?"

"For another hour or two, they'll be finished afterward and we'll be heading back to the gym for packing up," Vali let out a relieved sigh, "I'll be glad to be home and actually able to relax for the first time in months,"

Steven let out a small chuckle, "Spa day for the pokemon?"

"Spa days," Vali correct with a laugh, "It'll be fun. I'm also going to be spending more time with Ash and Gary. It'll be perfect since they're off school,"

"Sounds like you've got some fun planned," Steven replied with a slight grin, "I really hope you enjoy it,"

"I will," Vali turned her head away from the screen and her grin widened, "Looks like someone's free from Nurse Joy's tender mercy, I gotta go,"

"Talk with you later then, I hope everything goes well," Steven replied before the call ended, "So Vali's finished her apprenticeship early..."

Steven looked up as his office door opened and his father walked in, "Are you still preparing your battle plan against the fourth elite?"

"No, I was actually just finishing up my conversation with Vali," Steven said as he sent down his pokenav, "She's finished her apprenticeship and is heading home once everyone is done in the pokemon center,"

"Already?" His father looked rather surprised, "Wow, I didn't expect that,"

"Neither did I, Vali wasn't expecting it quite so soon either," Steven replied as he looked at the papers before him, "Thankfully, my present for her will be ready within the next couple of weeks. I'll be able to give it to her right after Lance's Champion battle,"

"That's wonderful," Joseph smiled brightly, "Lance sent tickets?"

"Yup. We'll be in the top box alongside Vali," Steven answered as he held up the tickets that had been sent to him, "I'm looking forward to it,"

Joseph nodded while a beep sounded from his pokenav, "Ah, we should get going if we want to meet with Champion Drake."

"True," Steven stood up with a low sigh.

"Home at last," Vali breathed in the sweet air of Pallet Town, "I've missed this. You did too, right?" Balto barked as he stood beside her allowing his trainer to lean into him while they overlooked the town, "Let's head to the house and get our things settled down, we'll check out the lab later. I know you're ready to see your dad for a bit, huh?"

Balto wagged his tail and licked her cheek earning a huff from Vali. Thorin snorted from her side. Elrond spoke as they began making their way to the house, "It should be interesting to see how Ash and Gary react. Delia is keeping your presence a secret, right?"

Vali nodded as she curled her fingers through Balto's fur as they trotted down the path, "Mhmm, Sirius doesn't know either. He'll be here in a day. I can't wait!"

Elrond chuckled as they started passing through the town. A few people stopped to stare for a few seconds before someone muttered, "Is that...Vali? Little Valkyrie Potter-Black?"

Vali blinked a little before looking around, "I wouldn't exactly say little, but yeah."

"What are you doing around here, Kiddo?" Vali recognized the man to be one of her former class-mates parents though couldn't place a name, "Aren't you apprenticed to Gym Leader Blaine?"

"Just finished it, actually," Vali answered earning a wide-eyed look, "I'll be working with Lieutenant Surge in Vermillion City working on a couple of things,"

The man cleared his throat, "Delia and Sirius must be proud of you. You've managed to get through your apprenticeship so quickly."

"Delia is very happy as is my godfather," Vali replied with a small smile, "With any luck, I'll be a member of the Elite soon enough," She looked at Elrond and nodded as if he'd said something, "Well if you'll excuse us, we should be heading off. Delia is expecting us at home,"

Vali continued on her way leaving the man gapping behind her as Elrond spoke, "He is mentally bashing his daughter and basically wishing you were her. His daughter has become a failed trainer and is stuck in Celadon. She's barely managed to gain a job working in the messenger corps there."

"I'd say poor kid if I did know most of the girls in my class deserved that kind of life," Vali muttered in her mind, "I mean you've probably seen it in my mind. A good portion of them will have hurt at least one pokemon intentionally,"

"True," Elrond shook himself with a sigh, "Still sucks,"

Eventually managed to get home, Vali headed inside and kicked off her shoes as she called out, "Delia?"

"Vali!" Delia shouted from deep within the house, "Welcome home!"

"I'm going to get my stuff settled," Vali called out as Elrond floated with her.

The lab was just as Vali remembered it if a bit more busy though only by a little. She found Professor Oak quite easily among the many project rooms, "Professor."

"Vali!" Professor Oak smiled broadly and quickly went to hug her, "Welcome back! I take it you finished your apprenticeship?"

"Yup," Vali nodded with a grin, "Among other things. I'll be heading to Vermillion in two weeks to study under Surge until I'm called. Not under an Apprenticeship, I'm done with that, but I've got things to learn from him,"

"I'm glad to hear that," Professor Oak smiled warmly, "You've gained a lot working with Blaine and more will follow with Surge. What was your final test?"

"Battling his Elite Team, my entire team save for Magby against his," Vali saw his eyes widen in disbelief, "Only Balto and Thorin still stood, it was amazing. Smaug and Magmar were going toe-to toe in a pride due. He's got scars from it, but the butt-head is happy that he managed to tie with Magmar,"

"Holy-Mew," Professor Oak breathed out, "And the others?"

"It was hard work, but they've got team work that allowed them to manage it," Vali answered with a shake of her head, "Ninetails was still standing before Magmar and it was doubtful that we'd take her down if it hadn't been for being allowed to team up. Arceus, Professor the battle was amazing. To see them now compared to back when we first started our apprenticeship, I'm so proud of them especially since I didn't have say a word to them,"

"You've grown," Professor Oak murmured softly, "It's easy to see, Vali. I look forward to continue watching your growth,"