
Chaos pretty much ensued the moment Anthony brought back the camera and gave it to Blaine, Vali decided to do the smart thing and parked it in the bunker she'd been given with the two gym leaders until something was decided. Surge eventually appeared with a fierce grin on his face that said a lot of people were getting their skulls busted in and she asked, "So did they stop fighting with each other and finally make a plan?"

Surge let out a booming laugh as Raichu chittered in amusement, "Yup. We're going to be circling the base and hitting them tomorrow night. You're going to be part of it, Vali."

Vali's eyes widened at that, "Wait, what?! How the fuck is that smart?"

"Kid, you'll be hanging back and only need to knock out anyone trying to run," Surge waved off her concern with a chuckle, "Just do what you did in the clearing,"

"There are so many ways this can go wrong," Vali pointed out feeling her heart race, "Surge, haven't you all been saying I wasn't ready to be involved in anything more than patrols?"

"We've been training you up more since you got here, Vali," Surge told her as he gained a serious look, "Vali, I wouldn't have said anything if I wasn't sure you'd be okay out there. If something happens, I take responsibility, but I doubt anything will. You're a strong kid whose got a kick ass team looking after her. Not to mention that Ace squad is probably going to be keeping an eye on you somehow, I would bet my prized racing Zebstrika on it,"

Vali let out a soft snort at that and felt a bit touched at the belief Surge felt in her. She knew that things might go wrong, but hoped they wouldn't. With that in mind, she nodded towards Surge, "Alright."

Surge's grin returned and he clapped her shoulder, "Good. Now, we're going to be going over the plan soon enough. You'll have your own spot and someone will be dropping you off in it. I or Blaine one will be that person. All you'll have to do is keep the Poachers from running off as best you can. My best suggestion is having Pele dig pit traps and various other things like that."

Vali nodded lightly, "I'll think on it and come up with something."

"You can do it, Vali," Surge told her.

The meeting was an hour after Surge's meeting with Vali and the Cafeteria Bunker was hotter than she could ever remember feeling it. Granted it wasn't magma area in the Cinnabar gym hot, it was still hotter than usual and far more uncomfortable for the fire-type trainer. She sat beside Stella with Litwick on the table in front of her and Litleo curled up by her feet taking a nap. She occasionally dropped a hand down low enough to scratch his head while looking around the meeting room. Litwick was cheerfully absorbing the heat within the room and enjoying the attention Stella was giving her. Stella giggled as Litwick cooed at her, "She's adorable."

"She is," Vali agreed with a chuckle, "She's not much of a battler. If I ever get into contests, she'd shine, but I think she's pretty much a companion pokemon though she'll train if I ask,"

"I have a Popplio like that," Stella revealed with a chuckle, "He just likes playing around with his bubbles though he'll battle if need be. Since I've got my other pokemon, I tend to let him play,"

Vali nodded in understanding, "They're such a cute pokemon too. I love their final evolution."

"Oh, I absolutely adore Primarina," Stella sighed softly, "One day, I hope Popplio will become one,"

"He will eventually. Give him time," Vali patted her shoulder, "Battle isn't the only thing that causes evolution after all,"

A boom sounded from the front of the room as the lights turned low caused all beings within to focus on it. Commanders Singerly and Brown stood together on one side of a projection screen. Gym Leaders Surge and Blaine stood on the other side. Commander Singerly spoke as her Marowak picked up its bone, "Alright, ya shits. You know why we're here. Thanks to," The woman looked like she'd sucked on a lemon, "Valkyrie Potter-Black and her hobby, we have managed to find a valid location of the Poacher base," A few whispers broke out at that but quickly fell silent at the woman's glare, "Tomorrow night, we will attack the Poacher's base."

With that announcement, Brown began going over the plan with Blaine and Surge adding their own Two cents. At the end of the meeting, Someone finally brought up Vali's presence. Brown spoke looking far more at ease with the situation, "Valkyrie Potter-Black has shown herself to be a valued member of this operation. She will not be part of the main attack force, but rather be placed away from the action around the board much like the others that have been chosen. As has been shown with the captured Poacher, she has pokemon capable of capturing them alive."

There were a few protests, Vali kept herself sitting tall despite the urge to sink into her seat. Singerly finally snapped at everyone, "The decision is final. Now this meeting is over, I want all those that will be going on patrols soon to stay, but the rest are free to leave."

Vali woke up Litleo as Litwick slipped into her shadow. Stella walked with her to the Bunker, "You going to be okay?"

"Yeah," Vali shrugged lightly as Litleo padded beside her, "I guess,"

"First mission like this is always the worst and the best," Stella warned her with a grin, "You'll be just fine,"

Vali smiled weakly back at her, but said nothing in return. Stella patted her shoulder as they reached the bunker before splitting off likely to go get her own preparations for tomorrow ready. She entered the bunker and headed to her bunk. Taking a seat, she sat down and Litleo jumped onto the bed beside her. She felt her smile become real as her eyes scanned him, "Take a nap, Litleo. I'm going to meditate for a bit. My nerves are a bit shot right now."

Litleo nodded while eyeing her a bit. Vali got comfortable and began to mediate as her eyes closed.