Poachers go out with a bang

Clouds rolled across the sky as distant thunder boomed, it seemed almost fitting to Vali that the night was moonless with a storm waiting to break. She sat with Elrond waiting for any sign of people coming as he got ready to tell Pele, Terra, and Idril to turn the ground into the minefield of body breaking traps. She would release Smaug when needed, but for now she'd only have those four pokemon out of their balls. Idril poked her head from the ground right by her knee and she reached out to laid a hand carefully against the Sandslash's spikes, "Elrond, anything?"

"Everything is focused on the base," Elrond answered after a moment, "Chaotic bursts and sudden stalls, they're sweeping them under. It seems that not all the Poachers were there,"

"Probably," Vali agreed as she leaned against the mound of dirt Idril had pulled up for her earlier to help hide them, "But it won't be long until someone decides to escape,"

"No it won't," Elrond inclined his head as he leaned into her side.

Idril slipped back into the dirt as Terra took her place. Vali smiled as Terra snuggled into her leg though the Larvitar made sure not to press too hard which was much appreciated. She rubbed against the base of Terra's horn earning a coo of pleasure as her eyes returned to the base. It was then that her prediction proved true and someone chose to leave the Poacher base via the sky. It proved to be a deadly mistake as Surge's anti-aerial maneuvers snapped into place in a visible electrical net. The sky bound Poacher and those that had begun following him promptly began careening towards the ground as their transports were shocked to shit and back. She spoke as her eyes tracked the falling forms, "If the fall doesn't kill them, the Aces and Rangers on the ground probably will."

"Indeed," Elrond looked at the net with some awe, "I wish to learn how to make something of that form,"

"We'll figure it out," Vali promised with a slight grin as she forced away her thoughts of those deaths that'd be occurring that night, "Anyone coming?"

Elrond was quiet as his eyes flashed slightly, "Some are starting to flee the base, we might see some soon."

Vali nodded in acknowledgement, "Let the two below and those in their balls know," Elrond nodded lightly as she turned to Terra, "We might be engaging some Poachers soon. Be ready, Terra. I need you guys to keep them away from us, okay?" Terra nodded with a determined look and hugged Vali's knee, "When Elrond tells you they're approaching, you guys to set things off," Terra nodded with a determined look on her face, "I know you can do it, Sweet heart. Now go join the others, I don't want them to know about our pack members beneath the earth."

Terra nodded as her grip tightened for a moment before she released Vali and disappeared into the ground. Vali watched her go until the hole disappeared. Elrond spoke as she returned to observing the base and the attacks that were beginning to become visible, "Poachers have started to flee on foot. Some have already begun to engage the forces stationed away from the Base. A small amount is headed in this direction."

Vali's heart started beating faster at that, "How many?"

"Five-No four now, one has gone off in another direction," Elrond replied in a calm tone, "Two others have split off and are going west towards the river together. The two approaching are still a mile off and might move in another direction,"

Vali nodded as she made some calculations in her mind, "Mental states?"

"Fury and agitation, they're angry about not being able to sell anymore pokemon off," Elrond answered with a bit of anger, "But also desperation, they can't believe their base was found. Someone had assured them that it wouldn't be for some reason. But that's all I can get from passive scans, I can't dig any deeper without them feeling it,"

"Are either injured?" Vali knew that neither Poacher would care about fighting dirty when it came to getting away meaning she had to do the same.

"One of them. It doesn't seem to be serious, but the pain seem to be worsening as time goes on," Elrond replied earning a soft hum of acknowledgement, "They're spitting up. The injured one is coming this way while the other is veering off,"

"Alright," Vali nodded more to herself than to Elrond, "Tell the others,"

Elrond nodded and closed his eyes while Vali focused on the area around them. There was a pained shriek echoed through the air from somewhere below Vali, it belong to a human rather than a pokemon meaning the Poacher had finally reached the first layer of traps her pokemon had laid which were cleverly disguised as natural holes in the ground. Elrond mentally chuckled as he revealed, "Terra is giggling at her 'prank' being fallen for."

"Just remind her that this is only for enemies," Vali replied earning a nod.

The shriek was followed by a loud curse and Vali was able to tell that the Poacher was female. She smirked slightly though said nothing out loud as more traps were triggered then quickly covered back up as the woman slowly made her way up the cliff-side. She wondered for a moment when the woman didn't use her pokemon, but pushed that thought away as it didn't quite matter. Eventually the woman reached a certain point on the cliff-side only to find Pele waiting for her, Pele immediately used Yawn much to the woman's annoyance. Pele disappeared with the woman once she'd passed out as Elrond said, "They're putting her into a chamber. Idril is getting her pokeballs."

"Good," Vali relaxed again.

Elrond stiffened slightly, "She doesn't have pokeballs."

"She doesn't have pokeballs?" Vali asked with a raised eyebrow, "What the hell?"

Vali didn't understand why the woman wouldn't have pokeballs. She frowned as the thought ran through her mind until it suddenly clicked just as Elrond began to say, "When the other Poacher veered off..."

"He took her pokeballs," Vali finished only to stiffen as she heard someone say from nearby.

"And I'm going to take yours as well, Little Ace," A male called out, "You seem to have strong pokemon which means they'll fetch a good price for the Battle Ring,"

Vali stiffened alongside Elrond as he pressed against her. He growled softly, "Damn it, I didn't even sense him approaching."

"We need to figure out something quick," Vali said as she swallowed heavily, "This guy won't be an easy take down like the other one. Tell the other's what's going on, we're going to need their help,"

Elrond nodded against her side just as a stick snapped to their left. They both moved with Vali scrambling towards her feet and spinning to look at her opponent. He was mostly shadowed by the trees, but she got a glimpse of bright blue hair before a pokeball opened allowing a snarling Raticate to form. Elrond immediately began to defend her as the Poacher spoke, "Going to fight, Little Ace? Such a shame though I suppose it will give me a chance to see your pokemon in action before I take them from your cold dead hands."

Vali's eyes narrowed and she clenched her fingers slightly. It didn't take long to take down the Raticate and the man recalled it with a chuckle before sending out a Houndour earning an inward curse from Elrond. Pele quickly began drowning it in dirt with the help of Idril much to the amusement of the Poacher, "Now that isn't fair."

"Poachers don't play fair, why should I?" Vali replied in a cold tone.

"So true," A cold grin filled with teeth became visible.

Vali wondered at it for barely a second before her side seemed to ignite with flames of ice that coiled against a bed of fiery heat. She fell to her knees clutching at the wound that had appeared as a Weavile appeared in the clearing snickering as it licked its gleaming claws. Multiple pokeballs opened at once, a group of roars echoed through the air as her pack appeared no doubt responding to the wound Elrond no doubt felt her gain. She put pressure on her side as her pokemon focused on the enemies within the clearing with murderous intent though it was difficult since everything was a bit fuzzy. When the enemy Poacher spoke again, Vali found him to be much closer to her and a knife was against her throat, "Well this is quite an array of pokemon, Little Ace. I didn't expect this when I came across you, but this is definitely something I can work with."

"You're not getting any of them," Vali hissed at them as she pulled against her magic to protect her throat.

"And why is that? I have you by the throat quite literally and will kill you before they can do anything," The man asked as he pressed the knife closer and Vali felt it hit the warm barrier of her magic.

"Because they're my pack and I'll do anything to ensure they won't be enslaved by the likes of you," Vali used Surge's lesson's to get out of the man's grip and knock the knife out of his hand.

Vali ended up with a long scratch down her right arm that was stung badly though she was able to ignore it. She quickly moved towards the battling pokemon after grabbing the knife and took shelter with Balto. The Poacher's pokemon had all but been knocked out with the last falling in moments. The Poacher looked at the odds as he gripped his bloody nose and surprisingly let out a chuckle, "Well, it looks like I've lost this round, Little Ace. See you around."

"Not on my watch," Vali told him with growl, "Grab him,"

The man was quickly caged and Pele began the process of using Yawn on him. Vali slowly began falling to her knees as her vision began to turn grey and her pokemon let out cries of alarm. She spoke as the Poacher was placed into the cell they had under ground, "Smaug or Celina, g-get Surge or B-Blaine. I-i need help. I'm going to end up bleeding out before too long. Elrond, y-you need to go with them."

Elrond looked like he wanted to protest, but Vali silenced him as she mentally explained why. He nodded as Balto lowered himself to the ground, "We'll hurry."

Vali watched as Celina took off with Elrond on her back in the direction of the Base. She had her pokemon help keep pressure on both wounds since they were on opposite side of her body. She struggled to stay awake despite knowing the dangers she'd face. Balto's barking jarred her from drifting off and she found Surge approaching with Elrond while Celina stood behind him. She smiled weakly up at the man from where she rested against Balto, "H-hey, Surge. I-I'm tired."

"You can't sleep yet, Kid," Surge told her with a weak grin as he reached her side, "We need to get you out of here. I'm going to bind your wounds and get your teleported over to a hospital. You okay with that?"

"Kay," Vali nodded as Surge took a pack off of his back, "Guy snuck up on us. Your training saved my life. Would've gotten my throat cut, I wasn't about to let him take my pack from me,"

"I know you wouldn't, Vali," Surge told her as he quickly set to work on her arm and she hissed at whatever he was doing, "You did a good job. Captured two of the shits according to Elrond, you're going to get a bounty for them,"

"Am I?" Vali asked as she closed her eyes for a moment.

Vali opened them to Surge tying off the bandages on her side with a worried look on his face. Surge spoke as he started pulling her up, "Kid, we need you to stay awake."

"It's hard, Surge," Vali stumbled and ended up resting against him, "I'm so tired,"

"I know, but right now, you've got to stay awake," Surge told her with a frown, "Let's return your pokemon, a Ranger Team is on its way,"

"Kay," Vali slowly reached towards her belt only to stop as her arm protested the movement, "I can't movement arm well,"

"I'll help you, Kid," Surge replied with a soft chuckle.

Once everyone was returned, Surge released an Alakazam and they teleported. Vali saw the slightly familiar hall of Vermilion City Hospital just as her vision went completely black. She murmured, "Sorry, Surge. I can't stay awake any longer."