A dragon tamer in Pallet Town

Since she was in town, Vali decided to drop by on Professor Oak's next lecture which was on the Horsea-line. She was a little surprised to find Lance in Pallet Town's theater, but felt glad he'd decided to take her advice. Lance grinned at her and patted the seat next to him. She walked over and sat down, "Hey, Lance."

"Vali," Lance grinned at her, "I didn't know you were in town,"

"Steven and I got back to Pallet a few days ago," Vali explained as she took out a notebook and set up her pokenav to record the lecture, "I've mostly been spending time with my family. You?"

"Got in this morning and Professor Oak offered me a spot in the lecture," Lance patted one of the pokeballs at his waist, "I recently got a Horsea, so thought it would probably be a good idea,"

Vali nodded as she took out a pencil, "Professor Oak gives away packets of information on the pokemon he discusses after his lecture is over. So what's your Horsea like?"

"She's a cute little thing," Lance grinned as he talked about his latest capture.

They stopped talking once Professor Oak began and Vali started her recording. The lecture was pretty interesting and made her consider getting a Horsea at some point since they ended up becoming powerful pokemon once fully evolved. The lecture last for four hours with two fifteen minute breaks and a solid thirty for questions at the end of it. Once the lecture was over, she led Lance to Professor Oak, "Professor."

"Vali, did you enjoy the lecture?" Professor Oak asked as he held out an information packet.

Vali took it as she nodded, "It was really interesting. I didn't know that Kingdra shed their scales monthly during the first five years after evolution or that they tended to gravitate to the bottom of the ocean to strengthen their scales through pressure."

"It was a really interesting lecture, Professor," Lance added as he took an information packet from the man, "I've really learned a lot today and will definitely use it to help my Horsea become great,"

"I'm glad to hear it, Lance," Professor Oak smiled lightly, "If you want, I can give you more information later on,"

"That would be amazing," Lance grinned as he shook the Professor's hand, "And maybe some tips as well, I'm trying to become the champion of both Kanto and Johto,"

"So I've heard from Vali," Professor Oak said causing Lance to look at Vali with a raised eyebrow.

Vali shrugged lightly, "I like talking about my friends, Lance."

Lance's lips pulled into a wide grin, "Good things?"

"Mhmm," Vali put the packet of information she'd been given into her messenger bag, "Are you hungry? It's about lunch time,"

Vali led Lance to her house in Pallet Town with the red haired dragon-type trainer looking around the small town in interest. She glanced at him as he asked, "So there are basically no real bans on what pokemon you can have out?"

"Outside of species like Muk or poke that are too aggressive, not really," Vali patted Balto's side, "Granted it'd be best to keep your Charizard in it's pokeball if you're anywhere near the lab or Corral, Professor Oak's will likely tear it to shreds unless his trainer introduces them,"

"I'll keep that in mind," Lance looked at the houses they past, "You really grew up here?"

"Since I was 8 years old," Vali smiled lightly, "I prefer it to the place we were before. We have pokemon here after all,"

Lance shook his head with an expression of disbelief on his face, "I still can't believe a place without pokemon exists. It seems like a very dreary place."

"Yeah," Vali opened the gate, "Here it is, my home here in Pallet Town. The Ketchum-Black-Potter residence,"

The front door burst open as they walked through the gate and Ash rushed towards her, "Vali!"

"Ash?" Vali barely managed to keep from falling over when Ash slammed into her, "We just saw each other this mor-"

"Come back here, you little brat!" Sirius' roar of fury cut her off as he charged out of the house looking ready to breath fire.

Given the copious amounts of paint and feathers covering the man, Vali guessed that Ash had managed to finally prank Sirius. She didn't know what exactly to do, but was saved from trying to decide when Sirius abruptly froze mid-step with a blue psychic aura formed around him. Delia came out of the house, "Sirius! Do not go chasing after Ash just because he managed to prank you for once. You deserved it for all the pranks you've pulled on him."

Ash grinned as he moved out from behind her and pointed at Sirius, "Ha! I beat you, Dog-Man."

"And you!" Delia rounded on Ash earning a yelp while Vali backed away from the doomed boy feeling very glad that Delia's impressive glare wasn't pointed at her, "You know the rules, Young Man. No pranks like that inside the house," Ash ducked his head, "Now apologize to each other,"

"Sorry," Was muttered by the two semi-cowering males.

"Sirius, when Metagross releases you, you're going to go hose off. I will not have you make even more of a mess," Delia ordered earning a slight nod from Sirius, "Ash, you will be cleaning up your mess. When Sirius comes in, you will apologize properly,"

"Yes, Mom," Ash's expression was sullen.

"Now, off you two go," Delia clapped her hands and Sirius was released.

Sirius stumbled forward and fell flat on his face after being granted the ability to move again. Ash snickered before darting around the prone form of her god-father to do as his mother bid. Sirius pushed himself up with a low growl and headed around the house to get the hose. Vali giggled softly as Lance asked, "Does that happen every day?"

"Only when my children and Sirius are together, Ash seems to always find a reason to try and prank someone," Delia smiled as she looked at Lance, "And you are?"

"This is Lance, Delia," Vali walked towards the brown haired woman with a grin on her face.

"The dragon tamer, right?" Delia asked earning a nod from Vali, "I take it you'll be joining us for lunch?"

"If it won't be too much trouble, Ma'am," Lance held out his hand to Delia and kissed her knuckles when she took it, "Lance Blackthorn of the Blackthorn City Dragon-Tamers in Johto,"

"Delia Ketchum soon to be Black," Delia giggled softly as she took her hand back, "It's no trouble at all. Vali knows how I love to feed people and any friend of my children is always welcome in our home. Please call me Delia,"

"Of course," Lance grinned lightly.

"Now," Delia looked at Vali, "Why don't you take Lance to go meet Steven and get his pokemon settled with everyone else? I'm sure they would love a chance to rest in the sunlight and meet up with some friends,"

"Sure thing. Do you need help in the kitchen?" Vali asked Delia curiously.

"Not at all, Metagross is quite willing to assist with preparations," Delia waved her off, "Now off you go,"

Vali kissed Delia's cheek and led Lance around the back of the house, "This way, Lance. We even have a small pond for water-types."

Lance followed her after nodding to Delia, "So what's your relationship with Delia? She calls you one of her children, but you two don't really look alike."

"Delia took Sirius and I in after we pretty much crash-landed in Kanto," Vali explained as Balto darted past her, "Delia's become like a mother figure to me and Ash one of my little brothers,"

"I see," Lance muttered with a slight frown, "Where are your birth parents?"

"Dead," Vali answered in a slightly soft voice, "I never really got to know them," She looked at Lance already seeing the coming apology and hated it, "Don't say anything, okay? I don't need anyone apologizing to me least of all you. It isn't something I really broadcast since Delia and Sirius are my parents in every way that matters,"

"Vali," Steven called from up ahead, "I see you're bac-" He stopped talking when he saw Lance, "Oh, Lance. You're here,"

"I'm going to go check on my Houndour egg," Vali told Steven, "He's joining us for lunch,"

"I'll get him settled," Steven said after eyeing her.

Vali nodded to him and headed inside the house.