Packages from home and a Vermilion city gym battle

Vali stopped by the post office to pick up the package Professor Oak sent her and ended up finding out that Delia had sent something as well. Once she returned to the pokemon center, she opened up Professor Oak's package first and found the elemental stone shards contained in various vials. When she opened Delia's package, she found a new winter jacket, some long sleeved shirts, and some thermal socks. Delia also sent along some home made snacks and other goodies that she was definitely going to be enjoying.

Vali looked at Smaug's pokedex entry and stared at it for a few second. Lance's Charizard hadn't stopped at help him learn one attack. Smaug now knew Dragon Rage, Scary Face, Fire Punch, and Iron Tail. Four new attacks to play around with, she would definitely have to pay Lance back for the tutoring he'd given Smaug. Smaug was also working on upgrading his Ember attack into a Flamethrower which was fine by her once she ensure that he had his other new ones down pat. She really shouldn't have worried since nothing helped a pokemon learn better than an older and wiser member of their species. She was also pleased to discover that he'd improved Dragon Pulse which made sense since Lance's dragon-types were there to give him advice.

Vali looked away from her pokedex and at the two pokemon that she was debating using in the gym battle, "Alright, I'm trying to decide which of you to use during the next gym battle," Smaug looked at Idril then at Vali with a confused look on his face, "Idril is a ground-type, Smaug. I know that I haven't really focused on type advantage since starting out outside of using Pikachu during my last gym battle,"

Smaug looked back at Idril and let out a soft trill. Idril blinked at him before replying with a soft chittering sound. The two conversed for a little while before Smaug nodded and stepped forward pointing a clawed thumb to himself. Vali understood what he was saying, "You're going to battle?" Smaug nodded and she looked at Idril, "Are you sure you don't want to?" Idril bobbed her head letting out a soft chitter, "I suppose its because you don't think you've got enough experience just yet, right?" Idril nodded again, "We'll work on it, but I suppose asking you to battle in a gym is a bit too much to ask especially since Lt. Surge's pokemon are really strong."

If Idril didn't think she was ready, Vali wasn't about to force her into doing something like this. It took a lot for a pokemon to face a gym leader's pokemon especially when it was one of Lt. Surge's pokemon.

After a small debate, Vali ended up facing Lt. Surge first. Lt. Surge grinned as they stood across from one another in his gym, "Think you're ready to face me, Brat?"

"Pretty much," Vali shrugged lightly as she palmed Pikachu's pokeball.

"Then let's start," Lt. Surge replied.

The referee called out, "This is a gym battle between gym leader Lt. Surge of Vermilion City and challenger Valkyrie Potter of Pallet Town! Trainers release your pokemon!"

Lt. Surge called out a Pikachu and Vali called out, "Come out and battle with my, my friend!"

Pikachu shook himself lightly before giving his opponent a small glare. Lt. Surge let out a loud laugh, "Guess we had the same idea in mind. Chu, show them your shock value!"

Lt. Surge's Pikachu, Chu, released a powerful Thunderbolt. Pikachu immediately used Double Team and Quick Attack to dodge the attack before Pikachu retaliated with a Thunder Shock before using Play Nice which earned a chuckle from Lt. Surge. The battle continued along a similar vein with Pikachu spamming Double Team to prevent any of Chu's attacks from actually hitting him. Let it be said that Double Team was an annoying move to go up against, it was fun to use if only to see how irritated the opposing pokemon got. Eventually, Chu got so annoyed that he released a Thunder that got rid of the clones, but did little to Pikachu since he was underground. Vali spoke as Pikachu slammed an Iron Tail into Chu and sent the other Pikachu flying, "Pikachu, keep on the pressure."

"You're a tricky opponent, Brat," Lt. Surge chuckled as Chu was sent flying again by a Quick Attack fueled Iron Tail that had to have hurt, "I prefer opponents that fight straight up, but even I have to admit that opponents like you make battles like this fun,"

Vali nodded as Pikachu Thunder Punched Chu's chin, "Thanks. After the battles over, would you mind giving me some insight into training Raichu? Pikachu wants to evolve once he's reached his limit."

"Sure thing," Lt. Surge nodded before shouting, "Chu, don't let him trash you around! Smack him away with Iron Tail!"

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt to the tail!" Vali countered with a slight grin.

Even Lt. Surge had to wince when Chu's steel-type covered tail was hit by the powerful electrical attack, Chu was mercifully knocked out just before the worst of the voltage hit him. While Pikachu were some of the most durable when it came to electric-type attacks, they couldn't take everything especially not when it was amplified. Fighting electric-types with a steel-type move especially if it's one that involves a part of the body taking on steel-type properties was not smart unless you slammed that body part into the ground thus allowing the electrical current to disperse into the earth.

Lt. Surge returned Chu with a shake of his head, "Not the smartest idea, huh."

"Even Gym Leaders make dumb mistakes sometimes," Vali shrugged lightly, "It's all a part of being human," She looked at Pikachu, "Want to take a break?"

Pikachu thought about it before nodding. Vali returned him as Lt. Surge released his next pokemon, a Magneton. She was relieved that the man hadn't saw fit to use a Voltorb or Electrode since she hadn't really had much experience with a pokemon that willingly blew itself up if it got pissed off enough. She released Smaug after a moment of thought since she really didn't want to see if Lt. Surge would use Supersonic. Smaug spat an Ember towards the ground as he took in the trio of floating magnets before giving her a look asking why he was up against such a pokemon. She shrugged as Lt. Surge commented, "No Puppy?"

"I'd rather save his ears considering the fact that Magnemite and Magneton know Supersonic," Vali wasn't going to put Balto through that if she didn't have to, "Smaug, let's start off with Ember,"

Smaug began spitting Embers at Magneton who dodged them almost lazily making the fire-lizard's eyes narrow. Lt. Surge called out, "Magneton, use Thunder Shock."

"Metal Claw into the ground," Vali countered almost immediately as Smaug's claws took on a silver sheen.

Smaug slammed his claws into the ground and grit his teeth as the Thunder Shock hit him. While she may have been training her pokemon to resist electrical attacks, it didn't change the fact that live electricity hurt like hell even if it was being channeled into the ground. Smaug released a huge cloud of Smokescreen after the Thunder Shock stopped and began doing his best to show Magneton his displeasure. Lt. Surge let out a whistle, "Not a bad tactic especially since most don't bother with Smokescreen considering the fact it doesn't do much."

"It provides a perfect cover that attacks like Smog can't provide since it doesn't poison the user if they're not a poison-type," Vali replied with a smile, "Just because it doesn't do much by itself, it doesn't make it any less viable a tactic if someone is willing to do their best to work out how to use it effectively. It's more of a lack of trying than anything else,"

"Not bad especially since most wouldn't have a way to get rid of the smoke especially since your Charmeleon is constantly adding more smoke," Lt. Surge looked pleased at the notion, "Not bad at all, but let's see how you deal with this. Magneton, use Shock Wave!"

Mentally cursing as she hadn't taught Smaug Dig, she called out, "Smaug, Metal Claw into the ground."

Hopefully, he wouldn't be badly paralyzed. Smaug let out an audible grunt, but continued to release clouds of smoke into the air as he attacked Magneton. When the clouds began to clear, Smaug became visible as electricity ran across his scales. Across from him, Magneton floated low against the ground looking more than a little pained. Lt. Surge called out, "Magneton, Zap Cannon. End this battle."

As Magneton began forming a glowing ball of electricity between it's magnets, Vali called out, "Smaug, try your best to move out of the way or disrupt the attack!"

Smaug gritted his teeth before jerkily rearing back his head as an aura of energy formed within his maw. As Magneton released a beam of electrical energy, Smaug threw his head forward releasing a dragon-like energy construct that clashed with Magneton's Zap Cannon. The two energies clashed for awhile before exploding sending both pokemon flying back from the force. Vali pulled on her goggles which she probably should have done earlier. When the dust settled, Magneton was unconscious on the ground while Smaug was pushing himself up with a deep growl. Lt. Surge let out a roar of laughter as he returned Magneton, "Not bad, Brat. Not bad at all, but don't get cocky. You still have to face Raichu."

Vali looked at Smaug, "Smaug, do you want to take a break?"

Smaug shook his head with a low growl and glared at the Raichu that Lt. Surge released onto the field. So he wanted to do some damage before either fainting or she pulled him back, Vali supposed that was alright, but she would definitely be watching him carefully. Lt. Surge grinned, "I like your pokemon's attitude. The Charizard-line have always been my favorite fire-types if only because the assholes hate giving up. Raichu, let's show em what their dealing with. Thunder."

"Smaug, Dragon Rage!" Vali called out in return.

Smaug released the powerful dragon-type flamethrower that was still potent despite him not being a dragon-type. Raichu mostly dodged it as the Thunder slammed into Smaug and cut off the attack. Despite taking the attack, Smaug was still conscious though one more good hit and he'd be out. Lt. Surge whistled, "Not bad considering the fact Magneton probably got in a few good hit."

"Smaug, return," Vali returned him, "You did a good job, that's enough for now," She grabbed Balto's pokeball, "Come out and battle with me, my friend!" Balto appeared and eyed Raichu carefully, "Raichu's our last opponent, Balto. Let's start off with Hide and Go Seek!"

Balto nodded and dug into the battlefield. Raichu's eyes narrowed and it's ears twitched clearly attempting to track Balto's movements. When Balto appeared behind it with his fangs glowing with fire fang, it lashed out with an electricity covered fist. Balto still managed to latch onto Raichu despite the first to his gut, but clearly that had to of hurt. Balto jumped off while spitting Embers at Raichu before diving back into his hole. Lt. Surge shook his head, "I admit that while I saw you use that trick in the tournament, I'm still a bit surprised by it though didn't he use Iron Tail?"

"Considering the fact that your Pikachu ended up getting the shit shocked out of him by mine when he used Iron Tail, what do you think?" Vali asked earning a snort, "Balto knows to avoid using Iron Tail unless he absolutely has to. He knows how bad it hurts to get hit by an electric-type move when using Iron Tail,"

"Figured I might as well ask," Lt. Surge shook his head, "You and your pokemon aren't that bad though I'm surprised you didn't use that Sandshrew of yours,"

"I gave her the chance, but she decided she wasn't ready. Instead of trying to force her into battling when she isn't ready, I chose to use one of my pokemon that was," Vali shrugged lightly, "Besides, type advantage isn't everything. I actually beat Pewter with Smaug and Balto,"

Lt. Surge looked surprised, "Seriously?"

"Mhmm," Vali grinned lightly, "My godfather owes my a Houndour egg too since I beat the gym with two fire-types,"

Lt. Surge shook his head, "What's next, a kid beating that gym with a damn Pikachu?"

Vali shrugged though she had an odd feeling that Lt. Surge's prediction might end up coming true. While the two trainers talked, Balto and Raichu were going at it. Raichu had managed to get in a few Thunder Punches and an Iron tail. Balto had continued using Fire Fang and Ember though clearly he was beginning to lag a bit. Vali called out, "Morning Sun, Balto!"

Balto barked and his fur gained a golden glow prompting Lt. Surge to ask, "One of Professor Oak's pups?"

"Yup," Vali grinned at seeing Balto looking a lot better, "Balto let's show off your speed training,"

Balto yipped in reply and ran towards Raichu. He used Flame Wheel causing him to careen towards the mouse pokemon at a high speed. Raichu got out of the way, but Balto managed to redirect himself. All that training towards being able to aim had really paid off. Raichu cried out as the flame covered pooch slammed into it sending them skidding. Balto used Reversal which while it wasn't as powerful as it could be if he hadn't used Morning Sun, it still did damage. Raichu slammed a Thunder Punch into Balto's gut again once he recovered from the attack. Balto retaliated with a Fire Fang which latched onto the mouse pokemon's arm. The two broke apart as Raichu attempted to use Thunder Punch on Balto again. They panted harshly looking at one another in determination before racing forward again. Lt. Surge grinned, "Not a bad pup, but he'll have to do better than that. Raichu, Focus Punch."

Raichu grinned as its eyes narrowed and its fist began to take on a light blue glow. Vali called out, "Balto hit it with Ember before it can hit you and quick! You need to disrupt it before it manages to hit you."

Balto nodded and began spitting Embers towards Raichu. Raichu took the attack with a grimace as the energy around its fist began to waver before strengthening. Raichu darted forward and threw its fist as Balto used Iron Tail for the first time today. The two attacks clashed causing sparks to fly before Balto's attack lost sending him flying. Balto landed harshly and slowly pushed himself to his feet wincing. Balto shook his head with a low growl and took off running towards Raichu using Flame Wheel. Raichu dodged against and charged up another Focus Punch. The attacks clashed once again only this time it sent both pokemon flying with an explosion. When the dust cleared, they were both barely conscious as they forced themselves to stand up. Eventually, they both fell forward into the ground unconscious. The referee called out, "It's a tie! As challenger Valkyrie has two still conscious, she is the victor!"

Vali nodded as she returned Balto, "You did a good job, Balto. Take it easy now."

Balto's ball warmed within her fingers before returning to its usual state. Vali met up with Lt. Surge and they shook hands with the man grinning, "Not bad, Brat. I honestly thought Raichu would've beat your Growlithe."

"Balto's about five years old," Vali replied earning a raised eyebrow, "He's stronger than most would think,"

Lt. Surge handed her the Thunder Badge, "Here's your badge."

"Thank you," Vali looked down at the badge with a slight grin.

"Come back again once you've got all your badges so we can battle without the kid gloves on," Lt. Surge told her earning a nod.

Vali added her newest badge to its place in her badge case before moving to sit down in the stands to watch Steven battle Lt. Surge. Lt. Surge ended up using an Electrode, a Jolteon, and another Raichu though this one was clearly older than the one she'd faced. Steven did fairly well and Vali got to see Lileep in action for the first time. Lileep took on Electrode and while he ended up tying with Electrode when the pokeball-like pokemon used Self-destruct, he did a really good idea. Steven ended up Claydol for his pokemon again Jolteon and Raichu. The last two battles were quite frankly amazing and she vowed to watch the videos of the tournament fights if only to see Steven's battle against Lance since it was bound to be amazing.