A new family member

Vali took shelter in one of the training areas that had been abandoned in light of the closing ceremony. She found a pool of water near the edge of the training ground and made her way towards it though stopped not too far from it. She reached for Balto's pokeball and released him, "Balto," He let out a gentle woof upon his release and she hugged him gently, "We ended up getting a new teammates as a reward for getting this far in the Conference," A shocked look was gifted to her, "I know. Lance and Steven were given one as well. I'm going to release Elrond, so he can inform the rest of the pack as well. But I wanted you out since you're the alpha, you'll be the first pokemon our new pack member meets then I'll introduce them to everyone else."

Balto nodded and Vali released Elrond before relaying everything that had happened. Elrond peered at the premier ball in her hand, "Do you know what kind of pokemon they are?"

"Nope," Vali grinned sheepishly at Elrond, "I decided to follow Lance's example and left it as a surprise for us. I do know it's a water-type of some kind by the cold, but not icy feel of the pokeball,"

Elrond sighed deeply, "You spend far too much time with Lance if you're do things like that. Well, I would suggest releasing our newest pack member as I've relayed the situation. Everyone is eager to find out who they are. Will you offer them a nickname?"

Vali paused at that question before shaking her head, "Not just yet since they're so new, I will once they settle in."

"Alright," Elrond nodded in understanding while Balto nudged her lightly.

With a deep breath, Vali released the pokemon inside the premier ball and watched as it took form. The first thing that she noticed was that the pokemon was a pinniped or seal-like. It's body was covered in thick bluish white fur save for around its maw which was a pale tan in color. A large red tongue flicked out of its mouth and a pair of tusks on its lower jaw. Its circular eyes were coal black matching the nose sitting on its snout. A small horn sat on its forehead which she bet could cause quite a bit of damage when used in conjunction with the two tusks it boasted. It had two sets of flippers on its chest and two more on its tail. Upon seeing all this, she realized that the League had gifted her a Seel and inwardly squealed much to Elrond's exasperation.

Seel blinked slowly at Vali as she bent down and tilted its head slightly. She spoke in a calm voice, "Hello, Seel. My name is Valkyrie Potter-Black and I'm aiming to be a fire-type master. Granted that does seem a bit strange as to why the League gave you to me, I'm still going to make you into the strongest pokemon I can and be the best trainer I can for you. You're one of my pack, my family, now after all."

Seel continued to stare at her for a few minutes before letting out a soft crooning sound and moving slowly towards her. Vali held out a hand to Seel as she'd done with all her pokemon during the first meeting save for Eevee to let it get her scent. Key thing she'd forgotten about Seel was that they didn't have a good nose, they tended to take in anything new by using their tongue upon seeing it. Vali found her hand and a good portion of her arm being coated in Seel's saliva as the sea lion pokemon took in its new trainer. When Seel finished, it let out a soft bark and nosed into the hand that it'd licked.

Vali inwardly winced at being licked like that, but shrugged it off since every pokemon had its quirks. She reached out with her clean hand and pet Seel, "Seel, I'd like to introduce you to two of our Pack members. First is Balto, he's the Alpha and leader right behind me," Balto walked forward and woofed in greeting before bending down to greet Seel, "He'll be in charge of you whenever I cannot be," Balto received the same welcome she had much to Vali's amusement though he'd gotten it straight in the face, "The other one is Elrond."

"I'm the pack translator," Elrond said as he floated close to Seel and peered down at the water-type, "Welcome home, Seel,"

Seel was quick to greet Elrond with a lick who tolerated it with an exasperated air. With that, Vali began the slow introductions of each pack member starting with Smaug. Everyone had a diffrent reaction to Seel's habit of licking them upon their meeting. Smaug almost roasted it only for Balto to force him to back down. Celina nearly followed Smaug's example, but Vali was quick to explain that it was Seel's way of understanding the world around them. Idril found it interesting if a bit odd. Eevee was irritated and took shelter behind Vali. Arwen was amused and nuzzled Seel. Terra grimaced while trying to wipe away the spit. Pele was confused though greeted Seel kindly. Pippin was a bit taken aback by Seel's actions, but nosed the smaller pokemon. Empress stamped her foot and headed over to Vali practically demanding to get the spit wiped away. Aragorn licked Seel back and nosed it. Houndour followed Aragorn's example before trying to entice Seel into playing with her. Litwick giggled while keeping Seel from touching her flame. All in all, Seel was fairly well received by everyone.

Vali called everyone to order eventually to scan Seel.

Seel, the Sea Lion Pokemon. Covered with light blue fur, its hide is thick and tough. It is active in bitter cold of minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Seel hunts for prey in the frigid sea underneath sheets of ice. When it needs to breathe, it punches a hole through the ice with the sharply protruding section of its has always been supposed that Seel live only in cold seas, but in recent years they've migrated to Alola leaving scientists baffled. Thanks to its thick fat, cold seas don't bother it at all, but it gets tired pretty easily in warm waters. Unlike their evolved form, Seel do not have a highly developed sense of smell or eyesight. With their highly developed sense of taste, they're able able to learn quite a bit from a single taste and record it in their memory causing many wild Seel to create their territories in certain areas where they've found the tastiest prey.

This Seel is male and has the ability Thick Fat. This Seel knows the moves Headbutt, Growl, Water Sport, Icy Wind, Icicle Spear, and Water Pulse.

Vali whistled softly at that specifically the last two since they were definitely egg moves. The League had done a lot by giving her Terra, but to give her Seel like this was a bit much. What did they gain by doing this? It made her wonder what Steven and Lance had gotten as well.