Nurse Joy smiled as Vali as she placed her tray of pokeballs onto the front desk, "Everyone is going to be alright. Pele just needs a lot of rest and food to recover from her battle. Elrond needs the same though I would suggest having him avoid using his psychic-type energy for a day to help recover."
"Should I add honey and moo-moo milk to their food?" Vali asked as she took the pokeballs from the tray.
"Yes, I would also suggest giving Elrond some persim berries to help with any headaches," Nurse Joy said as Vali took out her pokedex to make a note of it, "Smaug will be just fine as well though he won't be flying for a week just to make sure the bones in his wing heal properly as well as the tears. I'm going to give you a prescription for some medication that he'll need to take which will help his bones heal and encourage them to become stronger," Nurse Joy handed her a piece of paper, "Once the week is up, you should take him to the nearest pokemon center or pokemon doctor. They'll give you further information on what to do. Do not let Smaug fly for any reason until they clear him,"
"He isn't going to be happy about this, but I understand, Nurse Joy," Vali took the prescription, "Thank you for this,"
"It's not a problem, Vali," Nurse Joy replied with a warm smile, "Have a nice day,"
Vali's pokenav rang as she left the Pokemon Center for the Pokemart that sat nearby. She answered it, "Hello?"
"Hey, Pup!" Sirius grinned at her.
"Hey, Siri," Vali greeted him with a light smile, "What's up?"
"Did you battle Blaine yet?" Sirius asked earning a nod, "How did you do?"
"We won," Vali told Sirius about the battle as she entered the Pokemart and went about grabbing everything she needed.
Sirius let out a bark of laughter, "That's the good ol' Marauder ingenuity mixed with your mother's brains, you did a good job, Pup."
"Thanks, Siri," Vali bent down to pick up a small case of honey after handing over the prescription, "I'm so proud of everyone especially Pele. She did amazing for her first Gym Battle. Didn't even falter for a moment when I was commanding her," She stood up with the case of honey in her basket and moved towards the coolers where the moo-moo milk could be found, "Elrond did really good too and I know he's gotten a bit more confidence in himself thanks to winning against Ninetales. I'm a bit worried about Smaug though since his wings got hurt, but Nurse Joy said they should be just fine. It was a bit weird though,"
"With that last Dragon Rage attack, right?" Sirius asked earning a nod as she pulled a medium sized bottle of moo-moo milk out of the cooler.
"Yeah, it was a lot more powerful than usual and wider spread," Vali still couldn't believe it, "I mean pokemon can do a lot of damage and become more powerful when they're angry. I know that, but I wasn't expecting something like that,"
Sirius shrugged, "Pokemon are amazing creatures capable of so many things especially when they're strong. Maybe Smaug somehow managed to access some hidden pool of extra energy or something, you should talk to Professor Oak about it when you get to Pallet Town."
"I'm planning on it," Vali picked out a small pack of the persim berries and went up to the counter, "So anything you wanted to talk about other than the whole gym battle?"
Vali paid for everything and left the Pokemart. Sirius let out a slightly sheepish chuckle, "Well, Pup about that..."
Vali eyed him as she walked back towards the Pokemon Center, "Please tell me you don't need me to help smooth things over with Delia because you pissed her off."
"What? No!" Sirius shook his head, "It's not like that at all. I haven't done anything to make her angry with me," She gave him a look which he replied with an offended one, "I did not make Delia angry at me. I'm calling to ask if you would be able to help me out with something,"
"If it's to help you prank someone, I'm gonna say no," Vali warned him.
Sirius gave her a mock disappointed look that faded into a serious expression, "Pup, I need you help picking out a gift for Delia. Normally I would have that covered, but since they're running us pretty hard lately, I haven't been able to get one for her."
"Oh yeah, her birthday is next week, isn't it?" Vali would need to get something for her as well.
"Yup. I'll be able to make it home for her birthday, but won't have time to pick up a gift," Sirius offered her a pleading look, "Please, Pup,"
"Of course though you'll have to give me some idea of what you want to get her," Vali replied with a light grin as she entered the Pokemon Center, "And keep in mind that I'm not made of money or have too much on me at the moment,"
Steven looked at the necklace Vali had bought and had to admire just how perfect the little stones looked, "Why on earth did you buy something like that?"
"Sirius wanted to get Delia a gift, but doesn't have the time to get one himself due to work," Vali explained as she took the paw print necklace back, "So he had me get something for him to give to her, I also got my own gift for her,"
"Why did you two need to get gifts for her?" Steven asked as Vali closed the necklace case and put it into her bag.
"Her birthday is is next week," Vali answered as she showed him a charm bracelet with a little flame charm, "This is what I got her,"
"I think she'll love it," Steven looked at her curiously, "I'm surprised you got her that necklace though since I doubt Sirius sent you money to buy it,"
Vali was a frugal person save for the instances where she wanted to spoil her pokemon which always led to a somewhat large bill, so her spending the cash to buy Delia a necklace like that was a bit odd. She gave him a grin as she put the charm bracelet into her bag likely planning to shift things later on, "We're on Cinnabar, Steven."
Steven frowned at her, "What does being on Cinnabar have anything to do with you buying that necklace?"
"Cinnabar might be famous for being the perfect place to vacation in the sea foam islands, but that isn't the only reason it's famous," Vali sat down on her bed and pulled Vulpix into her lap, "The volcano is another alongside the fire-type pokemon. The last reason's been forgotten by most due to rumors that the League spread a long time ago,"
"Rumors?" Steven went through what rumors he'd heard about Cinnabar and dug up an old memory that made him look at Vali in shock, "Are you telling me that Cinnabar's diamond mines are still open?"
"Yup," Vali grinned a bit, "Turns out Cinnabar and the League have a deal going on, the League keep people from finding out about the mines being active while Cinnabar gets some extra funding for various projects,"
"If that's true, how did you get that necklace without it costing more than you're usually willing to pay for something?" Steven asked with a raised eyebrow.
Vali's grin grew as she explained, "I went into the older part of town where the tourists don't really wander because it was so crowded and everything was overpriced. I ended up coming across this little jewelry store. Unlike the ones around this part of the island, it had fairly low priced jewelry and the owner was willing to haggle. Ended up finding out the story from the owner while picking out the charm bracelet."
Steven had to shake his head, "Only you would end up finding that out when looking for birthday presents, Vali."