Fifth Indigo League Battle Pt. 2

It would take at least twenty minutes for the filters in the water to clean the pool of poison meaning that any pokemon Felix chose would need to be resistant to poison. Felix finally picked out a pokeball and tossed it into the air releasing a rather large Tentacruel into the pool. It's heavy body sending waves of water splashing upwards and Vali's nose scrunched up at the black smog released into the water almost immediately upon entry into the pool. She recognized the tactic as one often used by young carnivorous water-types to confuse their prey. It was also used by weaker water-type pokemon to avoid grim fates should they attract a predators attention. Seeing it used in the conference showed that Felix had likely trained Tentacruel to abuse the tactic, Elrond spoke as he began shocking the water, "The beast is semi-immune to the poison in the water. What effects are being done to it are minimal at best, my electricity will be the key in the fight unless I can pin point its location enough to pull it out of the water."

Vali shook her head as Tentacruel took its own shot at Elrond. Glowing purple tentacles shot towards Elrond, who dodged them and took the time to use Thunder Punch on the soaked limbs that weren't coated in poisonous energy earning a screech of pained anger. Elrond renewed Electrical Terrain and sped around the battlefield eyeing the cloudy water with a focused look mentally looking around for the Tentacruel hidden within it. Until he got a good grasp of Tentacruel's mind and mental state, it was likely going to be difficult for Elrond to hone in on the water/poison-type. Even with his evolution being months ago, it would be years before his psychic side would be on par with his electrical side and even then, he'd always instinctively grasp for his electrical side first.

"Just be aware that it might weigh a lot considering how large those waves were," Vali warned Elrond earning an absentminded mental nod and she went about looking for the Tentacruel in the water.

Tentacruel continued to try and shoot Elrond out of the sky with various poison-type attacks. Elrond dodged while attacking back with electric-type attacks as well as the occasional Iron Tail much to Tentacruel's increasing annoyance. For all that this was working in Elrond's favor as Tentacruel was being worn down almost completely, Elrond's electrical stores were finite and he was reaching that limit. Tentacruel finally managed to score a hit much to Felix's delight though it cost the Jellyfish pokemon as Elrond finally managed to get a hold of it. Elrond lifted Tentacruel out of the pool of water with only the slightest vibration to the Jellyfish pokemon's body showing just how much he's grown since that match against Blaine. Tentacruel shrieked at Elrond and visibly trembled in an effort to break free of the attack. With a soft grunt, Elrond sent Tentacruel falling through the air towards one of the platforms with a Thunder Bolt following it.

Tentacruel cried out in pain and began forcing its body to crawl towards the water. Elrond lifted it up again with Psychic and slammed it down again with the smallest tingle of regret while keeping his face calm on the outside. Vali spoke as Elrond released Tentacruel, "Felix, I'd suggest returning Tentacruel. Elrond will continue until its unconscious and this will only cause both of our pokemon pain in the end."

Felix grimaced a bit as he looked at the battlefield before raising the pokeball in his hand, "I suppose you're right. Tentacruel has at least done what she set out to do and has put up an admirable fight despite being against such bad odds. Normally I would've avoided sending her out, she still needs work before she's ready to face a pokemon like Elrond, but I didn't really have a choice," Felix smiled sadly and returned Tentacruel, "My next pokemon needed the pool cleared and she held on long enough to ensure it was cleared."

The pokemon he released was absolutely beautiful with silky snowy white fur over a thick layer of blubber. Two onyx eyes peered out of its face, a black button nose sat on its snout and two ivory tusks extended from its upper jaws. It has a streamlined body with two front flippers and a long flowing tail. Even in extremely cold and ice-packed waters, its tail allows it to be a swift and agile swimmer at speeds of 8 knots. On top of its head is a sharp horn, which allows it to cut through the thickest ice floes. Beautiful and dangerous, the Dewgong let out a playful bark upon seeing Elrond and began dancing in the water. When Elrond spoke and wasn't able to mask how tired he was, Vali knew they needed to end this match quickly, "Such a joyful one, I hope our future water-type partner will be like this one."

"I do as well," Vali didn't hide her worry, "Finish this quickly, Dearest. With the poison and your low energy, I won't risk leaving you in for long,"

"I understand," Elrond sent his acceptance towards her, "Just let me go as long as possible,"

Vali watched Elrond carefully as he used Electric Terrain once more for what would be the final time. Dewgong jumped out of the water before Elrond could hit it with Electro Ball and sent a Signal Beam towards Elrond who quickly moved out of the way. Dewgong moved with far more swiftness then she was expecting when launching itself into the air. Dewgong managed to get closer to Elrond with each missed move forcing her partner to move quicker shaving down how much time she'd be able to let him linger in the battle. Even when Elrond managed to hit it with Thunder, Dewgong withstood the attack and managed to freeze part of Elrond's tail with an Ice Beam. Elrond managed to free his tail with an Iron Tail. As the battle continued, Felix spoke, "Your Raichu is something else."

"As is your Dewgong," Vali replied feeling some longing and decided that once Houndour was older she'd look for a water-type in earnest perhaps a Seel.

"But it's starting to lag," Felix looked smug.

Vali felt a little annoyed with him for pointing that out even if he was right. Rather than acknowledge it verbally, she spoke to Elrond, "Elrond, perhaps its time to pull that out."

Elrond felt a little alarmed at her suggestion, "Are you sure? I thought we were waiting until the battle against Steven or Lance."

"Go out with a bang and it'll be a good test run," Vali replied with a mental sigh, "As much as I want to save it, Dewgong is tough and you're starting to push it,"

"You aren't wrong about that," Elrond's eyes glowed slightly as he smiled a bit and nodded, "Very well, let us end this with a bang!"

Elrond began speeding around the field much to Felix and Dewgong's confusion. Felix shouted out, "Dewgong, just take some shots at it. It'll drop soon enough."

Dewgong followed its master's orders shooting out Ice Beams and Signal beams towards the speeding blurs that were her partner. Elrond just kept up his speed managing to avoid the blasts before coming in hot towards Dewgong earning a bark of surprise and the water/ice-type ducking into the water. Elrond continued to dive towards Dewgong whenever it surfaced. As a bit of time passed, Elrond spoke, "Phase one complete. Phase two begins."

"You know," Vali spoke as flickers of green began appearing beneath the water, "Elrond and I really do enjoy battling you. It's fun,"

Vines sprang up from the water and grip a panicking Dewgong, the water/ice-type let out panicked barks as it struggled against the vines. Elrond landed on them close to Dewgong as Felix shouted, "Dewgong, break free of it!"

The vines turned to steel as Elrond flooded them with steel-type energy earning a loud shout of disbelief from Felix. Elrond used up the last of his electrical stores in a final Thunder. When the attack faded Dewgong was barely conscious and Elrond only holding on due to his psychic-typing. He floated upward and used Iron Tail to knock Dewgong out. Felix returned Dewgong as Vali said, "You raised it well."

"Thank you. She fought well though I wished she could've fought longer," Felix replied with a low sigh.

The announcer spoke of the field change and offered them a chance to substitute pokemon. Vali left her trainers box with Elrond in her arms and Aragorn beside her. Nurse Joy smiled at her as she entered the trainer's lounge, "Hello, Miss Potter-Black. Do you have any pokemon for me?"

"Elrond will be going with you," Vali answered as she walked over to the pink haired woman, "He's had a tough couple of battles and deserves some rest especially after draining his electrical stores," She hugged her partner gently, "I know he'll be in great hands,"

"I'll send a message when he's healed up, Miss Potter-Black," Nurse Joy promised as she took Elrond from Vali's arms with a gentle smile, "I'll ensure Elrond is in tip-top shape when he returns to you,"

Vali handed over Elrond's pokeball as she spoke to the tired almost past out Alolan Raichu, "Rest well, Dear One. We can take it from here. You've done your part and ensure that."

A tired and pained sort of contentment filled their bond. Elrond's eyes slowly slid closed as he spoke, "When this is over, I'm going to gorge on so many batteries and berries. No battling for a week."

"A week of rest," Vali mentally promised earning a soft mental sigh.