Conference Pt. 2

Vali sent the video to Professor Oak after taking both the cub and mother to the pokemon center. She rubbed her forehead as Nurse Joy told her, "We will keep you posted."

"Thank you," Vali told the Nurse with a low sigh, "I know you've got so many other pokemon to take care of, but considering their states..."

Nurse joy gained a pained look on her face as Vali trailed off, "It's no worries. I've already sent the video and will be sending everything to the police as we speak. You did a good thing, Vali. How people like that can even obtain a breeder's license in the first place, I will never know."

"No idea," Vali shook her head as she bid the nurse goodbye for the moment and left the pokemon center.

Vali got about halfway to Blaine's townhouse when she ran into Surge. Surge looked half-way pissed and relieved, "Brat! Just got the news from the local Jenny, you've got some luck, huh?"

"Apparently," Vali offered him a sad look, "Guy got arrested?"

"As he was leaving the Plateau," Surge replied with a grin, "About pissed himself when I was there to meet him," He lost his grin, "Those two were in bad condition, it's reversible though that cub is going to face some challenges,"

"I did too," Vali murmured softly as her mind went back to her own childhood for a moment, "But if he's survived for so long and has his mother with him, he'll manage,"

Surge placed a hand on her shoulder, "You did good, Kid. You stopped a bad breeder, save two pokemon lives, and will probably help us save more," He offered her a slight smile, "While we can't save every pokemon, the ones we can save will be given every possible chance they can for the best life."

"I know," Vali sighed deeply, "What will happen to them?"

"Since you bought them, it's up to you," Surge answered earning a surprised look, "Despite everything, it was a legal purchase,"

Vali looked at him in shock then frowned, "I don't know what to do. They're not battlers, so they don't need to be given therapy like that."

"If you want, we can set them up with therapy and treatment," Surge offered with a surprisingly gentle look, "They'll get the treatments they need and you can figure out what to do with them,"

Vali thought about it carefully before nodding, "Yeah. We can do that. I'll speak to Delia. I know that I can't handle another pokemon on my team right now. Not with Eowyn and Magby still hashing out their differences, I will be able to in the future once everything is figured out."

Surge patted her shoulder, "You'll figure it out kid. If anything, the cub'll be a good pokemon for Ash while Gary might end up with something else once he's a bit more ready."

"Yeah," Vali nodded feeling a bit better about the situation.

Steven looked at Vali in shock as she finished explaining what had happened, "And that all happened during your first Conference day?"

"Yup," Vali laid back on the bed in her borrowed room, "Honestly, it feels like there is nothing easy about these things for me,"

"Apparently," Steven shook his head, "I haven't managed to find a Smeargle that would be perfect for you just yet, but I've got some leads. It shouldn't be more than a week for me to find it. Still a Galar pokemon? Wow, I can't believe I'll have one in my hands,"

"She's adorable and her favorite berries are bitter ones though she doesn't mind the sweet ones," Vali offered earning a chuckle, "She's a sweet heart. I can't wait to see what you think of her,"

"Me too," Steven grinned at her, "Thank you,"

Vali waved him off, "No thanks necessary, I just need that Smeargle."

"You'll get it," Steven assured her with a laugh before turning serious with a frown, "What are you planning to do with the other two?"

"The cub will probably be a good fit for Ash. It's young and will be good for him to work with," Vali told him as Aragorn jumped on the bed and curled up next to her with a soft grumble, "As for the Manectric, I'm not sure. Maybe Delia?"

"But not you?" Steven pressed earning a shrug, "Vali, what's wrong?"

"I just don't feel a spark. I don't know why, Steven," Vali looked at him with a sad look, "Unlike with Thorin, I just don't feel anything other than sad for them,"

"It's okay, Vali," Steven assured her in a soft tone, "It happens,"

Vali rubbed behind Aragorn's ears as she murmured, "It doesn't help that Eowyn and Magby are still fighting. I can't figure out a way to get them to stop and it's driving me up a wall. Don't get me wrong, it's good because they're both progressing wonderfully because of it, but it's causing unneeded friction. I just need them to get along at some point though."

Elrond looked at Aragorn as Balto laid down across the back deck, "And that was everything you heard, Aragorn?"

Aragorn nodded with his ear flicking slightly in irritation, "Yes. I'm glad that I decided to just give the flaming nut a chance. He might only want to see the good of this world, but he's not that bad."

Elrond nodded with a low sigh. He floated closer to the ground and looked at Balto, "What do you think?"

Balto sighed softly looking at Aragorn, "We need to do something. Vali-Sister cannot keep dealing with so much stress. Not with her growing flames and the coming change, we must relieve some stress. Little shadow and Sparking Ember need to learn how to behave. Being them to me, I will put them in their place."

Aragorn nodded and left to go grab their misbehaving pack members. Elrond looked at the leaders of their pack with a frown, "This is bad, isn't it? The ghost master explained that we needed to be settled into ourselves before the coming change if we're to survive the training with Vali. But-"

"We will survive," Smaug snorted as he landed beside Balto with a soft huff, "You worry too much, El. The hatchlings will learn and we will be ready in time," Smaug looked at Balto, "That cub and it's mother are doing much better according to the Chansey. Vali-Sister should be able to visit within the next couple of days. The mother is a bit hostile to everyone, but it'll likely calm with Vali's presence,"

"Good," Balto huffed a sigh and sagged a little in relief, "You were unseen?"

"Yes," Smaug inclined his head earning a snort, "That mother, it would be good for Delia. She's not a battler from what the Chansey can tell me, but she's protective,"

"We'll have to relay it at some point," Balto replied as Elrond began to hear arguing.

"Seriously, Tail-boy? Why do you have to drag me around with that flaming idiot?" Eowyn barked at Aragorn causing Elrond to sigh as a headache began to build up.

"You've both been requested," Aragorn replied with a low growl, "So shut up and follow me,"

Elrond braced himself for the coming argument with a mental groan as Smaug snorted and Balto let out a low whine of annoyance, "Children."

"C'mon Shadow-Princess, we can get this over with then get back to training," Magby was the most eager of the trio, "So just calm down,"

"Shut up you, Flaming idiot!" Eowyn snapped at Magby, "I don't want to hear your stupid voice!"

Elrond just rubbed his face with a tired paw and muttered, "I will be going out with Thorin and Vali next. I need a damn break from these three even if you put those two in their place."

"Fair," Balto nodded to him as Elrond had been doing the brunt of keeping their troublesome duo from practically killing each other, "I will be ensuring this lesson sticks with Smaug,"

"Getting to put these little shits in their places until they learn like Empress? Oh yes, I will very much enjoy it, Balto," Smaug chuckles as fire coiled from his mouth in excitement.

Elrond shuddered a little feeling only a little sorry for what the youngest members of their team were about to feel. They might've deserved it, but Smaug wasn't an easy mon to deal with especially when he feels that Vali was being wronged. None of them were, but Smaug could be one of their worst alongside Balto. Elrond mentally shook his head with a snort as Aragorn led Eowyn and Magby into view. It was at this point that Elrond realized that he had been lost in his thoughts because he hears Eowyn shout, "YOU DON'T HAVE A NAME! YOU ARE NOT PACK!"

Elrond froze for a second as silence descends on them all. Of all the arguments she could have made, he couldn't believe that was one of them. There was a long low growl from behind and beside him, it almost made every instinct within him scream to run away. The sheer fury radiating off of both Balto and Smaug held him in place as he choked on his spit. He saw Aragorn's tails immediately curl in between his legs as he quickly fled towards where the other members of their pack were watching. Eowyn and Magby were both frozen. Eowyn in fear both due to what had passed her muzzle and the anger rolling off her two leaders. Magby frozen due to the anger radiating around him and the disbelief of what had been said to him. Neither could move as Balto stood up and in a blur of movement had Eowyn pinned with a snarl, "Eowyn. What. Did. You. Just. Say?!"

Eowyn whimpered as Balto put more pressure on her body with each growled word, "He has no name. He's not pack."

"Each of us earned our name, Foolish Pup!" Balto snarled at her, "I earned mine, Terra hers, you earned yours, and so too shall he! He is pack as our sister has brought him into it! Do not presume that one who is brought into our pack and not given a name immediately doesn't deserve to be pack. You are a PUP! Nothing more than a Child! KNOW YOUR PLACE!"

Eowyn whined softly and struggled against Balto for a moment before going limp as Magby asked, "But why does she not give me a name then?"

"Because you are not ready," Balto looked at him with a slight glare, "You know little of this world for all that you've been with us for a few months. When it is time and you've proved yourself ready, you will be given a name. Be it after a battle or significant event, it will be yours. BE PATIENT!"

Magby looked ready to argue, but stayed quiet. Smaug spoke as he stepped forward glaring down at the two, "You little shits have been causing Vali unneeded stress with your stupid fighting. I don't care what its about. I don't give a shit if you hate each other, but our trainer, our sister? She cares deeply and you two idiotic little shit stains need to fucking stop if we're going to be ready when the change comes like that ghost bastard warned. So until you're ready to behave, you two are MINE to destroy and rebuild until I feel satisfied."

"And don't think that Vali will save you. Elrond will tell her you're doing some special training with us to see if we can get you to bond," Balto informed them as he moved off of the newly submissive Eowyn, "You will learn your places and become proper pack members," Balto began walking away from the two, "Now get out of my sight before I decide your training starts now,"

Magby stayed there for a moment watching Balto before leaving with a sullen look with Eowyn scrambling away looking properly scolded. Elrond spoke once the two were out of sight, "I will inform Vali of the arrangements."

Balto nodded with a huff of tiredness and moved to return to his laying position, "Good. Smaug, let's discuss their punishment and training for the two misbehaving cubs."

Elrond left the two and headed inside to where Vali was looking through a book on fire-types that he'd seen Professor Oak hand her before they'd left for the gym. He landed beside her on the couch. Vali looked at him curiously as she felt him slump against her, "You okay, Elrond? What was all that outside?"

Elrond sighed softly as he nuzzled into her side softly feeling just a bit better being close to her, "I've got a headache, but I will be fine. Balto and Smaug have decided to personally train our little mischief makers for a bit. I'll be joining you tomorrow."

"Oh?" Vali looked at him as confusion and relief practically radiating off of her, "But it all sounded so angry?"

"Eowyn was being a brat," Elrond sighed softly, "But things should get better soon. So what's this book about?"

Vali looked ready to further question him, but his obeyed his wish to move on by launching into an explanation about the book so far.