After dropping off Steven's pokemon, they decided to go out for a lunch to celebrate that Vali and Steven had managed to get all seven badges. As they ate, the trio of trainers discussed their next move in more detail than before. Zaria grinned as she set down her fork, "I'm going to challenge Muller for the Storm badge. Much as I'd like to face Giovanni, I'm not ready for it and my pokemon will need as much time as possible to train for the Conference."
"Muller, isn't he based out of that town two weeks west of here?" Vali asked as she thought about the flying-type gym leader that had only gotten his gym certified a year ago.
"Yeah. Muller's in Cyan Burrows," Zaria confirmed earning a confused look from Steven.
"Cyan Burrows?" Steven asked as he glanced between the two, "What is that?"
"It's one of the many small towns and villages in central Kanto," Vali explained as she put down her fork to reach into her pocket for her pokedex, "Most of them focus on farming or ranching especially since they're settle right on the great plains that run through the middle of Kanto," She pulled up the map and found Cyan Burrows, "Cyan Burrows is famous for one thing despite being a ranchers paradise given how great the area is to raise ranch based pokemon. That thing is their storms," She held out her pokedex to Steven who took it and began reading through the article her pokedex had on it, "Whether its their heavy wind/rain storms in the summer or their ice/snow storms in the winter, Cyan Burrows is the home of storms. A long time ago it is said that the village that once rested there had done something despicable in the eyes of Zapdos and Articuno. To pay for their crimes, the area was cursed with storms,"
"Not Moltres?" Zaria looked a bit surprised likely not having heard about this before.
Vali shook her head with a slight smile as she fed Vulpix some of the meat off of her plate, "Not Moltres, it is the reason that the town wasn't eradicated and has somewhat clear weather during the spring and fall. Of course, it is a story, but you know what they say about stories."
"It's interesting," Steven handed Vali back the pokedex and she put it away to continue eating, "I'll have to look into it a bit more though why would Muller open a gym there?"
"It's his hometown," Vali picked up her fork again and returned to eating, "He came by the lab before his gym was approved since Gym Leaders have to get approval from the regional professor on top of everything else before they're able to get certified,"
Zaria looked a bit surprised while Steven nodded, "Wait, seriously?" The mocha skinned girl looked a little disbelieving at the nods she was given, "But that's not how we do it back in my home region."
"It's diffrent for the regions that don't have ties to the Pokemon League Administration or aren't major regions," Vali shrugged lightly, "Anyway, Muller came to the lab and actually participated in a guest lecture on flying-type pokemon. He was pretty cool and his Pidgeot was awesome. You'll have a tough battle even if you're not going against Giovanni,"
Zaria leaned forward eager to learn anything about the gym leader she'd chosen to go against, "What do you know about him?"
"Other than his Pidgeot, he has a Noctowl, a Skarmory, a Gligar which probably evolved, a Murkrow that probably evolved, and..." Vali tried to remember what the last pokemon was, "Oh! It was a Mandibuzz, from Unova. That was a scary pokemon," She shivered a bit as she remembered its beady eyes and the way it stared at everything save for Muller like they were food, "Of course, he's probably using other pokemon for the gym especially since his Mandibuzz was strong enough to last five minutes against Professor Oak's Charizard,"
Steven looked a bit shocked while Zaria whistled in appreciation, "Man, he's got to have balls. Mandibuzz don't just listen to anyone after all."
"From what I remember, she was his starter. I think he got her from his older brother, but I'm not sure," Vali shook her head lightly, "Muller will probably have some tips for training Murkrow up,"
"I'll talk to him about it when I get a chance," Zaria settled back, "So you're going back to Pallet?"
"Once everyone's out of the pokemon center and okay to travel," Vali looked towards Steven, "You're going to Mount Moon, right?"
Steven picked up his drink, "Not quite, I'll be going to Pewter to meet up with some people then head to Mount Moon."
Zaria looked at Steven in surprise, "You're going to Mount Moon? Off the paths? Dude, you're going to see so many strong pokemon."
"Maybe even find a new one," Steven smiled a bit, "It'll be a lot of fun and good training. I'm looking forward to spending time in the tunnels,"
"You get to keep stuff that you find, right?" Zaria asked looking excited.
"While it depends on what the item is, yes," Steven eyed her carefully as they both wondered why she would be so excited, "Why?"
"Think you might be able to get a Dusk Stone," Zaria told him, "I need one for Murkrow and with how expensive they are, I'm not likely to get one anytime soon,"
"You'd be better off asking for a Moon or Sun Stone," Vali shook her head, "You're going to be hard pressed to find any stones outside of a Moon or Sun Stone in that mountain. You're better off going to Mount Silver for a Dusk Stone. Kanto mostly has Fire, Water, Thunder, Moon, and Sun Stones,"
"Dang it," Zaria muttered looking disappointed.
"If I find one and can take it, I'll see about giving it to you," Steven offered earning a bright grin from the Dark-type master-in-training.
"Awesome!" Zaria cheered, "Thanks, Steven. You're the best,"
Zaria left not even an hour after their lunch to get a head start on the next leg of her journey. With the coming Conference drawing near, every trainer in Kanto would be making that mad-dash to get their last badge in time to get some form of training in before it hit. Zaria would need to be quick especially if she wanted to get to Cyan Burrows before summer storm season truly set in. The dark-type master-in-training extracted a promise to battle the next time they saw one another though a few limitations would be put in place to ensure that all the participants would be able to fight at top form during the Conference. With that done and a picture by Vali that would be gifted once they met up, the dark-type master-in-training took off.
After waiting for his pokemon to be cleared by Nurse Joy and making arrangements with those he'd be meeting in Pewter, Steven packed his bags and got ready to leave. Leaving his room in the pokemon center, he walked down the hallway until he'd reached Vali's room. Before he could knock on the door, it opened to reveal Vali with Eevee sitting on her shoulder and Vulpix in her arms. She smiled lightly looking for all the world like this was just another day, but one look in her eyes told a much diffrent story. She didn't want him to leave, but wouldn't say anything despite how much she'd miss him because she understood why he's going. She spoke in a warm tone that belied none of the sadness currently running through her, "Ready to go?"
If he hadn't spent so long traveling with her or knew Vali to the point he did, Steven likely wouldn't have known just how much this was bothering her. It made his heart clench and the desire to stay with her that he'd been fighting surge up. He forced it down with a light smile of his own, "I am."
"We'll walk you to the edge of town," Vali told him as Vulpix gave a soft whine and pleading look at him, "If that's okay,"
Steven reached out and gently ran his fingers over the fire-fox's curls, "I'd like that."
With that said, they headed out of the pokemon center with Steven dropping off his room key. Vali walked beside him and he glanced at her as they ventured through Viridian. He remembered their time together since the first day they'd met back in Pallet Town and the difference between when they last walked this exact path struck a cord in him. It wasn't just seeing the bond between them grow from distant strangers to close friends over the course of their time together. It was just how much they'd both grown from that day. Even if Vali had been the one to grow the most out of them, he'd grown as well and could honestly say that this specific journey had been more than worth it for all the strange and highly emotional moments that had occurred.
Vali spoke pulling him from his thoughts, "It's been awhile since we last walked this path, huh?"
"I was just thinking that," Steven had to chuckle at how closely their thoughts mimicked one another, "It's been a long time. You've grown a lot since then. We both have,"
Vali's smile took a sad turn as her eyes glowed with nostalgia, "Yeah. It was a crazy adventure together, but one that I wouldn't change for the world even with some parts of it being the way they were," She looked ahead of them, "Hey, Steven? We'll send emails and stuff, right?"
"Of course," Steven promised not being able to see them not contacting one another.
"I'm glad," Vali hugged Vulpix closer to her chest, "Just wanted to make sure, I'd prefer not to lose contact,"
Vulpix whined softly and Vali ducked her head to kiss the top of his. Steven noticed that they were at the edge of town and wondered where the time had gone. He slowly stopped walking and Vali looked up from Vulpix. For a brief second, he could see the pain and panic Vali was feeling at the fact they'd be separated. The sadness filled understanding and underlining dread that was probably due to how rare they'd actually be able to contact one another due to how Mount Moon's magnetic field. But it disappeared into a fake happiness that left a foul taste in his mouth, he understood why she was hiding her feelings and was grateful even if it left him unhappy.
Steven spoke as they stood together at the edge of Viridian, "It looks like it's time for me to leave."
"We should let everyone say their goodbyes," Vali offered in a soft tone.
Steven jumped at being able to spend more time with her, "Yeah. That would be a good idea."
They each released their pokemon and Steven found himself strangely distant from the group seemingly just a observer than an active participant. Vali hugged each of his pokemon murmuring her praises for their skills in battle and soft goodbyes. Each of his pokemon nuzzled her even Skarmory who normally didn't tolerate anyone beside him seemed distraught at the fact it was time to say goodbye. Tears shimmered in Vali's eyes, she kept up the gentle smile that seemed to be her go-to to comfort any pokemon that seemed to require it. Never once did she voice her wish for them to stay, the reluctant acceptance radiated off of her in waves.
Vulpix whined and cuddled against each of his pokemon clearly pleading for them to not seperate from the pack they'd been since his birth. Eevee actually nosed each of his pokemon in goodbye. Terra patted each pokemon lightly and chattered at them. Balto rumbled warmly at each of his pokemon and despite being sad, he too was accepting that it was time for their parting. Pele cooed and nosed everyone with a light smile. Celina carefully laid her head on each of his pokemon and crooned at them. Even Skarmory accepted the affection, Aggron, Blastoise, and Cradily giving their own goodbye embraces while being careful of those who were still injured from the battles. Mawile seemed to have decided to just stick to hugging Vali after patting everyone goodbye. Despite being silent to him, Steven knew that Metagross was offering each of those they'd be leaving behind a unique goodbye.
When the pokemon were done, everyone was returned save for Metagross, Balto, Eevee, and Vulpix. Vulpix whined at him and pawed at his leg. Steven bent down and hugged the fox, "I know you don't want us to go, Vulpix. But it isn't going to be forever, we'll see one another again soon."
It took a bit longer for Vulpix to finally seem at least partially mollified. The not-so little fox returned to Vali's side and Balto trotted over to nose him. Steven settled his hand on the fire-types head and stared Balto in the eyes. Balto eventually nodded to him and gave a soft bark that sounded vaguely reprimanding. Metagross translated for him, "Balto wishes you well, but warns you to keep your promise to his partner. If you do not, he will be very displeased."
Steven actually felt nervous about that and quickly nodded as he told Vali's second in command, "I'll keep my promise."
Balto looked pleased and licked his cheek earning a grimace. Eevee nodded to him actually looking a bit sad. Steven nodded back in acknowledgement. Vali spoke as a slightly melancholic tone, "Looks like this is it, Steven."
"For now, we'll see each other again soon," Steven surprised Vali with a tight hug that she slowly returned.
Vali trembled a bit, "I can't wait. Just be careful, Mount Moon isn't a normal mountain by any means and you might find yourself in deep trouble if you're not careful."
"I'll be careful," Steven hugged her just a bit harder, "Train hard, Vali. I'd say look after your pokemon, but you always do. So make sure you look after yourself as well, they need you to watch over them after all,"
"I will," Vali sniffed softly.
Eventually, they pulled apart and Steven began walking away. He looked back at Vali and waved. She waved back as Metagross floated almost solemnly beside him. When she was out of sight, he focused on the forest ahead with a heavy feeling in his chest and a stinging in his eyes. Metagross spoke, "Friend Vali is in a lot of pain. She will miss you greatly, but won't force you to stay. She understands that it is time for your parting no matter how brief it may end up being."
"I know," Steven hated knowing that he was causing her such pain.
A part of him was surprised by how attached they were to one another, but it wasn't quite surprising. With how long they'd been traveling together and the many adventures they had been apart of, they'd created a close bond. One Steven would do everything possible to ensure would break even with how things were changing. This would be a trial run for when he returned to Hoenn, he decided with as his shoulders straightened and his mouth set into a firm line.