An Ace Squad

While the Rangers and Ace were grateful for the two Gym Leader's help, they were less than happy about the eleven year old being present. Vali didn't recognize any of the Rangers and knew that it was unlikely they knew Sirius personally. From one of the grumpy Rangers, she learned that Delco 2 was stationed close to a nearby mountain not far from Vermilion. The pokemon in the area were a lot stronger than the ones she was used to dealing with according to one snarky Ace. Blaine explained it was due to the pokemon being 'Off Route' as was what most in the League referred to them as. Whenever a pokemon within the route became too-strong for normal trainers to deal with, they were either captured by an Ace to be trained or driven 'Off Route' which inevitably caused the local pokemon population to gain strength over generations.

It explained why certain parts of the Routes were 'Badge locked' as it was called. Vali was glad that she'd finally gotten that straightened out, but it made her wonder how many trainer deaths were caused by people going 'Off Route' looking for strong pokemon once they knew this stuff. Once Blaine had decided on a course of action with Surge, they set to work with the commanders of the base. Rather than sticking with Blaine or at the base like most suspected, she was planted with a squad of Ace much to everyone shock and told to do her best.

Vali looked over the Ace squad noting that they were missing the fourth member and had a feeling it was a likely a sore point. She decided not to bring it up and instead decided to say, "As Surge said, my name is Valkyrie Potter-Black. I am not exactly sure how I'll be able to help, but I'm going to do my best."

The leader of the team, a man by the name of Anthony Dyre, merely offered her a semi cold look, "What pokemon have you got?"

"A male Arcanine, a male Charizard, a female Pidgeot, a male Alolan Raichu, a female Sandslash, a female Ponyta, a male Eevee, a female Larvitar, a female Shelgon, a male Luxray, a female Numel, a male Vulpix, a female Houndour, a female Litwick, a male Seel, and a male Litleo," Vali listed earning a look of recognition from all save for the leader of the team, "My Litleo was given to me not even a few days ago while my Houndour just began light physical training as per Nurse Joy's allowance. My Seel is somewhat new to my team, but is proving to be competent,"

"Has your Arcanine ever tracked anyone before?" Anthony asked with a slight scowl.

Vali shook her head, "No as the League never ended up calling upon any trainers for such a thing when I was in the area."

Anthony's scowl deepened, "Damn it, what the hell is Surge thinking about giving us a Newbie like you?" Vali kept her face straight while inwardly glad she'd returned her pokemon, "Your Arcanine will be working with mine to learn how to scent and track our prey, got it?"

"Yes, sir," Vali nodded to him while mentally planning to have Balto teach Houndour these skills at a later date.

"We'll start now since there's only a limited amount of time," Anthony told her as he released a rather large Arcanine that had clearly seen many battles due to the scars that decorated its striped fur, "Alisa, you're going to train this girl's Arcanine in how to scent and track the Poachers. We don't have much time, so we're going to be doing a lot of it on the fly. Do your best,"

Alisa the Arcanine barked softly and nuzzled her trainer before peering at Vali. Vali released Balto and the two Arcanine peered at one another. Vali touched Balto's side and spoke softly, "Alisa is going to teach you how to scent and track. Learn well, okay? It's a skill we'll need for the future."

Balto let out a soft bark of agreement and nuzzled her before the two Arcanine took off into the nearby forest. Anthony spoke once they'd gone, "To be frank, I don't trust in your abilities. I don't trust you. But with the gym leaders and League pushing for you to be here, I can't argue. We're stuck with you, Potter-Black. All I can say is don't die and don't get my men killed."

With that, Anthony turned on his heel and began walking off, "Meet up here in two hours, I don't care what you do before then."

Two of the other Ace's disappeared immediately towards a nearby bunker, Vali found herself left alone with a female Ace. The female Ace smiled at her, "Don't feel too bad, Anthony isn't dealing well with Jess' hospitalization after our last interaction with the Poachers and Surge placing you with us. He'll ease up soon enough, Valkyrie. He's a good man."

Vali looked at the Ace a bit dubious, but wasn't willing to argue, "He didn't seem to recognize my name or pokemon. Your teammates and you did though."

"Anthony is pretty much out here most of the year while the rest of us rotate," The female Ace explained, "Our squad save for Anthony chose to go for the Conference and ended up staying through till the end thanks to Moltres. Anthony was peeved at not getting to see the fire-bird up close too, but it was his own choice," She grinned a bit, "Names Stella. Stella Bradley. Want to go get something to eat and drink? We'll be out there for awhile once we finally leave,"

"Sure," Vali decided it wouldn't hurt and followed the woman to the Cafeteria where they both grabbed something to eat.

"Man, I still can't believe you managed to destroy those fields," Stella grinned broadly once they got their food and found a table to sit at, "I mean that Numel of yours will be scary when she evolves. Pele was her name, right?"

"Yeah," Vali nodded as she dropped a hand to her pokeballs, "She's getting stronger every day. We all are even if Blaine continues to kick our asses,"

"Man, I can't believe you're being apprenticed to Blaine of all people," Stella looked at her with wide blue eyes, "How'd you manage it?"

Vali offered Stella an awkward smile, "Professor Oak had me writing a research paper. And I was writing detailed notes on my journey for Professor Oak, he ended up passing those to Blaine for whatever reason. Deciding he like what he'd seen, Blaine offered me a compromise, I'd document my pokemon's growth among other things in a journal and if I did well enough during the Conference, he'd take me on. As you can see, everything worked out in the end."

"I've also seen the photos you take," Stella told her earning a surprised look, "I saw you sometimes during the Conference and during my downtime I've recently come across a website. You're selling pictures, right?"

"It's a small side job," Vali confirmed as she picked up her drink, "I can't really do as much with it just yet. Not so soon into my Apprenticeship, I can only do so much at a time,"

"I get it," Stella picked up her burger, "Your pictures are beautiful. I absolutely love that one with the two Butterfree in that field of flowers and the Bellossom,"

Vali was a bit surprised since that had been one of her earlier ones, "Really? I'd only put that one up to show the difference between what I could do with a professional camera and a regular one. I took that one back before I got my newest one."

"I'm sure," Stella nodded with a grin, "How much would you be willing to sell it for?"

"You'd have to talk with my adoptive mother about getting it since I don't have that specific photo," Vali warned her earning a nod, "150 poke sound fair?"

Stella blinked a bit at the price, "You sure? That's a bit low. I'd be willing to pay more. Around 500."

"Think of it as a comrade and kindness discount," Vali smiled warmly, "We're about to be working together for the foreseeable future and you've been nicer than the others in this place. I'm not giving it to you for free, but I won't charge you full price,"

Stella grinned at that, "Awesome! Let's exchange contact info, I'll swing by the Cinnabar gym the next time I'm off and pick up the photo. Sound good?"

"Yeah, but you could easily get it from the website," Vali told her earning a shrug.

"True, but I think we're going to be good friends, Vali," Stella told her while brushing back a couple strands of bright silver hair.