A visit from Delia

"Alright," Vali looked over the notes she'd taken on both the videos and from Steven's own notes, "Once you guys master those moves, we need to focus now more than ever on speed and power. This Gym Leader's pokemon focus on power even more than Surge and their defense is top notch, I'll be playing videos of his past battles for you guys to help prepare for our coming battles," She looked up at her pokemon with a slight grin, "I doubt you need the reminder, but remember this is the last badge we need before qualifying for the Conference," Everyone nodded with determination on their faces, "Get back to training then, we're going to need it,"

Everyone but Terra, Vulpix, and Eevee darted off to their tasks. Vali turned to the three with a light smile, "Alright, Terra, we'll be focusing on Outrage today. I set up some targets for you. Have fun," Terra nodded and walked over to the area that she pointed to, "Vulpix, you'll be running the obstacle course I've set up," Vulpix perked up and looked towards the course, "Go have some fun," He let out an excited yip and darted towards the course, "Eevee," Eevee looked at her curiously, "Today, I thought we'd spend some time meditating."

Eevee nodded and they walked over to a set of nearby mats. Sitting down, Vali put her notes to the side and dropped her bag on top of them to ensure they didn't get blown away by any wind caused by the various attacks being practiced. She began looking over her mental shields making sure there weren't any weak points before reinforcing them. once more.

Elrond held out Vali's pokenav to her and she wiped off her hands to answer it before handing it back to him, "Hello?"

"Hey, Vali," Delia said sounding tired and slightly drained, "I was wondering if you'd be able to take some time off of training today,"

Vali looked away from where she was scrubbing Balto's fur free of dirt and dust, "Yeah, it isn't a problem since we're taking today off to relax," She saw how pale Delia was even through the video screen, "Delia, is something wrong? You're looking pale."

"I will explain when we see one another," Delia replied with a deep frown, "Are you in the pokemon center?"

Vali nodded as she turned back to Balto, "Yeah, I'm giving Balto a bath in one of the rooms they have available. Room three."

"I'll see you in five minutes," Delia told her before cutting the call.

Vali looked at Balto who let out a low whine of concern with his ears drooped. She sighed deeply, "Why do I have a feeling this isn't going to be a happy visit?"

Balto didn't answer her nor did Elrond who put her pokenav away. Vali finished scrubbing Balto's fur and began the process of rinsing the shampoo from the thick fur coating his body. It was strange to see Delia so pale and almost made her wonder if Sirius had gotten hurt. The only reason she didn't think he had was mostly due to the fact the Sirius had her as one of his Emergency contacts just after Delia and just before Professor Oak. Which meant Ash might be hurt though that didn't make sense either, Delia would've said something rather than asked to come see her if only to stay with Ash. Mentally shaking her head, she focused on washing Balto. The grooming room door opened as hot water mixed with the grimy mixture of soap and dirt as it sprayed down towards the drain. Delia walked in looking shaky and tired, "Vali."

"Delia," Vali looked at Elrond who quickly grabbed the shower head and took over cleaning off Balto, "What's going on?" She dried her hands off and walked over to her mother figure, "Did something happen?"

"I..." Delia hesitated for a moment before answering, "Ash's father sent something. A letter and a box,"

Vali's eyes widened at that and her mind began to whirl. Millions of questions and thoughts raced through her head, she couldn't really believe what she'd just heard. Delia never spoke of Ash's father in anyway save to Sirius or Professor Oak. So hearing Delia mention Ash's father and the fact he'd sent something, it was somewhat unbelievable. She voice the first clear question, "What do you mean?"

"Ash's father sent a letter to me and the box for Ash," Delia looked like she was seconds away from collapsing and Vali helped her over to one of the benches against the wall, "They just showed up today,"

Vali frowned at that, "But why?"

"I don't know. I haven't touched either of them outside of making sure Ash wouldn't find them," Delia slumped slightly, "I would've gone to Sirius about this, but he isn't answering his phone," Because Sirius was deep in the wilds and his pokegear wouldn't be able to get a signal, "I haven't opened the letter yet. I don't think I can until Sirius comes home,"

Delia looked close to tears and Vali's heart ached knowing this was hurting her, "Delia, don't open the letter until then if you don't want to."

"I don't want to give Ash the box," Delia told her, "But Ash needs to know that his father sent him something. He needs to that his father still thinks about him," Vali stayed quiet not really knowing what to say or feeling like she had any real right to say anything in this situation, "I don't know what to do,"

Vali swallowed a bit as she sat down beside Delia and hugged her, "I don't really know what to say, Delia. I don't feel like I have any right to say anything."

Delia hugged her tightly, "I shouldn't even have brought this up to you. You're only ten after all."

"But," Vali hesitated for a few moments, "Maybe you should wait to decide with Sirius and offer Ash a choice once you do. It does deal with his father and while he is young, he's still part of the situation,"

Delia nodded slowly, "That sounds like a good idea," She pulled away and sniffed softly, "Sorry about this, Vali. I just-"

"Don't worry about it, you needed to talk to someone," Vali wondered why she hadn't gone to Professor Oak, "Are you okay now?"

Delia nodded as she wiped at her eyes, "Yeah," She sniffed a bit and looked at where Balto was getting washed off, "Taking the day off?"

"We've been working so hard this week that I thought it would be a good idea to ensure no one burned out," Vali stood up and took over rinsing off Balto, "Where's Ash?"

"At the Professor's lab with Gary, they're starting school again next week," Delia walked over and picked up a bucket, "Mind if I help?"

"Go ahead," Vali looked at her, "Are you really okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine," Delia offered her an awkward smile, "It just startled me. I haven't seen or heard anything from Ash's father since a day after Ash was born," Vali winced at that as Delia filled the bucket up with warm water, "He just...Disappeared without warning only telling me not to search for him, he said it would be safer for Ash,"

Vali snorted softly feeling absolutely no respect for the man, "Not a good excuse for pretty much abandoning his family."

"We weren't a family though," Delia shook her head as she walked over with the bucket and got Balto's other side, "Ash's father and I just weren't like that. Things between us were complicated, we were friends at best,"

So that meant Ash wasn't a planned baby, Vali winced at the mental calculations knowing that Delia had to be maybe eighteen when she'd had Ash if a bit younger. Granted, Vali's parents hadn't been much older at nineteen years old, but they had an excuse of being in a war with James Potter being the last of their family alive until she came along. She moved a bit closer to Balto as Delia went to refill her bucket, "Does Ash..."

Vali trailed off not really knowing how to voice her question. Delia didn't need her to finish asking it, "No, he doesn't know. I plan on telling him when he's older and more able to understand it."

"Don't wait too long," Was all Vali could really say, "With how the world works, you never really know if..."

Vali cut herself off not wanting to even voice the idea of such a thing happening to Delia. Delia let out a soft chuckle, "I know, Vali. I will."

Delia stayed for another hour after Balto's bath had finished and spent that time spoiling Vali's pokemon while also spending time with the fire-type master-in-training. It was nice despite the beginning of the visit and Delia left seeming calmer than when she'd arrived. When Steven asked why Delia had visited when they'd met up for dinner, she merely told him that Delia had just wanted to check in and see her. She didn't feel right talking about it especially since the whole thing with Ash's father didn't truly concern her despite Ash being her little brother in every way save for blood and name. Steven took the excuse without a word though she had a feeling he knew she'd held something back, but thankfully didn't comment on it.