Viridian City Gym battle Pt. 4

"So I've been told," Vali replied as Elrond floated back over to her side of the field and settled down on a part of the ground that had surprisingly stayed intact despite the various attacks that had been used.

"Tell me," Giovanni lifted the pokeball up, "What do you plan to do? What is your goal in all of this?"

"Become a fire-type Master and an Elite Four member," Vali answered as she laid a hand on Balto's pokeball.

Giovanni's lips twitched, "I see," He released a Nidoking that roared as it appeared, "Let's see how you do against my Nidoking."

Vali swallowed as her ears rang with Nidoking's roar which seemed to reverberate through her skull. Nidoking lowered his head and glowered at Elrond with baleful purplish black eyes. Elrond showed no outward sign of nervousness, but it radiated across their connection. This pokemon, it was on a diffrent level than the ones Giovanni had already sent out. She focused on Elrond, 'Elrond, do whatever you can.'

"I will," Elrond rose up with a determined glare, "For the others, I will not back down. For Pele, Celina, and Arwen, I'll fight,"

Elrond's cheeks sparked wildly and he rushed forward creating a slew of Double Team copies. They raced around the field in confusing patterns hiding the real Elrond who began to use Grass Knot. Nidoking began ripping at the vines immediately with the same ease one would tear through tissue paper. Nidoking eyed the copies in distaste and used a wide-spray Poison Sting to get rid of them. The real Elrond winced as the needles began pumping him full of their poison and used Psychic to pull them out. Inwardly wincing at the fact they were on a time limit, Vali called out, "Elrond."

"I'll be fine," Elrond created more copies and continued with whatever plan he currently had.

Vali nodded slowly and pushed as much mental strength down the connection as she could. Elrond replaced the vines Nidoking had torn apart and strengthened them. He used much the same strategy as with Rhydon though there was a lot less fury involved. Nidoking bore the attacks with ease managing to batter away Elrond a few times. Elrond kept up the attacks and even used Electro Ball though it barely did any damage. The fact it had done damage in the first place came from the poison leaking from Nidoking's spines which also showed that the drill pokemon had poison point as his ability. Which would mean they'd need to keep him at a distance, she was thankful that Balto had a lot of long and mid-range attacks.

Elrond began to falter as his body trembled from the poison coursing through his veins. Ears dipping and tail beginning to tilt, Elrond panted harshly as he struck at Nidoking again with Iron Tail. He was too slow on getting away and Nidoking hit him with a Fire Punch. Elrond went flying backwards and hit the ground harshly. Nidoking stomped on the ground and a fist of earth slammed into Elrond's body sending him flying again. Elrond barely managed to stop himself from hitting the wall and used Grass Knot again though Nidoking easily shredded the vines and sent a Shadow Ball towards Elrond. Barely managing to dodge it, Elrond used Thunder which finally earned a sound of pain from Nidoking.

The electricity burning away the poison even as it sank into Nidoking's hard purple hide through the poison glands and playing merry hell on the beast's nerves. Elrond kept up the attack as Nidoking roared in pain though it slowly petered out as exhaustion began to take hold. When it finally stopped, Nidoking was left twitching from the electricity running through his body and glared at Elrond with that could only be hate. Nidoking sent a Shadow Ball towards Elrond that was bigger than the previous one. And too tired to dodge, Elrond was hit by the Shadow Ball and sent flying again. Vali's eyes widened when the connection between them was promptly snapped from the ghostly energy cut Elrond's psychic power off. When Elrond hit the ground, he didn't get up and she returned him.

Releasing Balto, Vali told him, "You're up, Balto. Everyone else is out," Balto nodded with a determined expression and faced Nidoking with a glare, "This one has poison point as an ability, I want you to use long to mid-range attacks only unless there is no other option."

Balto nodded as he and Nidoking eyed one another. Nidoking's lips parted and pulled into an unsettling grin as he lifted up a paw and slammed it against his chest. Balto barked in reply lowering his body with a soft growl as a fiery aura that pulsed outward. The battle began with Balto using Sunny Day and Nidoking replied with Poison Sting. Balto used Protect and the Poison Sting needles bounced off before taking off with Extreme Speed. Fire was spewed across the field as Balto began to attack Nidoking, the drill pokemon began using Earth Power to try and defend against the onslaught.

Balto used Extreme Speed to avoid any attacks Nidoking decided to send towards him and even used it to propel himself upwards during a jump to avoid the Earthquake the drill pokemon used in an attempt to make her partner falter. Balto landed close to Nidoking who began aimed a poison-type covered fist towards him only to stumble back when he used Heat Wave. Nidoking roared in pain as Balto followed up with an up close Flamethrower. Nidoking began to get pissed off as Balto continued to evade any attacks sent towards him and the increasing damage dealt by her partner. With his mounting Fury, Nidoking began using Stomping Tantrum which was a move Vali hadn't encountered before.

As Nidoking began to storm around the field causing further damage to the ground, Balto charged up Hyper Beam and when Nidoking got close enough, he used it. The powerful beam of energy ripped through the air and slammed into Nidoking. Nidoking managed to bear the attack for a few moments before beginning to slide backward until he stumbled and began to go flying backwards. When the power petered out, Nidoking fell to his knees while Balto shuddered as the muscles in his body locked up. Vali winced at the burnt and bleeding wound on Nidoking's chest. Blood dripped rather liberally from the not quite circular burn on Nidoking's chest, a piece of the armor protecting Nidoking's chest had broken off revealing the muscle and poison glands beneath it.

Nidoking stood up with a grunt and began charging towards the frozen form of Balto. Vali bit her bottom lip feeling anxious hoping that Balto would be able to move soon. When Nidoking reached Balto, the drill pokemon used Aqua Tail sending Balto tumbling to the side. Balto managed to move before Nidoking could strike again, but the Aqua Tail had definitely left a mark. Balto burned away the water with Flash Fire, but shifted uncomfortably leading her to wonder how badly Nidoking's tail had damaged his side. The battle continued with Balto ramping up his efforts to avoid Nidoking's attacks. Every so often, Nidoking managed to land an attack making her wince in time with Balto though her partner rarely vocalized any pain.

Finally Balto managed to deal a devastating blow to Nidoking that actually began to force the drill pokemon back, he used Heat Wave then Iron Tail against Nidoking's injured chest. Nidoking stumbled backward with a loud grunt swaying a bit and bringing a paw up to his chest as if to protect it. Balto kept up the attack never letting Nidoking attack back. Balto only backed off when Nidoking used Earth Power allowing the drill pokemon a moment of much needed rest that wasn't going to be enough. Burns decorated Nidoking's form, Nidoking breathed harshly glaring at Balto through drooping eyes.

Nidoking straightened up with a roar and rushed towards Balto. Balto replied with rushing towards Nidoking as Flare Blitz blazed into life. The two clashed with a loud boom sending dust flying everywhere. When it cleared, Balto was standing above Nidoking with a paw on the drill pokemon's chest just below the injury his Hyper Beam caused. Nidoking stared up at Balto who peered down at him and an understanding seemed to pass between them before the drill pokemon closed his eyes. The referee announced Vali's win as Balto raced across the field to reach her. Vali carefully wrapped her arms around Balto's neck when he reached her and hugged him, "You did it, Balto. We won. We won our last Gym Battle."

Balto let out a low rumble of agreement and leaned against her. Someone approached them causing the two to pull apart and they found a gym trainer walking forward holding a box. The gym trainer glanced at Balto radiating nervousness, "Trainer Valkyrie, your gym badge. The Earth Badge."

Vali took the badge out of the box, "Thank you."

"Gym Leader Giovanni congratulates you on your win," The gym trainer told her.