"What?!" Vali cringed a bit and admitted that perhaps she should've told Zaria early about everything that happened, "Why didn't you say anything sooner?!"
"I've been busy with everything and you haven't exactly been answering when I've sent messages," Vali's reply was rather weak even it would hopefully keep the other girl's anger from becoming too great.
"That's no excuse! You could've written a message or something!" Zaria growled at her before her tone turned worried, "Are you okay?"
"Therapy sucks, but it's getting easier," Vali answered with a slight wince, "I can pick things up now to a certain weight. Aragorn's still a bit too heavy for me to carry which sucks, but he keeps getting bigger which is awesome," She sat down against the wall of the gym, "But Eevee can sit on my shoulder again without causing me pain which is cool. I...I'm dealing with it, Zaria. Therapy, both sides of it, are helping even if it isn't exactly at the pace I want it to be,"
Zaria glowered at her, "But you're not okay," Vali opened her mouth to protest only to shut it as the other girl spoke, "I can see it even if you're able to hide it from everyone else. Your eyes are tired and shadowed, Vali. You still have that spark, but its dimmer."
"I'm working to become okay again," Vali closed her eyes, "I...I'm trying, okay?"
"Okay," Zaria was quiet for a moment, "I'll be on Cinnabar within a day,"
Vali's eyes popped open as she jerked away from the wall, "What?! Why? Aren't you going to head to Johto or Unova?"
It was easy to ignore the twinge in Vali's side from the quick movement. A sign of healing according to the doctor though she had to keep an eye on it just in case something happened or the pain suddenly got worse. Zaria smiled at her, "I want to see you and I can always get a boat from Cinnabar. Besides I've been wondering how my team can fair against Blaine now that we're at a higher level."
Vali stared at her friend in shock, "B-but-"
"No buts! I'm already booking my ride there," Zaria's smile widened, "Sides, I'm curious about how being a gym trainer is. I might end up applying to be one depending on where I head out," She turned her head as a sound echoed on her side of the screen, "Looks like I've got to go, I'm being paged. I'll see ya when I get to Cinnabar, Vali,"
The screen went blank moments later and Vali felt dread coil through her stomach. She turned her head towards Balto who's ears were pinned back a bit and he let out a whine. She swallowed heavily, "I knew were forgetting something, but damn it. Is there anyone else we've forgotten to talk to?" Balto let out a soft whine and nudged her, "I can't think of anyone either. Let's go talk to Blaine, Balto. Both to let him know she's come to challenge him and that I was a bit of an idiot."
Sirius looked around him as he slowly made his way off the ship with Regulus trotting beside him. The Houndoom was given weary looks and a bit of space due to the scars that had begun to coat his body. The fact he was larger than normal could also be a reason, but Sirius didn't really give it much of a thought. With it still being the early hours of morning, the crowd was semi thick with locals who were getting their essentials before the islands heat truly set in. Moving past the crowds was fairly easily though and he quickly made his way towards the hidden gym, Regulus' nose twitched and his ears perked as they began to walk past the town proper.
Reaching the gym's entrance, Sirius walked inside and found the lobby empty though a man with dusky pink hair walked in from deeper in the gym carrying a cup of coffee. The man looked started upon seeing him, "Oh, hello there. I'm Jackson the Head Gym Trainer here. What can I do for you?"
"My name is Sirius Black," Sirius answered and wasn't surprised by the man's eye's lighting up with recognition, "I'm here to see both Blaine and my god daughter Vali. Blaine first though,"
"Ah," Jackson rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah well, Boss-man is actually training with her in the main grounds right now,"
"I see," Sirius' eyes narrowed as he felt a sting of anger, "Well, why don't you take me to see them?"
Jackson looked highly reluctant, but nodded after a moment, "Sure thing, Mister Black. If you'll follow me, I can get you to them right away."
Jackson turned and began walking in the direction in the way he'd come from. Sirius followed after him with Regulus padding right beside him. A Pyroar suddenly appeared causing Regulus to growl for a moment before stopping as Sirius clicked his tongue. Sirius asked, "Is that your partner?"
"Yes, this is Diego," Jackson dropped his empty hand onto the Pyroar's head, "Been with me since the beginning," Sirius nodded as they made their way through the halls and he noticed the subtle change in temperature, "So you're a ranger?"
"Yes which is why I haven't been able to visit before now," Sirius inwardly frowned at the fact it was already becoming somewhat uncomfortably hot and wondered how Vali could train in such conditions, "Had I been able to, I would have,"
Jackson nodded as they came upon a metal door with keypad that the pink haired man quickly typed on. The door slid open slowly releasing a blast of heat that caused sweat to break out on Sirius' body while Regulus' tongue swept out of his mouth happily. Jackson led the way inside with Sirius following slowly feeling semi reluctant. The room beyond the door was wide and cavernous with rock covered walls and sandy floors. Practice battling or or training new move were Vali's pokemon under the guidance of Blaine's. Vali was running through what looked to be an exercise routine modified to fit her new limits while Blaine quizzed her on something though Sirius couldn't quite hear what was said. Both paused as Jackson called out, "Boss-man, Vali! Sirius Black is here to see you both."
Vali looked at him with wide eyes though quickly shifted her gaze towards Blaine. Blaine spoke as they began reaching them, "Vali, run through your cool downs."
Vali gained a slightly sulky look though nodded, "Heya, Siri."
"Hey, Pup," Sirius replied with a warm smile.
Vali took off in a slow walk that quickly built up into a run. Blaine looked at Sirius with slight annoyance on his face, "Rather rude of you to drop by without warning or notice, Black."
"My goddaughter got hurt and despite the fact that I was unable to stay with her immediately afterward due to the Beedrill's nest that was let loose," Sirius' eyes darkened as he stared at the old gym leader, "I had to check on her once I'd gotten the chance. While the League might be to blame, Blaine, my trust in you is gone,"
Blaine snorted darkly, "And yet you say nothing of Surge."
"That annoying blonde bastard knows where he stands with me," Sirius replied with a soft snort earning a sharp gasp from Jackson.
Blaine glanced at Jackson and waved him off, "Head back to the lobby, I'm sure some trainer is probably going to wander in soon enough."
"Sure thing, Boss-man," Jackson nodded and quietly moved off though glanced between them with a wary look.
Blaine looked back at him, "Your trust is not the one I require, Black. Vali's trust is what's important to me," Sirius was slightly taken aback by the fierce look in the older man's eyes, "Do not think anything else, Wizard."
Regulus let out a low growl not like the tone taken towards his partner. Placing a hand on Regulus to silencing him and to keep himself in check as his anger flared, "I realize that, Old Man. I also know that for some reason Vali and Delia both still trust you despite what happened. The fact still stands that I do not trust you," He scowled slightly with narrowed eyes, "And highly tempted to do something that would have the League on my ass for your part in what happened to my god daughter. I won't for the sake of peace, but in the future, I cannot say the same."
"Is that a threat, Black?" Blaine asked with a gleam in his eye.
Sirius glared at him as Regulus growled lowly in his throat, "Threat? No, Blaine. No True member of House Black ever threatens, we promise."
Blaine's eyes narrowed at him as a Ninetales that must've been the Gym Leader's slipped out of the crowd of pokemon within the gym. A low growl and flames licked around its lithe form. Blaine spoke with a low crackling chuckle, "That, Black, almost scares me."