Blackthorn talks

Blaine nor the League were pleased with Ulric's knowledge of Vali's past in another world even if he'd figured it out on his own. Granted, it was their own fault for accidentally letting slip that two 'world travelers' outside of those dragged in by the Ultra Beasts existed. Thankfully, Vali couldn't be punished for it especially since Ulric was one of their own and trusted. Vali was more than a little angry that the League let slip about there being 'World Travelers' to begin with even if they'd kept quiet on who the duo were. As soon as Vali could, she informed Sirius and he immediately began to raise hell where he could especially since this would likely be a lead they could use in order to find whoever fucked with her first mission.

With a low groan, Blaine shut his pokegear and began rubbing his temples feeling the headaches building. A glass clinked onto the desk beside him and he grabbed it after setting his pokegear down. Ulric spoke as he downed the shot of whiskey, "Good news, bad news, or in-between?"

Savoring the burn in his throat, Blaine didn't speak for a moment as he set down the glass and let Ulric refill it. He looked at the amber liquid in the glass after Ulric finished, "Both. Black is pissed and raising all kinds of hell. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up discovering at least a few rats soon though I doubt they'll be the ones we actually need to be watching for."

"That's good, right?" Ulric asked earning a snort.

"Yes and no," Blaine shook his head, "Black when angry has no subtilty nor will he hesitate to use magic when it comes to ensuring those that made his Goddaughter, Daughter, hurt and bleed suffer for what they've done,"

Ulric winced at that, "We have members like that. They have something called the Gold Sickness," He peered at Blaine, "Anything else?"

"They've begun to figure things out about the machine," Blaine answered earning a curious look, "It's less than we could hope for, but it's something. They've found similar machines in the past, but they were more rudimentary. This one was more complete, it still shows us nothing as to what it truly wishes to do other than cause the pokemon to be riled up. Thankfully though, the effects seems to have faded now that it's been removed and the pokemon have gone back to normal,"

"That's a relief," Ulric sighed at that, "I was worried that I'd have to go fight Craggy,"

Blaine snorted at that, "No one wants to see that especially given the fact your injury still has yet to heal," Ulric gave Blaine an alarmed look, "Agatha has been snooping and that Dusknoir apparently was strong enough to make her Gengar grow even more powerful after devouring it."

"So you all know..." Ulric trailed off with a slightly pale and pinched look on his face.

"Aye," Blaine sighed deeply, "We won't say anything. For all that Kanto and Johto might be at odd sometimes, we do share lands with our peoples caring for one another," He felt bad for the younger man, "If young Lance is to be believed, they'll be joined together under one Champion soon,"

Ulric smiled sadly, "That boy's dream is one I would love to see even if only for a few moments, I just wish I'd..."

Blaine shook his head and gave Ulric a look, "Do not regret your actions, you prevented that beast from massacring not only Blackthorn, but many of the surrounding towns. You ensured it was dealt with," Ulric bowed his head, "I know it is difficult to not wish for different things, but you must remember that it is better this way. It is only due to your actions that day he is able to even see his dreams through."

"I know, Blaine," Ulric looked up, "I know this, but the burden he must bear is so big especially when his dreams are what he desires,"

"He will have Vali with him," Blaine reminded Ulric with a low chuckle, "She will be one of the youngest Masters and Elite Four among the world. With her at his side, Lance will be fine,"

Ulric smiled sadly, "Trusting the youth is something we all must do one day, huh?"

"Aye," Blaine replied with a slight grin, "And sometimes it turns into a cluster fuck, we can always laugh while helping them right their wrongs,"

Ulric shook his head, "I will do my best to help Lance while I can. With what time I have left, it is my duty."

Lance looked over at Vali as they sat on the edge of a hole in a cliff-side where some of the dragon-types tended to nest at times. She was staring out into the distance with a glazed eyes and her breathing had slowed enough that he was seriously wondering if she'd fallen asleep. He was a little concerned by the fact she was zoned out especially considering how breathtaking the area was. He spoke softly, "Vali."

Vali snapped out of whatever trance she'd fallen into after he'd called her name for the third time, "Sorry, Lance. Did I zone out?"

"Yeah, are you okay?" Lance asked as she shook her head lightly and reached up to rub her eyes.

Vali nodded after she'd rubbed her eyes, "I'm fine. Elrond had the others in a mental conference and they were pretty much all talking. I was just got caught up in what they were saying," She rubbed Eevee's ears gently, "They like it here though they're eager to find out what Blaine has planned next."

"Mental Conference?" Lance asked with a raised eyebrow, "Like all of your pokemon? Isn't that a difficult ability to learn?"

"Yeah, but Elrond learned it. He pushed himself to do it," Vali grinned brightly, "It's one of the reasons his psychic abilities are top-notch too. He doesn't neglect either side of his typing,"

"Wow," Lance was surprised about it though he had to ask, "Doesn't it get a bit...loud?"

Vali winced a bit, "It does at times especially when they're excited. Elrond pays attention though and can dim their mental voices to manageable levels. As time goes on, they've learned to do it themselves though which is helpful in preventing headaches though it doesn't always work."

Lance hadn't really paid much attention to psychic-types outside of the rare Alakazam or Hypno that found its way around him. As a result, a lot of what they could do went beyond his understanding unless it involved battling. None of them truly interested him though this might change things, he should think about getting a psychic-type if only for communication means and perhaps teleportation if it was capable. Lance had to say, "That's amazing."

"Sabrina said that we're definitely doing a lot better than most non-main psychic-type teams do," Vali shifted a bit and took out her camera, "We still have room to improve like always though,"

A chuckle left him, "The life of a trainer requires constant improvement," He watched her take pictures for a few moments before asking, "Eager to find out what Blaine is planning?"

"I have a feeling about what it is, but I am semi eager to a point," Vali set her camera down for a moment, "He's been plotting," She glanced at him, "My next pokemon is his main focus outside of increasing my teams strength. He wants to cover more bases," She gained a nervous smile, "A Magby is probably going to be the next addition,"

Lance blanched a bit at that. He remembered the devastation that one Magmar caused to the forest by Vermillion. Adding it into the millions of horror stories, he could only mutter, "Fuck."

"Magby will be fine," Vali told him, "Magmar are the difficult part," She shook her head, "It'll be so difficult when it reaches that level," It would take even more effort to ensure a Magby wouldn't rebel upon evolution than a Charmander, "I'm willing to put in the work just with any pokemon that comes into my care,"

"I would never doubt you when it comes to raising a pokemon, Vali," Lance assured her rather quickly with a shake of his head, "I just worry when it comes to a pokemon like the Magmar-line. Even a Magby is dangerous, it doesn't matter how sweet they are,"

"I know," Vali looked over him with a half-smile, "Trust me on that, Lance. Fire-type master-in-training, I've done my research on every pokemon I've heard of and I learn of especially when I want to catch one eventually,"

Of course Vali had, Lance had done the very same when it came to Dragon-type pokemon and even a few non-dragons that he wanted for his team. He smiled slightly in return, "I do trust you, but it's still a bit worrying. Promise me you'll try to be careful, it will make me worry a bit less."

A soft snort left her, "I am careful, Lance. I suppose I'll try to be a bit more careful."