Explanation (1)

That's what I meant to say... But isn't it annoying to you? I can walk on my own, you know?

"That WOULDN'T be the case if you HADN'T jumped off the building RIGHT when I've just put you down to the ground!"

[ After saving ■ from his multiple suicide attempts, the young man has to carry him like a sack of potatoes and walks all the way from the empty terrace to the buzzing road of the city. Just to stop him from jumping off the building like earlier. ]

There goes my only chance to go home...

[ ■ sighed heavily. They came too far from the previous location that he couldn't leave easily. Excluding jumping off the building, there is not much of an option for him to choose either. Whether he struggled to escape from Vaccine's hand, he couldn't even find a way to end his life in this vast open world. ]

Or is it tho...

[ If he can't do it himself, then let the nature of shenanigans do it for him.

■ looked at the constructed building across the street; he found a constructed wall that could crush him, a stack of metal piles hanging high up that could crush him, and an opened sewer lying near the edge of the sidewalk that he could fall into, ending him in a minute.

If he could at least go to one of those options right now–]

"Why don't you try to struggle like before?"

I know my limit.

[ The young man instantly met with an awkward stop. He pondered as to why he seemed to have annoyed ■ while passing by all the mentioned potential deaths before him.

The screams of people appeared upon the unfortunate events, yet each of them ended up without any casualties. Disappointed, ■ could only look at them slowly disappear to the horizon. As his chances have already ridden away.

As for ■, the reason why he is well-behaved now is because of the young man. He is a skilled and well-trained doctor. In front of a man in his 20s with a bit of experience in handling uncontrollable patients, ■ has already given up on his escape plans. ]

"That's what I thought. Don't even think about dying when I'm here."

[ The young man was well pleased with ■'s response which annoyed ■ quite a bit. Ignoring his unknown confidence, ■ examined the surroundings once again to grasp their whereabouts, but nothing came to mind. ]

Where are we, tho? This looks like an old European city...

"You don't know?! What kind of creator are you for not knowing where we–Huh?"

[ Caught off guard, the young man lost his balance forward but quickly stomped the ground with his leg, almost getting himself walking straight to the moving vehicle on the road. ]

" Phew — That was close."

Tch, [ ■ repeated his question once again, ] So where are we then?

"The capital of Scotland, Edinburgh."

[ The young man picked up the pace as soon as he met up with a newspaper kiosk by the side of the road. It's a small one compared to others, but the stand never misses today's news. He then put a penny on the desk and grabbed one of the brand-new newspapers. ]

Which year?


[ He awkwardly put his arms backwards to hand ■ the newspaper he just bought. It's a cheap, white-cast newspaper with a big title: The Scotschap and the years are under it. After seeing it, ■ flinched, then lowered his voice so the young man couldn't hear what he was about to say. ]

That would be 123 years across from mine...

"What did you just say?"

Nothing. Now, care to explain yourself, Vaccine?

[ ■ changed the topic toward the young man, who now we know as Vaccine. Just his mere existence is quite a mystery as to how he was there in the first place. Understanding the assignment, his beaming face became gloomy instantly. He stopped his walking once again. ]

"You really don't know, do you?"


[ Seeing the confusion in ■'s face, Vaccine shook his head. ]

"It was a few minutes ago..."

  1. original: The Scotsman, a Scottish compact newspaper and daily news website headquartered in Edinburgh.