A Storm

Seraphina was left breathless by what had just happened. She remained on the floor, attempting to calm her racing heart.

Her hand pressed against her chest as she took deep breaths, the crispy night enveloping her in silence. Immobilized by her pounding heart, she couldn't move an inch. It felt like her heartbeats were in a race of their own.

"Why is this happening… What just happened…?" Seraphina's hand instinctively went to her stomach, which churned with twists and turns.

She focused on her breathing, inhaling and exhaling slowly.

Gradually, the chaos inside the palace became audible. The palace bell rang, its echoes reverberating through the walls, and it finally dawned on her.

"Did someone announce a storm?" She raised her eyes from the floor and noticed the winds intensifying with each passing moment.

With an exasperated huff, she stood up, dusting off the mud from her once beautiful gown. She remembered the initial stares she received when entering the room.