Chapter 2 Part 8: Quaking Resolution 

Year 608

Margrave .VS. Superior

I laid the boy down slowly and encased him in a sphere of Clay and rock for protection. It is probably best to keep him close in case others lurk around. I see the man with a blade to this young boy's neck more clearly now.

In relatively bad shape, I see a glowing Tattoo on his chest where his cloak used to be. To my shock, I see the kingdom's engravings with three symbols above. This man is a Margrave Spirit Reather. It is a miracle they are not all dead already.

Even myself being a rank four Superior class. The gap in 3 and 4 is usually oceans apart. Regardless these three managed to hold off an upper three for hours by staying on the defensive, and I will not let their efforts and growth go to waste.

Even with him in this injured state, it is best to be on the safe side. I yell out to the man and ask if we call a truce and talk it over without anyone else getting hurt; maybe if we talk this out, we do not have to fight, I think to myself.

After all, he is among the kingdom's army with that symbol. You are part of the army, right? Im sure this is a – instantly cutting me by closing the distance between us both. He attempts to strike at me with a dagger in close range, and im able to easily create distance by separating the earth between both of us, and in an instant, I realized I was not his goal. It was the boy.

The Margrave rushes toward the sphere I placed him in at an incredible speed. It seemed as if he was in a rush against time and that is when it dawned on me that the sun was coming up soon, and his abilities were probably weakened during daytime.

He summons a dozen shadowy spikes out of the ground and tries to pierce the clay sphere that I encased the child in; I quickly stomp on the ground creating a fission reaction by running my spirit energy throughout the surrounding area and kicking the sphere into the air as well as creating seven other identical spheres dropping them all behind me.

Hey, you only got about ten minutes till day breaks, and it looks like you are running on fumes. You might be a strong individual, but – once again cutting me off, he attempts to speed past me by going translucent with his shadows.

Thankfully I have already seen through this parlor trick of his. No use in wasting energy on throwing attacks at him if they will just phase through; however, the second he attempts anything, he becomes very hittable.

I send a fist at him while summoning three clay pillar spikes from the ground all at him, and as expected, they phase through him, and he draws identical black pillar spikes out of the ground as if some type of metal liquid.

It is at this moment I slam my foot into the ground shooting us both up in the air 20 something feet up, and we were shined down by a beautiful sun rise burning his dark cloak away showing dark burn marks and an injured stomach as if he were sliced and pieced back together hap heartily.

He curse's at me, saying if he had more energy, he could destroy the whole area into a dark hellscape regardless of the sun. I curse at him, finally realizing he is Samueliz Jansen. He worked directly under the king during the war with the Bonzer Kingdom.

Rumor is that he was exiled, and attempts to put him to death after he killed dozens of prisoners failed when he escaped. I bark back at him that he is tired of killing prisoners, so now you picking on children? He scuffs at my remark, saying I have no idea what really happened and that boy is dangerous, along with the bounty that was placed on him. How could anyone turn down 5 million Rokis??

Regardless of the money involved, however vast it might be, you do not expect that to justify killing an exceptionally gifted child. How about we come to a truce or a standoff at the moment?

The sun is practically here, and medical aid is already being attended. The other two you gave a bad time. I will give you half the Roki, and we will both watch this boy. We will handle him immediately if he displays any signs of being this great evil you talked about. Sound good?

In the blink of an eye, he manages to carry onto the surface of a shadow and appear in front of me instantly. Mr. Samoht, I am a morale man, regardless of what you heard about me and my exile.

Not everything is bathed in truth. I will watch over the boy from a distance, and if he starts to show signs, I will handle it myself. Also, with this money, I can get a good bite of food worth something.

A faint blush graces the man's cheeks as he discreetly slips his hand into the depths of his Samohts pockets, retrieving a curious device - his Spirit Receiver. Skillfully navigating its buttons and infusing it with a trace of his personal Reath energy, a radiant blue luminescence emanates from the device. Samoht's dexterous fingers dance across its surface, coaxing forth a vibrant green brilliance.

In an instant, Jansen slowly evaporates into the shadows before disappearing, and no trace of him being in the area could be noticed.