Sean and Arthur, skilled operatives leading a dedicated team, embark on a mission to apprehend a notorious drug lord. However, when their operation takes an unexpected turn, their lives are tragically cut short. Miraculously, they awaken in a vibrant new world brimming with magic and Spirit energy, reborn as Toki and Articius. Retaining their memories from their previous lives, the duo sets off on an extraordinary journey to uncover the mysteries surrounding their past and the events that led to their demise.
Immersed in a realm of awe-inspiring wonder, Toki and Articius They encounter mythical creatures, encounter ancient prophecies, and discover the vast potential of Spirit energy. As they traverse this captivating world, they forge deep connections with allies who aid them in their quest for answers. With each step they take, Toki and Articius They push the boundaries of their newfound abilities, delving deeper into the enigmatic nature of Spirit energy. Along their transformative journey, they confront malevolent forces, unravel the secrets of their past, and ultimately seek to understand the truth behind the events that shattered their previous lives.
I've only read five chapters, but I'll leave this review before continuing. I'm often told that I'm easy to impress, but that's not true, it's just when something is good I like to say it. As an avid reader, I'd already like to thank the author for giving birth to this novel. From the outset, the concept is special (I don't want to spoil anything, but the synopsis says it all). The mix of points of view may seem rather confusing, but the author manages not to lose the reader. As for the universe, I'm still checking it out, but given how well the author describes things, I have nothing to worry about. The characters are rather likeable, I haven't really made friends with any of them yet, but they really do seem "human", which isn't easy to do. Grammar-wise, I'm not an English whiz, but for me it's impeccable. It's with great pleasure that I'm going to follow the adventure of this story. Well, I'll leave you to it. I still have chapters to read 😂👍
Loved reading the story so far. It has such a unique and fun story you don’t see on WebNovel often but that makes it more fun to dive in and read. There are endless mysteries and bread crumbs that author has been leaving throughout the story, and his use of 2 MCs is uncommon but done in such a great way we might see people copy this writing style in the future. Must read for anyone looking for a refreshing adventure story littered with mysterious and foreshadowing
Chapter 101 review point & Reader expectations This review comes just before this work goes contracted, and I want to take this opportunity to outline what readers on WebNovel can expect from this novel. If you've read the Snyp and checked the Tags, you'll have a good idea of what to expect when diving into this novel. For new readers, let me provide some additional information. My setup is rather unique. As a previous book author, I've decided to structure my chapters into actual chapters broken into multiple parts. Arcs are set up in chapters like those you would find in a book, but they're broken up with unique influx points to better serve WebNovel readers. I aim to strike a perfect balance between slice-of-life moments and action. If you come across any parts that you feel need more information or clarification, feel free to let me know. As a writer, I'm always striving to improve my work and craft. This novel will showcase readers' ability to handle multiple characters and the challenges they face. Death is always a factor, but it never happens just for the sake of it. One question that many readers have is about the presence of a harem in the novel. While I can't give too much away, I can promise that romance and love will be present and will play a role in the story. Lastly, I want to address the length of this novel. My current goal is for it to be around 700 chapters, equivalent to reading a 5-book story. The first book will conclude at around 150 chapters. If you have any more questions about my novel, please feel free to comment below and let me know.
Updated review I’m now on Chapter 18 of this Web-novel I’m going to use this as a way to give readers good expectations before jumping into the story if you decide to read it. First off thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the story first off and I love getting corrections and fixing grammar issues I miss from time to time. Second this is a long Novel that will span at least 500-600 Web Novel Chapters This is not a standard Web Novel format book. If you are expecting short sentences you might struggle. I space out every 2-3 sentences and 4 at most. 3rd I have many characters that are important with plenty of POV shifts early on. I like to take the story slow and methodical, nothing will ever be rushed. 4th there are a handful of plot twist that will shake the story to its core. So if you are reading and feel something was forgotten or put in for no reason. It matters Lastly my inspirations for this story is mushoku tensei/ Brandon Sander “ Steel Heart” and a handful of other works that led me down this path and you might see elements used to pay homage to them who inspired me
Amazing start to be honest. The details are perfect and you character depth is great. Furthermore I really like the premise the novel is set in. Hope to see more!
Reveal Spoiler
Reveal Spoiler
"Reborn in Spirit" is an enthralling fantasy adventure that will transport you to a mesmerizing world filled with magic and mystery. The author's skillful and immersive writing style brings the story to life, making it impossible to put down. With its captivating worldbuilding and engaging narrative, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking an exhilarating and enchanting escape.
Reveal Spoiler
Whoa, I am impressed! I undoubtedly found a gem. Though please refrain from script writing format and make it a novel format instead. All in all, I am deeply loving the book especially the first person narration and its story.
Just finished chapter 32 and wow, i’ shocked this story is free. i can visualize the fights so well and i have so many questions about how it ended?!? Author you better explain well in the follow ups!!
I like that each character has their own way of looking at things and that comes across in their viewpoint. However, the story often feels chaotic and disorganized, with viewpoints often shifting during the same chapter. The POV switches are loudly announced, but they each feel distinct. The buildup is very slow, taking around ten chapters to hit the inflection point. The first person perspective is refreshing but may not appeal to many readers. I think that splitting the chapters to more align with POV switches will greatly improve the reading quality, as will sharpening the fist few chapters.
Its an exciting start. The book keeps you intrigued with its unique concept and engaging writing style. Can't wait to read more! ..........
Diving into this narrative has been a delightful experience. It's unique from the typical WebNovel plots, adding an element of excitement. The author keeps putting hints, keeping the readers on their toes. The dual MC approach is rare but executed brilliantly here.
A very unique story compared to most of what’s on Webnovel. The author does a good job of doing mutiple POVs in first person. I believe this leads us to get more invested with the characters and make us understand their actions more. The author has a very stable release date which is rare for new authors, so I hope this hidden gem finally gets the attention it deserves.