Chapter 2 Part 11: Violet obstruction 

Amidst the dark and stormy night, the woman hovers her attention over to them, giving an eerily evil smile. "I've been waiting for you to deal with that small fry. I thought it would be an excellent warm-up for you." She chuckles sinisterly, her eyes glowing with an unsettling orange hue.

"Why is someone from the Lilac Tribe working with some ruffian Pirate?!? Also, no one has seen the Lilac people for over a dozen years since the last war ended. Why show up now?" I ask, trying to make sense of her unexpected presence.

"I'm just helping my dear friend Sam and his own issue. He needs money, and I'm repaying a debt. Anything else you asked is none of my concern, nor do I care about whatever a Lilac is. Once Sam is done with your brat, we will be on our way out," she says with a sassy tone, clearly trying to provoke a reaction.

Her words confuse me even more, but I suppress my emotions and retort, "Your friend is in for a world of pain. I've taken plenty of precautions in case something tries to hurt my family. Once I have you in shackles, you will answer to the Lord 3rd and account for your endless crimes."

A small smirk forms on her lips, and she replies, "Oh, Sam has never lost a fight. He's such a cute soul broken by the world. Personally, not my type, but he's never lost a fight, and he won't stop until he gets his revenge. This is simply... you're just getting me to talk and talk, aren't you? Sly dog. Thinking I'd spill my guts to you? Well, little lady, you're the one who loves to talk. Who am I to interrupt? I'll get all my answers when you're in jail, regardless."

Her eyes suddenly glow brighter as she puts one hand over her face, and her entire body starts to emit a harsh purple haze, lighting up the darkness around them. With a flourish, she pulls a violet orb from her chest and throws it into the sky. "You see, I've never been fancy with Spirit energy, but I'm very good at punching. However, it's no fun if I can't see your blood as I beat you into a pulp! So how about we get started now that we have some light?" she says, relishing the prospect of the impending battle.

As the light illuminates the scene, I get a better view of her. She has long light violet hair with two horns protruding from each side, burning with a black violet ember. Her eyes still glow brightly with unreadable symbols within, and she wears a small cloak that's dark black, a black purple bra set, and a small skin-type vest that stops right past her thighs. On her back is a sheathed sword with a blood-red grip handle.

Without any warning, she disappears from my sight and reappears in front of me, delivering a solid punch to my stomach. I stagger back but manage to regain my composure. "Not bad. You're like a speeding mantis!" I say, impressed by her speed.

"Go ahead and show me what you've got, girl," I challenge, preparing myself for the fight ahead.

She smiles profoundly and launches herself towards me, aiming for a punch to my midsection. This time, I'm more attuned and catch her fist, delivering a thunderous headbutt into her head, ringing the entire ground around us.

I see her stagger back, blood trickling down her head, but she doesn't seem deterred. Instead, she mimics my headbutt, smashing her head into mine, infused with spirit energy, leaving me dazed and off balance. She follows up with a punch, but I manage to slide on the sand to dodge it and kick her ankles, bringing her to a knee before thrusting my enchanted arm into her stomach and throwing her back.

Surprisingly, the damage from these blows isn't as heavy as it looks. She smirks and remarks, "Not bad! Let me try."

Before I can react, she takes a runner's stance, and in the blink of an eye, she strikes like a missile, landing a powerful knee to my chest, cracking my armor and stunning me. She follows up with a series of nonstop blows, forcing me to defend and retaliate with a fist aimed at her side.

She effortlessly catches my fist, shattering my water gauntlet, nearly crushing my hand. In desperation, I use my other arm to catch her off guard and slam her into the ground.

As I worry that I may have injured her, she laughs with blood escaping her mouth. "Worrying about your enemy while you are at death's door? How noble! Please don't make me fall for you before killing you," she taunts, seemingly unshaken by the fall.

"You haven't been going all out yet, have you?" she mocks. "How about you stop playing around before you lose an arm?"

Realizing the gravity of the situation, I take a deep breath to regain my focus. With a blistering smile, she charges at me once more, and I summon a blade of spirit energy. As she goes to deliver a series of punches, I take three steps forward, catching her off guard and performing a single slice-and-step motion to avoid her crashing into me. She slams into the ground, and as she goes to stab, she realizes her arm has been cut off, screaming in pain.

"I'm sorry, little one. You were right that I needed to get serious. Please surrender so I cause you no more harm," I say, trying to end the fight.

Her smile remains unwavering, and she responds, "It took you long enough to get serious! So now it will be more fun to go all out!"

In an instant, as if taking off a weighted vest, she releases a wave of energy that knocks out pirates and guards nearby. A swirling vortex of menacing purple energy surrounds her before becoming pinnacles around her. "Let's start the real fight now!" she declares, fully embracing the battle.