Chapter 3 – Shifting Winds 

The last thing I remember is the orb shifting from an earthy brown color to a vibrant rainbow shining endless color patterns. The lights mesmerized me and started to cause severe pain in my right eye.

It was a pain that I felt a lifetime ago, but I remember its burning sensation all the same. This was the burning I had before dying that night, where I got short glimpses of the future.

In shock at the sudden pain, I covered my eye and look up to find a rectangular piece of paper flying over my face, too stunned by the pain in my eye to do anything.

Within seconds I feel as if my entire body, from head to toe, is being taxed at everything inch of my body. As my entire body convulsions, I crash to the floor as if all my bones turned to dust.

Trying to pick myself up and gather to my feet is no use. My knees buckle at every attempt. My hearing has faded, and everything is a blur.

I see one of the clerics standing over me as he pulls out a scabbard dagger-like sword. He mutters something in disgust before I pass out.

Cleric: To think a thief would steal a holy artifact! Pulling the dagger from my concealed cloak, he goes to plunge the knife into Toki in a rage.

Kya: Dashing in with her, my identical scabbard dagger engulfed in flames and roaring anger, she screams out! What are you doing?!? He's just a kid!

Cleric: Back off, child. It matters not if he is a child or not. The penalty for stealing a holy relic is death and disgrace to his entire family.

"Holy Rebound" In an instant, Kya feels her entire body become weightless and is instantly slammed into the wall as if gravity has changed directions entirely.

Now for this boy. It seems he must have somehow stolen the Grande Jewel of King 2nd. This was an artifact passed down to the previous ruling King, which aided him during times of war and tough decisions. How a mere boy came into the possession of this is a mystery.

The only logical conclusion is he had his parents steal it, But nonetheless, thievery is all the same.

Moments before plunging my knife into the boy, a hand stops me cold in my tracks. A hand on my wrist stopping me from moving in any direction.

Lord 2nd: Now hold on real quick, Cleric, even if he is in possession of a stolen item that doesn't condemn him to death, much less offer you the right to wield the artifact yourself.

Go tend to the young lady and ensure she isn't hurt, and I will look after our little friend here.

Taking off the Talisman of the boy's face should be enough to wake him up slowly; I don't see any burns or injuries—just a bloody shin from hitting the ground so hard.

Opening the eye of the kid's right eye, even while passed out, it shined a bright blue and began making his hair shimmer white. It's no doubt that's the King's eye from back then.

He mentioned that the eye's nature is a bit distorted and confusing regarding its origins. Placing a hand over the boy's head and studying his spirit energy, I can easily discern the eye is connected to his soul.

He was born with this, and it probably became active by having his soul exposed in a deep manner. Doing such opens up every mystery the soul can hold.

While the kingdom has the clerics go around and study the kingdom's children for prodigies, they also do this to better understand everyone's powers and abilities. Should such an event occur that a special power like the King's eye is needed or a person should rebel against the kingdom, their weaknesses will be well documented.

However, in this situation, it is too early for people to know this boy has the eye of the King. Rumors will slowly flood, and he may even put his family at risk.

The boy slowly woke up and struggled to his feet. Here let me give you a hand. What is your name?

To-Toki ReLeaf Mr. "The young boy responds with a slow worried stutter."

That is a fine name. I do have to apologize for how rough that man was. It will be thoroughly reviewed another time. However, for right now, I will need to do some erasing.

Toki: Looking up at the man in confusion, I respond with, "What do you mean erase?

And in a flash of an eye, his fingers glow a bright gold, and he snaps his fingers. A bright light expanded from his fingers, engulfing the room and all the Clerics, including Kya.

A moment flashes, and I'm suddenly standing back with the orb in my hand.

My soul energy begins flooding into it once more, flashes an Earthy brown color, and then proceeds to dim and go back to its glossy clear color.

Still confused, the middle cleric man who had attacked me told me that the report was finished and I should expect a letter within the next year on the official results.

Finally being told that I am dismissed, I go to walk out and see Kya glimmering with a smile in the corner, waving slightly. As I walk out, I see the dark figure sitting in the far back with light eyes watching me.

I wonder if he had rewound time or if I had just daydreamed about that entire scenario just now.

I walked into the waiting lobby where Mom was passed out sleeping. I wake up her up and say I never want to meet them again, giving a sly groan proceeding us to head back home before noon arises.

On our way out, we see Arlo and his parents walking in. I give him a tired smile as he looks nervous.

Good luck in there. Just do your best and don't make them mad.

I can see by Arlo's face he has a handful of questions that he has no time to ask; I simply keep my composure and proceed to walk past Arlo with a smile.