Chapter 3 – Shifting Winds - 2

After finishing up the cleric's review, Kya hasn't stopped talking about how we both are nerds for already knowing so much information. She seems a lot more lively since first meeting her and even though she has her hot-head moments.

I can't help but feel sorrow for her and the pain she holds inside.

I still recall her diving in to save me from that cleric before the stranger rewound time. No one seemed to recall the event, and any injuries I had gotten were also gone.

So Kya, are you going to be watching the light show this year with us, or will you be leaving the village soon?

Kya: Light show? I don't see any fireworks displays set up anywhere.

Toki: Thinking to myself ( They have fireworks?? ) After giving her a speed run of what the whole event is, her eyes glow with excitement, and she says of course!

Kya: I wouldn't miss a light show of that magnitude, but doesn't that sound dangerous? Like, what if the barrier fails? Won't people get hurt?

Toki: Yea, that was an early fear of mine, but I assume it's never happened, so no one's worried about it before.

After a long day of reading and practicing new fighting methods, I bid Arlo and Kya a farewell and begin to head back home on what's now been around two months since Father has left.

He should be arriving at the Water villages before too long. I hope he is having more fun than me.

I start to feel the pouring of rain as I get to our house and decide to climb up on the roof to enjoy the light rain shower as it's been a blistering day of heat.

As I lay against the roof with my back to the sky, I see thousands of stars slowly showing up as the sun sets over the horizon.

I begin slowly dozing off and get suddenly awoken by the crash of hailing hitting the side of my head.

Gripping my hand over my head, trying to summon up comfort, I notice off in the distance a dark cloud spiraling towards the village from the same direction where the yearly storm blows.

I hear in the distance a loud clanking bell and a voice that echoes a message to remain indoors that an unexpected storm is coming.

Taking the hint that's my cue to get off the roof, I begin to climb down, making stone steps, and see in the distance a wind barrier being put right as the storm crashes into, darkening the entire area in pitch black clouds.

Curious, I look up, trying to see where the sound is coming from, but it's nearly impossible due to how pitch black the clouds make everything.

Thinking to myself I would need to learn elemental fire just for light once in a while. Maybe I can work on different colored flames if I add different minerals.

As I distract myself in further thoughts, the crackling sound turns into a glass-shattering roar and becomes visible maybe 10 feet in the air. A giant hole was punched into the wind barrier, with a round sphere breaking through it, more like an egg-shaped rock encasing a blurry object.

Trying to get a better look as the dark clouds invade the city's inner walls. Due to breaking the barrier, I quickly see it sealed back up, but the object traveling faster than anyone could catch begins descending upon my location!

I notice just in time to throw up a stone/rock wall. Which is mostly mud as I rushed to throw anything together.

The hurdling sphere crashed into the wall I created, sending debris and mud flying everywhere, piercing right through the wall, creating a cavitary in its place.

I go to angle myself out of the way, but as if it was honed in on me, the sphere shifted its directional pattern slamming right into my gut and sending me flying back into the trunk of a tree.

Fading out, I hear a soft whisper and a soft paw tap along my head.

Arthur? Is that you?? Why are you so little?