Chapter 3 – Crushing Epidemic – 2

Distant Lands

*Six Months Ago, *

Unknown POV:

?: Sitting upon my throne cloaked in a red robe with a hand over my chin. I summon Kizuki 2nd to my presence.

?: "Kizuki, I hope your report yields promising results Kizuki. Escaping this accursed land has been held off long enough."

Kizuki: "Yes, Master, we studied the outlier of the barrier that's been up for the last 800 years since our betrayal and banishment to this land.

However, it seems the chances of the barrier opening are unlikely, and no one is of proper power."

?: "Then why have you even mentioned this "crack" if it's useless?"

Kizuki: "While we can't fit through the barrier because of our cursed seal along with our immense power. Any attempt to leave would be futile."

However, if we acquire enough soul energy from non-cursed users, we should be able to break the barrier and re-take our place on top of the world."

? I get it; you plan to send out the newer immortals born in this land as they are weak enough to pass through the barrier's crack. But that doesn't explain how the crack even formed in the first place.

Old Yamato was never one to bluff, and before tricking me and trapping me on this forsaken continent, he said even if he died, there was no hope of breaking this barrier without him undoing it.

I didn't believe him, and he's been dead for over 600 years now. There must be another force at hand here. But for now, we will play our cards right now and send Kizuki (KO). He has only been alive for 30 years and his branding has restricted him from gaining any power over the years.

Kizuki: "Master, we could send slightly stronger forces out. "Why send the KO variant?

Master: He can go undetected longer with his shapeshifting, and while he isn't on our level of strength, I believe he will be able to hold his own for a while. His objective is to collect rare spirit energy, preferably from high-ranking users.

Above all else, I want to keep the information of this crack a secret as long as possible. This is our first opportunity in 800 years to exact revenge, "Slamming my fist on top of the metal table, leaving an indent, fully expressing the guilt, anger, and embarrassment for the last 800 years.


Lord Tooj POV:

*One Hour Prior*

Tooj: "Samuel and Duncan, Send a messenger to the King that we have identified 103 potential prospects for entrance into the capital school system.

Of those 103 prospects, five show promise to be future stakes into the royal kingdom, and one has been identified to be of high priority to protect."

Samuel: A short male, roughly 5" 8 but burly and stocky, filled with ginger hair from head to chin, snaps to attention and replies, "Yes sir, we will make haste with the letter and follow the pigeon enroute to ensure the letter is received.

"Duncan, directly beside Samuel, copies Duncan's movements, which is tall and skinny but has a confident composure to his attitude, both at 22 years of age and direct workers with the kingdom's guards as message carriers.

Both men hurry off, ensuring they are packed and ready to leave once the storm lifts, and Lord Tooj heads for the middle of the town to witness the Spirit Users constructing the barrier.

Lord, too: Good job, men and women, on this year's wind barrier. It's as solid and durable as the first year it was implemented under the 2nd King.

I thought to myself, what a fantastic feat to protect the outlands area from the Demon-infested continent. Though this barrier has stood for countless years, we never were able to determine why these strong winds strike every year.

The King thought the Demon's defiant cries to be set free from the barrier, and his incredible power shocked the weather into massive storms.

Staring up at the night sky, watching as the barrier is struck hundreds of times with these wind slashes repeatedly. Every year the storm increases in power, causing the number of Spirit users to increase. It's a slight power increase, but in the next couple of years, we will need multiple wind users working together to maintain it.

As I slowly stare off into the night sky, I get a smell of blood and a rustic smell of disgust.

Thinking to myself maybe someone in the markets had gotten into a bar fight, or at worse, some idiot gashed open his head trying to celebrate.

These worries quickly accelerated once the first earthquake hit the ground, shaking everyone to their knees.

Maintaining my composure easily by balancing my spirit energy, I started to run toward to feeling of the quakes that were farther out of the town and towards the residential area.

Before I can get any further, the shock and anguish slowly sinks in as I find bodies littered along the dirt road, and as I go to inspect one, I see one of the Clerics walking up the road.

Lord Tooj: " Hey, Cleric, what are you doing here? You are supposed to be at the edge of the town as we prepare for departure tomorrow!

Did you see who murdered these men? And why haven't you called for help? "

Cleric: "Lord Tooj, It's good to see you again and not messing up the flow of time. Now that you can't escape this death zone, I can collect your body for testing!"

Lord Tooj: "You're the Cleric that almost stabbed that boy aren't you? What's going on with you? Your loyalty is to the kingdom and the king's will! Surender yourself and come quietly for questioning."

Cleric: "I don't think you understand your predicament here!" Raising his fist toward the sky, revealing a crimson-red fist covered with short thorns, smashing it into the ground and creating another massive quake, causing a ripple effect throughout the entire area.

The entire wind barrier shatters in a million pieces striking the land with wind blades striking in every direction.

Rising his hands into the air as one of the wind slashes slammed directly into him, passing him as if he wasn't there coming to within inches of me.

I catch it and repel the wind blast by countering it with an equal force of spirit energy.

He finally throws off his Cleric robe to reveal a new face branded with a cursing mark that burns a hot Orange along his red-scaled flesh.