Chapter 15 – Surpising Death -Part 8

Standing over the Demon General with a fist through his chest, his blood forming a large pool, Damien states, "Monsters such as yourself don't belong in this world. Locked away or free!"

Azgar chuckles, grappling onto Damien's arm, dropping his other hand into the pool of blood beneath them, pulling out a hiltless blade, and attempting to slice through his forearm to split it in half.

Once again, black flames coil around his blade as he smirks and says, "You might have found a new trick, but it is nothing in the face of my strength!"

Demonic Explosion!

The fog fades, replaced by the scent of sulfur and the metallic tang of burnt blood. Damien remains unscathed, shocking the Demon General, who exclaims, "This isn't right! My blood should be poisoning you and weakening your body!"