Chapter 15 – Panther's Emergence -Part 7

Azgar spread his arms out, summoning a geyser of blood around him. He took the shattered blade, slit his own wrist, and allowed his blood to flow inside the motion of blood surrounding him before dropping the sword inside.

"Thank you all for confirming my thoughts," Azgar spoke as his arms dropped to his side.

"You will all fade away. I have graded you all and deemed you unworthy of being part of the King's new Kingdom!"

"Thanks for the denial, but none of us would take the offer anyways," I stated as blood and sweat dripped from my forehead, mixing with my blood-soaked hair that slowly started to blend into red.

Giving no response, Azgar clapped his hands together. My vision distorted, my balance shook, and he claimed it was already over. Blood began to leak from my ears. Sarina's eyes faded away slowly, her scales faded, her sharpened claws retracted, and she stumbled, dropping to a knee as the pool of blood reached her, slowly consuming her.