Chapter 15 – 2nd Demon General - Part 6


Toki's vision blurred as the Demon's grip tightened around his neck, his throat constricting under the pressure. Blood trickled from the corners of his mouth, mixing with the sweat and grime on his battered face. The pain from his wounds seemed distant compared to the suffocating grip of the Demon.

Sarina's heart pounded as she watched the harrowing scene unfold. Despite her own injuries, she mustered every ounce of strength and courage, pushing herself off the ground. Her body ached, but her determination burned brighter. She had already lost so much; she wouldn't let Toki become another casualty.

With a surge of energy, Sarina charged forward, her movements fueled by desperation. She raised her own blade, the weight of it familiar and comforting in her hands. The Demon's attention flickered to her for a split second, its grip on Toki momentarily loosening. In that fleeting moment, Toki gasped for air, his lungs greedily inhaling precious oxygen.