Chapter 14 - Bloody Snow

The square's atmosphere was thick with tension and disbelief. Snowflakes danced lazily, making their descent to the earth, oblivious to the drama that had unfolded. The silent crowd bore witness to the captain's unchecked power and the true nature of the threats plaguing their village.

Articius felt a bitter chill, one that wasn't solely from the winter's embrace. The mark on the captain's wrist and the old man's brave confrontation played repeatedly in his mind. The cult's influence was evident, but their exact objectives remained shrouded in mystery.

In the midst of this overwhelming tension, the pink-haired girl struggled to her knees. Ragged breaths made the frosty air quiver around her, and wearied eyes, cloudy from prolonged torture, gazed out defiantly. Yet, even in her weakened state, an indomitable spirit shone through. She locked eyes with Articius, the depths of her gaze communicating a silent plea.