Chapter 12 – Finale

Draven walked into the inn and saw a group of workers repairing the building's walls and cracked floors.

"What is going on here?" he asked one of the workers. They grudgingly pointed to Arion Stoneheart, who was sitting in a chair, half-asleep and covered in blood.

Throwing a hand over his face, he walked over to Arion and asked, "Okay, what happened, and why are you covered in blood?"

Arion gave a small chuckle.

"It's not my blood. I fought a couple of Lacerus Spiders a few miles from the village. The damage here was caused by Lord Tooj's brat and the crazy brat you've been playing dad to."

"I'm not playing his dad. I just don't want him going down the wrong path, is all. I'm sure with enough guidance, he will be fine."

"I'm sure Lord Tooj covered the bill, but I'm more surprised you two didn't get into another fight. I've heard from other captains that you two go way back."