Chapter 1- Part 4

Later that afternoon, Elizabeth approached Arthur and excitedly offered him some prototypes of the bombs she had been working on. Filled with enthusiasm, Arthur had no choice but to accept one, while Elizabeth kept the other.

The bombs were relatively small, about half the size of a standard M67 grenade. Although they packed a punch, Arthur had no intention of using them to blow up an entire building. He planned to use them for safe demolition at a later time.

He couldn't help but wonder how Elizabeth had made such a breakthrough in her research. Her obsession with explosives was evident, and Arthur found it intriguing.

The perspective then shifts to Emma. She is busy preparing her evening gear and decides to head to the store to buy some steaks for dinner with Sean. Her plan is to have a pleasant evening, enjoying the meal together while watching anime.

At the store, Emma's excitement diminishes when she realizes that most of the steaks are nearing their expiration date. Nevertheless, she selects one that will last until the following day. Emma convinces herself that it's not a big deal since she plans to cook the steaks that night. She also decides that some potatoes would be a good addition to the meal.

After completing her shopping, Emma proceeds to the checkout counter. She exchanges pleasantries with the cashier and wishes him a good night. As she starts walking out of the store, a sudden collision with a random person knocks both of them to the ground.

The impact leaves Emma and the stranger dazed and confused, their heads throbbing with pain. Emma's sides ache from the fall, and she instinctively scolds the person for their carelessness. However, she quickly realizes that she is running late and needs to meet up with her group in twenty minutes.

With a hint of disappointment, Emma decides to assist the stranger who had collided with her. The woman, noticeably shorter than Emma, stands before her with vibrant purple hair cascading around her face.

She wears a black hoodie, and a black mask adorned with an unconventional pink flower design conceals her features. Brandishing a crescent moon tattoo also her neck

Their eyes briefly meet, a fleeting moment of connection, before panic fills the stranger's gaze, and she hurriedly flees the scene.

Emma calls out for her to wait, a sense of concern in her voice, but she swiftly realizes that she does not have the luxury of time. She needs to catch up with her group, leaving the encounter behind as she hurries on her way.

Intrigued by the stranger's striking appearance, Emma bends down to collect the items that were dropped, driven by a genuine desire to return them and perhaps compliment the woman on her stunning hair.

As she retrieves the scattered objects, she discovers a collection of empty bottles, an empty flask, and a broken vial lying next to two intact ones.

Curiosity piqued, Emma carefully examines the broken vial, only to be assaulted by a putrid odor that emanates from its shattered remains.

Evidently, its contents have lost their potency. Swiftly recognizing the intact vials as potentially some form of perfume or fragrance, she secures them, surmising they may hold significance.

Gathering all the items in her possession, Emma hastens back to her apartment, determined to drop them off before continuing on her way. The need for efficiency drives her, ensuring that she leaves no trace of the encounter behind as she promptly resumes her path.

Once Emma has gathered all her equipment and gear, she leaves her apartment around 6:30 PM and arrives at the loading site, which is about an hour away from the safe house where they will conduct their raid. On her way, she passes by the Calumet River and admires its beauty during the sunset.

Upon entering a rusty building that appears to be a potential hideout for gang members, Emma swiftly changes into her standard gear. She contemplates dyeing her hair primarily black to blend in better, but she hears inner complaints urging her to embrace the vibrant color she currently has.

She acknowledges that her vivid hair might not be ideal for stealthy operations but dismisses it, believing it hasn't hindered her performance thus far. Emma contemplates letting her hair grow out and experimenting with a shade of purple inspired by the stranger's brilliant purple hair.

Suddenly, Sean and Arthur enter the room, inquiring if everyone is ready. Emma notices Elizabeth's absence and assumes she must be running late as usual. Regardless, they proceed to strap on their gear. Emma equips herself with the standard pistol, M16A4, featuring a cute extended stock adorned with cat stickers.

She also carries a short 4-inch blade, suitable for cutting ropes, vines, and potentially encountering snakes. As Emma checks her gear, she realizes that she still has the two purple perfume vials in her side pouch but doesn't have time to put them away properly. She decides to leave them there for the time being and joins Sean and Arthur outside.

Curiosity piqued, Sean asks Emma about the vials. She explains that she accidentally brought them along, believing they were perfume. She acquired them while collecting the stranger's belongings after their collision. Sean comments on the beautiful shade of purple in the vials. In response, Emma hastily asks if he wishes she had purple hair.

Sean reassures her that he doesn't mind her current hair color; in fact, he finds it unique and easy to spot her in a crowd due to its vibrancy. He chuckles, but Emma doesn't share the same sense of humor, simply stomping off in response. Sean shrugs it off, realizing it's time to get started and head out. He turns to Arthur and Desmond, confirming their readiness.

Both Arthur and Desmond assure him that they are prepared, wearing their tactical gear and carrying all the necessary equipment.

Desmond wears a key around his neck, along with his standard tactical gear. The key holds sentimental value and serves as a personal memento for him. In addition to the key, Desmond carries a long 8-inch blade as part of his standard equipment, which proves useful for various tasks, including cutting through dense vegetation they may encounter. Similarly, Arthur, like Sean, carries his own standard knife, ensuring preparedness for any close-quarters situations that may arise.

With everyone accounted for and geared up, the group stands on the cusp of their mission, ready to embark on the upcoming raid.