Chapter 13 - The Beautiful Lord - Part 7

Chapter 13 – Panic - Part 7


As the Demon Continent began ripping its place from the earth and started its lurching venture toward the southern coastline, many men began to panic and scream out, "But that barrier hasn't fallen!"


"How are so many getting out?" a Spirit Reather shouts.


The 4th and 5th Lords began to calm everyone down and state that these creatures are weaker than they look. "Our reports show the Demon General can only come out at half of his power! Everyone, ready the line and prepare to attack."


Lord Shozi and Lord Raiden stood beside each other, deciding on the best course of action. "We can take the fight to the Demons on the frozen water or wait for them to come here."


"I believe it's best if we have a two-pronged approach," Lord Raiden states. "We can rain down support attacks as they get closer."