Chapter 4 - Thundurus Girl - Part 9

As Rustifard and I began to head off, the young lady sneered and loudly called us out for being "pathetic lap dogs to the kingdom."

Rustifard's face scrunched with visible anger as he spun back around, yelling at the girl to watch her tongue. He insisted that she should be thankful for the kingdom's protection and the hard work put into keeping the continent safe.

"Oh please, everyone knows the kingdom uses the outbreak of monsters as tools to create a population of citizens who can't control spirit energy as well as others," the young lady retorted.

Rustifard snapped back, "Listen, child, I could go on all day about how the slave system only involves jailed users or people who have committed extreme acts of criminal activity. So go ahead and take your naivety about the world elsewhere and bother someone else.

I've entertained you enough by apologizing to the poor man who started the conflict, but your disrespect is testing my patience. I've dealt with enough for one trip."