Chapter 11 - New Looks - Part 6

As Emilia slumps against the wall, I sense her thoughts turning dark, wondering what fate awaits her once the Demons are released.

"I fear you will most likely be killed by a demon," I tell her, "but I can try to put in a good word for your protection."

She gives a slight laugh and replies, "So, I'll be your slave then?"

"Well, no, but I suppose one could view it that way," I respond.

Emilia seems resolute, stating, "I don't care at the end of the day. I've tried my best in this new life, only to be burned, tortured, and lost repeatedly. Even before all of this, everyone I've loved has died."

As she continues her tirade, I listen but find myself about to interject when she keeps speaking.

"Even if I have to die, I don't mind assisting you with watching this world burn," she says firmly.

Finally, I break my silence, remarking, "Human nature sure is odd, with so many different ideals on the spectrum."