Chapter 16 – A Halting Conclusion - Part 6

A haunting voice encircled King Licht, whose gratitude for the years of unwavering support swirled through the air, but it was tempered with a sorrowful acknowledgment that this moment was not the triumphant climax they had strived for. The voice, soft and ethereal, resonated with pain and concern.

"It's okay," he reassured, his voice carrying the weight of a lifetime of blessings. "I have walked a long path, thanks to your benevolence. But now, it is time to pave the way for a new generation and obliterate the obstacle hindering progress."

With determination, he continued, "I release you from my being and earnestly implore you to watch over the forthcoming generation."

The voice, a whisper in the fabric of existence, pleaded once more, "I may return to my seclusion, unable to make assurances."

Without hesitation, he responded, "Fear not. I have faith that those who follow will discover you, just as I did in my hour of need."