Chapter 16 - Spirit Tamu - Part 5

"Well, that should take care of that," Articius said, relief mingling with exhaustion.

"I'm surprised you were able to handle the Demon at all," Sean remarked, wiping sweat from his brow.

"Thanks, but please tend to—Oh, I see Lily is already on it," Articius noted, his gaze directed toward their healer, who worked diligently to mend their wounds.

In the distance, Colbian's form began to reform, his body rising from the abyss, a ghastly resurrection of dark power.

"Stand back, Articius. We will take it from here," a voice from the group urged, oozing with resolve.

Articius nodded in acknowledgment, his body trembling with fatigue.

"No worries, master," he replied, surrendering control of the battlefield.

"This fight is long over with," he added, his voice carrying the weight of a battle-worn warrior.